As I mentioned in the pub area, Dish feels MPEG4 is not ready, the receivers are but the encoders have a way to go. Dish wants to start putting MPEG4 hardware out there to new customers so they can avoid for having to upgrade them in 6 months.
This is a smart move on Dish Network's part.
As I mentioned a few months ago, Charlie had a few tricks up his sleeve, and this is just one of them.
Dish does not care about the tech freeks, it is not why they put this stuff up there. At the moment they are testing out the new uplink encoders and satellite which they have just took control of. Rome was not built in a day.
Good stuff IS coming. This I can say for sure.
Also one more word on "tech freaks" I find it great that we are able to get the info we get via these uplink reports, try doing a uplink report to changes at DirecTV.
Hang tight as I said before good stuff is on it's way.
And oh BTW since actual HD signals are being broadcast on all of these HD channels, I think it is safe to say that we can ignore the "must get MPEG4..." message seen on another site.

To me, getting a bunch of new HD channels fro mDish without having to upgrade all my HD equipment is a great holiday gift from Charlie.