Alright...I am back I will give you a quick run down right now and make it a better "review" over the weekend...also I will not be talking about my experience at verizon (which wasnt bad, I just want to talk about the phone, because if I start talking about the store then I will ramble on about how nice and hot the two girls were that waited on me)...
First Impressions: Wow, I mean really WOW.. This thing is really solid (it is one of the heaviest phones in recent memory that I have had) it is built out of metal except for the little "chin" that houses the antennas. The slider is not a assisted slider, but you actually have to push on it, again I like this, less parts to break, and I believe it will last longer over time as compared to a wheel assisted slider. The phone to me looks good, I have always liked the look of it, ESPECIALLY when you turn it on as mike said that screen is amazing...more on that later. There are not alot of buttons on the side that get in the way I feel the buttons are placed with purpose so they are triggered by accident. The keyboard while small is not a problem for me, I have medium sized hands and I have had no problems typing on it, but I do have one question here..why the two blank keys? really you couldnt put somehting there? or given us larger keys somewhere (cough cough space key). I turn the phone on and the start up time is fast compared to my storm, and a little faster then the touch pro running a mighty rom. Oh the screen is amazing. When starting to use the phone I notice the speed, coming form winmo and storm (both had bad memory) this things is amazing, my first thing was to look for (on this screen I could look all day) a way to control what programs are open, I have yet to find that, i guess they arent concerend with memory. The menus fly and I have yet to find any lag. I fired up the camera to see if I could hear clicks and have 4 red corners (no focus) and of course its there!! dang it, how did that get by quality control,( stopr right here for a second...I have been reading there is a software fix for this and it will be out within a month month and a half).
Next up was
Gps on this amazing screen

and I have to say, this is beta? wow this program is nice and I really love the view it gives you while driving, it automatically adjusts the zoom level and just looks really nice, it was easy to use and the voice commands work flawless ( out of 5 searches, some trying to trick it, it got all 5). Powered by google maps there will never be another reason to update my maps program. Next up call Quality and in that area its top notch, Voices sound clear and my wife could hear me fine (also spent 2 hours on the phone with various companies without a problem).
Email is next and it is instant if you have gmail accounts...I am setting up my satelliteguys email so I dont know how push is doing yet, I will update this later.
Battery life was good, not great as I went to one of our stores that is a VERY low cell signal area and it drains any battery fast, while there I used 30 % of my battery in one hour...but everywhere else I used 10% in the other 3-4 hours.
Web Browsing has already been covered by Mike, and he hit it right on the head, its like holding a mini computer..when flash comes to this phone (which should be early next year I think) I dont think I could ask for anything else. For me loaded in just over 3 seconds when connected to evdo..double tap to zoom, login and I am looking at the full page. While I would love to have the pinch feature that others (htc) have double tap worked for me when I needed it so far.
Music player I know people always want to compare them to the iphones, but to be honest, This is a nice player and gets me to where I want to be, It has album art work, and repeat options, what else could you ask for (yes it has shuffle and all that stuff, and while we are at it, do you really use coverflow a ton on your iphone other then to see how fast you can get album covers to go by?)
I am going to stop here for now, but as I said I will be adding more as I will get to play with this phone, if you guys have any questions please feel free to ask me..but as of right now, I have to say hands down this phone takes top honors in my book. its fast easy to use, and works! Oh and get the 12.99 privacy screen protector, it works...I dont have any touch problems and someone sitting next to me cant see my screen!