Verizon VA Info

Be still, my beating heart. Orange conduit is going into the ground only a mile or so from my house. Maybe we're down to a year or 2!

FIOS has been available to our house for a year or so but I have resisted because I really like my E* service and before this years' price increase & the Virginia 5% sales tax were added, E* gave you more HD for le$$. In addition, I really like the Sirius channels, I enjoy the VOOM package and I am wowed by the 622. I also have Earthlink DSL (Earthlink is not available via FIOS).

My daughter & son-in-law live in Springfield, VA and have had FIOS for several months now. The first month was a bit troublesome - but after that the internet service has been outstanding. They have 4 kids and as many computers, so they got the 15 Mbs package (?). I did a speed test to Verizon's Vienna, VA CO and with all 4 computers active, it still ran 13.25 MBS!!!!! And the reliability is now rock solid. Awesome internet. Period. Nothing like it anywhere else.

Their TV needs some major work however. To begin with, the PQ is outstanding. Like their internet service, nothing can beat it - period. There is a whole lot more to FIOS' architecture than FTTH - Verizon does understand the concept of network (the total package) - and their technical excellence is simply unparalleled. FIOS has to be seen on a quality receiver to be fully appreciated - awesome PQ. That said, the rest is lacking - the service is not cheap, the channel selection is still fairly limited (especially the HD), no VOOM, no SIRIUS music, etc. The DVR is very, very weak: 1) No OTA tuner w/record capability, 2) very small HD (remember the high PQ is driven by high bit rates), 3) no external storage has been announced to be in the offing, and 4) a very poor program guide. In short, the 622 just blows it out of the water!

My committment to E* runs out in a few months and the recent price increase really irks me. I certainly will take a fresh, hard look at my options in a few months.

Just my 2 cents.

Time from Conduit installation to available service

Can anyone fathom a guess on how long it takes to get the service once they install the fiber conduit in front of the house? Last weekend the contractor installed the fiber conduit in front of my house for FIOS. The remaining steps are to pull the fiber through the conduit, connect the fiber, then notify me that the service is available. Any idea how long those steps take? I can't wait to dump Comcast.
Can anyone fathom a guess on how long it takes to get the service once they install the fiber conduit in front of the house? Last weekend the contractor installed the fiber conduit in front of my house for FIOS. The remaining steps are to pull the fiber through the conduit, connect the fiber, then notify me that the service is available. Any idea how long those steps take? I can't wait to dump Comcast.

About 4-6 months. Keep the faith and continue to check as they don't send anything out telling people that it is available, at least they did not in my case.

Oh, it also depends on how far you are in the neighborhood. They usually complete an entire neighborhood before that make it available to anyone.

Thank you. I have no intentions of getting Fios video service, at least not until they have a DVR at least as good as the ViP622, and as much HD as Dish. I want them for the internet service. I have Cox cable, you see........

Thank you. I have no intentions of getting Fios video service, at least not until they have a DVR at least as good as the ViP622, and as much HD as Dish. I want them for the internet service. I have Cox cable, you see........

Same timeframe for Internet. I can tell you that with the exception of the problems that I have had with the ActionTec modem/router VZ provided (actually the software load they use) I have been very pleased with the service. I do have the occasional router lockup but a simple reboot fixes the problem in a minute (sure glad that I didn't put it in the attic ;) ).

I upgraded to the 15 meg plan. I did have to make some modifications to my PC's to get that speed, but I seldom get less than 13meg now.

I do wish that they offered static IP addresses so that I could rid myself of a pesky hosting provider for my web and database site, but they explicitly state in their EUL that hosting is not allowed in a home based plan. Of course, all of the ISP's delivering broadband now do the same. It does make setting up dedicated VPN's challenging.

Good luck to you!

Thank you. I have no intentions of getting Fios video service, at least not until they have a DVR at least as good as the ViP622, and as much HD as Dish. I want them for the internet service. I have Cox cable, you see........

NAVYCHOP: "I have Cox cable, you see" Simply says it all!! My daughter and her family live in Springfield - the Cox cable internet service was just terrible. It died seemingly every other minute!!! And Cox is expen$ive! They just couldn't wait to unload that dog!

Old VZ missed their first installation appointment and showed up a week later (they got the total package - TV, internet & phone). It took about a month thereafter for the service and equipment to settle down. My daughter's family has 4 computers and she reasoned she would want the 15/2 internet service. I ran VZ's speed test one evening when all the TVs and computers were in use - it read 13.25 Mbs! Their internet service is just amazing!

Verizon closes the deal with LIN TV

LIN TV Corp. (NYSE: TVL) today announced that it has reached an agreement with Verizon for retransmission services of its broadcast stations through Verizon's FiOS TV to consumers in LIN TV's markets, providing greater choice for subscription television and on-demand programming via Verizon's all-digital, fiber-optic network.
The agreement grants Verizon the right to LIN TV's locally produced content, including market-leading local newscasts, for Video on Demand (VOD) and to carry both the analog and HDTV signals of all the LIN stations in markets where Verizon provides FiOS TV service. WAVY-TV NBC 10 and WVBT-TV FOX Channel 43, both serving the Norfolk, Virginia, market will be the first of LIN TV's stations to air on Verizon's FiOS TV.
Verizon closes the deal with LIN TV

LIN TV Corp. (NYSE: TVL) today announced that it has reached an agreement with Verizon for retransmission services of its broadcast stations through Verizon's FiOS TV to consumers in LIN TV's markets, providing greater choice for subscription television and on-demand programming via Verizon's all-digital, fiber-optic network.
The agreement grants Verizon the right to LIN TV's locally produced content, including market-leading local newscasts, for Video on Demand (VOD) and to carry both the analog and HDTV signals of all the LIN stations in markets where Verizon provides FiOS TV service. WAVY-TV NBC 10 and WVBT-TV FOX Channel 43, both serving the Norfolk, Virginia, market will be the first of LIN TV's stations to air on Verizon's FiOS TV.
That's good news for the folks in the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area. Hopefully more folks will be FiOS elligible, and get rid of their HD-Little/HD-Lite satellite subscriptions. Anyway, it looks like LIN has 31 television stations nationwide so this should be a welcomed addition to the FiOS TV lineup.
Verizon closes the deal with LIN TV

LIN TV Corp. (NYSE: TVL) today announced that it has reached an agreement with Verizon for retransmission services of its broadcast stations through Verizon's FiOS TV to consumers in LIN TV's markets, providing greater choice for subscription television and on-demand programming via Verizon's all-digital, fiber-optic network.
The agreement grants Verizon the right to LIN TV's locally produced content, including market-leading local newscasts, for Video on Demand (VOD) and to carry both the analog and HDTV signals of all the LIN stations in markets where Verizon provides FiOS TV service. WAVY-TV NBC 10 and WVBT-TV FOX Channel 43, both serving the Norfolk, Virginia, market will be the first of LIN TV's stations to air on Verizon's FiOS TV.

You mean to tell me that Verizon Fios service is going to give its custumers all the local channels in HD here in Newport News, VA area too? Wow, they bet Cox in getting the local channels. I have been waiting for three years for Cox to get all the locals in HD. I might have to be switching as soon as I can.
Oh Joy of Joys!

I just got back from the Home Show. There, I met a lady who is a project manager for Verizon, re' Fios. She says they are working on Braddock now, and coming my way! Monday, she's promised to call me with info and some kind of estimate as to when they might be in my area (I'm two blocks off of Braddock). I'm hoping it will be less than a year away. Be nice to get off of cable internet service.

I'll try to remember to ask her about Manassas, but that's not her area so she may not know.
I found out that Stafford was asking for too many freebies, so we may never get It until Stafford Get their act together. At this time, because of this there is no negotiations going on.
Well, it's the end of the day, the day AFTER she promised to call, and no call. I should have known, but I wanted to trust her. Must've transferred from Cox to Verizon.
I found out that Stafford was asking for too many freebies, so we may never get It until Stafford Get their act together. At this time, because of this there is no negotiations going on.
The LFAs can no longer extort astronomic fees (it's now 5% in Virginia), make unreasonable demands unrelated to cable TV service, or drag their feet indefinitely thanks to cable franchise reform legislation that went into effect last year (July 1st). Additionally, the FCC just released an order, FCC-06-180, basically stating that cable incumbents, in conjunction with the LFAs, were creating barriers and fostering a hostile climate for new cable entrants. The LFAs will now have to approve or deny all applications within 90 days for those companies already having local rights-of-way (i.e. Verizon and other telcos).

Additionally, other than the initial service areas, all build-out requirements are pretty much history. Unfortunately for Stafford, Verizon Virginia Inc. currently has more business than they have workers and money to build-out their fiber-to-the-home infrastructure. They may have been moved to very low on Verizon's priority queue.

If you want to see the FCC admonish the colusive powers (cable and the local franchise bandits), then check out this's a very good read:

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