Verizon VA Info

Thanks riff.........I sent 'em an email. Texas is a big State & Dallas/Ft Worth is over 200 miles from me & their just measuring their fiber cable in feet right now......:(
I did read on that link that Westlake has (or will have FiOS) & thats on the west side of Austin, Texas.....

I wished some Dallas area folks would post their thoughts....

Calling on Virginians

This is worthwhile event for those of you in Virginia Beach/Norfolk area.:)


Several area groups are sponsoring a Town Hall Meeting on Thursday at Old Dominion University that features two Federal Communications Commission commissioners. This is a rare and wonderful opportunity to tell the FCC that you support competition in the cable television industry and you are hoping the FCC will take action quickly to encourage competition. The meeting is free and open to the public.

The FCC is currently considering whether it should change policies to encourage competition in the cable industry. Given that focus, we think this Town Hall meeting is an excellent opportunity for consumers to speak up and let the federal policy makers know that we all want and need competition. If you can find time to attend, please do. Please contact us at either if you would like some talking points to help you prepare written or oral comments.

C4CC and several of our members have already weighed in on the discussion before the FCC.

Visit our Web site to review some of the comments:

Details for the Town Hall

When: Thursday, March 30 at 7 p.m.
What: Town Hall meeting featuring FCC Commissioners Michael Copps and Jonathan Adelstein
Where: Old Dominion University, Mills Godwin Bldg. Room 102
Directions: Click here for a campus map or click here for a map of the surrounding area.
Fiber Optic lines Buried parallel to VRE manassas Line!

Riding the VRE from DC to Manassas yesterday I saw for the first time these orange poles marked every few feet or so. When the train stopped I was able to read them and they said WARNING FIBER OPTIC LINES BURIED!

They run parallel to the VRE tracks and are from Crystal City thru Old town Manassas. Does this mean that Manassas City is going to get Verizon FIOS TV soon?

I hope so! :hungry:
I did read on that link that Westlake has (or will have FiOS) & thats on the west side of Austin, Texas.....

Might be refrencing Westlake, TX not the Westlake part of Austin. Westlake is a town right by Keller where FiOs started.
Cable Franchise Agreements in the Commonwealth...

According the Spotsy, "Verizon is not interested in having conversations with our counsel until the new state legislation takes effect."

Verizon will continue to build its fiber network throughout the state during the next two months, and renew franchise discussions with various localities after the new law takes effect on 1 July. It's unfortunate the LFAs won't play by the new rules...
FIOS TV for Manassas Now said:
maybe a stupid question but does the PWC franchise apply to Manassas City? How long before the lines get installed in the streets?
Good question...a Local Franchise Authority (FLA) can be a town, township, city or county. For example, Verizon has franchise agreements with the County of Fairfax, Fairfax City and the Town of Herndon. The latter are both inside Fairfax County borders but have independent governments (tax, schools, voting, etc.). Although I have a Fredericksburg mailing address, I actually live in Spotsylvania County and am governed accordingly; Fredericksburg City does their own thing. My wife used to teach in Manassas Park...I believe both Manassas and Manassas Park will need to secure their own franchise agreement with Verizon, but I'm not sure. You will need to contact your local government for more information. There are more than 33,000 LFAs in the US. Talk about your barriers to market entry!!!

As far as when it's going to be could be later this year or it could be several more years. HB568 had build-out requirements which will go into effect only if the the LFA and the Cable Co cannot reach an agreement. However, you will have to get a hold of the franchise agreement for specific area build-out plans...and tune-in to Verizon Community news since they are free to bury fiber being they are a Title II Telecom.
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Hey i was hoping someone would beable to help me... I live in Ballston, Virginia in lincoln towers apartment building.... does anyone have information for this area on any fios news?
Verizon Obtains First Cable Franchise in Central Virginia

Full Story

112,000 Henrico County Households One Step Closer to Real Choice for Cable TV

Verizon Obtains First Cable Franchise in Central Virginia, Opening Door to Cable Competition, Consumer Choice and Value

RICHMOND, Va. - Henrico County residents are a major step closer to having more choice for their cable television services, thanks to the Board of Supervisors' vote last night (June 13) authorizing Verizon to offer its fiber-optic-powered FiOS TV here.

The county, with approximately 112,000 households, is the first central Virginia jurisdiction to award Verizon a cable franchise, and it joins a growing list of the state's communities that have granted franchises to Verizon. The jurisdictions include Arlington, Fairfax and Prince William counties, the cities of Falls Church and Fairfax, the towns of Herndon and Dumfries, and the Marine Corps Base at Quantico. These Virginia franchises cover more than 671,000 households with more than 1.8 million potential viewers.

Verizon, which launched FiOS TV last September in Keller, Texas, currently offers the service in parts of northern Virginia, California, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York and Texas. The company will announce its FiOS TV plans for Henrico County later this year.
Arlington County Board Greenlights Competititve Cable TV Service

It just keeps getting better and better for consumers...choice is good. For the record, the cable rhetoric is getting old already...PLEASE STOP!, because nobody is listening; local communities are receiving franchise fees, PEG, and a variety of other freebie. Plus, Verizon's FiOS has the backing of both the Virginia and Federal Congressional Black Caucus. Except for rural America, all people will be served based on population density and strategic business initiatives.

What are the facts?

  • More than 85% of the people I have personally met want additional cable TV choices.
  • The House recently overwhelmingly passed legislation (the Core Act of 2006), by a vote of 321-101, giving the telephone companies a national cable TV franchise.
  • The Core Act has already been endorsed by the While House and has strong support in the Senate.
  • State after State continues to reform their cable TV laws, in spite of proposed federal cable reform legislation, by an overwhelming majority (greater than 90% here in VA).

The Arlington County Board tonight approved an agreement with Verizon Virginia, Inc., to provide cable TV service in Arlington. Under the agreement, the County will receive five per cent of gross revenues for video services and an annual grant to support the County's institutional network and the public, educational and government channels in exchange for using rights-of-way along County streets.

"Arlington residents now will have a choice of cable television providers," said Christopher Zimmerman, Chairman of the Arlington County Board. "We think competition will improve cable television service throughout the County."
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Loudoun County

Board of Supervisors' Public Hearing 2006-06-14

Cable Competition heating up in Loudoun County...view minutes 41 through 62 of the above recorded video.

Note: Virginia cable reform legislation takes effect 1 July 2006...places quick timelines on the LFA franchise approval process, and places minimum build-out requirements for new entrants. Of course, this does not limit either party for entering into a more favorable agreement...just provides a default framework.
Loudoun County awards Verizon a cable franchise agreement...

I'm hearing that Loudoun County passed a motion, by a margin of 8-0-1, to grant Verizon a cable TV franchise this afternoon. Press release should be forthcoming.:)

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