UPDATED - New Dish Pricing Info!

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Well the only good thing about this price hike is that we can avoid the increases by downgrading programming and or dropping off excess more expensive dvrs off of your accounts. At least we have been forewarned in this thread about what to do . It will cause many to lose some great dvr receivers , but we will adjust .

I am sure that DISH will get a heck of a lot of calls to the billing department in the Month of February . Just imagine all the angry customers calling in : What the F*ck is this 17.00 equipment charge on my bill for!!!??? Remember most DISH subs don't read this web board, nor do they have any idea what is coming or how to understand the changes. So there will be a lot of confused angry subs . At least we have Scott G. to thank for giving all us Satguys a heads up so we can combat the changes the best we can. This is one price hike you can avoid if you do your homework here on this web board.

Now we know how Charlie is paying for Eastern Arc. These PRICE INCREASES! Also think of those that do not subscribe to locals and will now be charged for them. They get another $5 price increase! Think of all of those subscribers that are going to demand an upgrade of their satellite dish to get locals. I wonder if they will give a $5 credit for those that have no line of site to local channels? I guess those with the Welcome Package at $10 per month will now be forced to pay $15? No more $10 Welcome Package?
Downgrade and return my 622 is the plan if the speculation in the many threads on this topic comes true.

Is there any advantage to me buying a 211 (k) fee wise over leasing one? I will add the EHD back and use the 500 gb seagate drive I have laying around here someplace.
While reading through all this confusion I thought I would check my account, take a snap shot for future comparison and noticed that the order of my receivers has been changed.

It was:
722 Primary
625 Second (was going to upgrade to 722 in the Spring)
501 Third

Now it's"
625 Primary
501 Second
722 Third

Is this something that we should be concerned about in DISH manipulating things to garner a higher increase, or does it not matter?

If push comes to shove I'll dump HBO and Showtime and I have a ton of legacy gear lying around and will swap out the 501 for a 4000, since Grandpa has no idea what a DVR is.

Legacy receivers not an option. They are going all 8PSK so they are going to swap all of those legacy receivers out. You better activate those legacy receivers before they shut them all off because they will be door stops. Now we know how they are paying for the equipment swapout and EA.
I wouldnt be checking on alternatives if E wasnt planning on a 17 buck per box fee!!:(:(

So, Howlin' Haller, why don't you check into your alternatives and let us know where you (we) would be better off.
People will start complaining because they cannot get through to Dish Network and/or their representatives will be trained to get off the phone with them quicker due to how many people are going to be put on hold and/or they will have to hire more CSR's to handle the increased call volume which will equal even more unsatisfied customers because some of those CSR's will be outsourced if not all of them and some of these people's issues will NOT be resolved and people will find it simpler to just switch service providers.

Also, people will start disconnecting phone lines while others will not connect them when they put their systems in. If this results in more audits then more customers will get pissed and cancel.
Lots of people will cancel AEP and others will just drop Dish Network altogether or have to go from 522/625/722 to 612 that have their receivers setup in single user mode to save $7 on their monthly bill (actually only save $4 but prevent their bill from going up even HIGHER!!!!!)

This is so screwed up and the BIGGEST MISTAKE I have ever seen not only with Dish Network but any satellite company, no wait, ANY communications service. This is enough for me to switch to Directv now once my contract is up and this is EXACTLY why I thought about not having contract. I didn't sign one so can they prove it?
Here is what I think I have figured out from all the information posted pertaining to my account.

622 and 522 original pricing:
DUODVR Receiver $5.00
Dish Network DVR Service Fee $5.98
Dish Home Protection $5.00
HD & Platinum $10.00
Classic Gold 250 w/ Locals $62.99
Bundle Discount -$5.00
State/Local Taxes $1.65
Total $86.61

Updated pricing:
Classic Gold 250 includes locals $62.99 - no real change.
622 free
522 $17.00
DVR Fee $6.00
Dish Home Protection $5.00
Discount Bundle from Centurytel -$5.00 offsets the Home Protection fee.
HD & Platinum $10.00
State/Local Taxes $1.75 est
Total $97.74

An estimated increase of $11.13.

I repeatedly have ask Dish to add the mountain network. I would be willing to pan $5.00 more a month.
If the guess at pricing holds true I see Direct TV in our future.

I have had no contract with Dish for several years.
Here is a new wrinkle:

You say:
" I just got a great deal on a second HD TV for the bedroom. So, I'll get a 612 for $10 per month instead of paying $17 per month for a 622/722. "

Then, the installer arrives, and says:
" Well, we did not have any 612s in stock, because for some reason, there has been a big run on them recently. Here is a 722 with two outputs and a bigger hard drive! "

.... costing you $7 more per month...
Hey guys, for those looking to possibly switch to Direct, spend some time building on the website, for me the price is higher, and I dont have an intrest in going to them but wanted to see what the monthy would be after promo. Choice extra with Two HD DVR's and the 5.00 fee for the third SD TV and HD/HD plus pack over 100.00 dollars. I have the 722K and 612 I am looking at a bill over 80.00 I only have one Duo reciever, I can see for those who have more then one will be feeling the price increase
The DVR Service fee will no longer be included as part of the package for customers with AEP or Latino Everything Package.
Because of the new fee structure there is no TV2 credit for having your receiver hooked to a phoneline or broadband. However from what I am hearing you will want to have them hooked up.:)

Scott, I still never understand what I quoted above. I currently don't get a DVR Service fee with the AEP pack, so how is the DVR service no longer going to be included, since it isn't "currently included"? Are we calling the lack of a charge for a service to being "included"? I.e. if I had AEP, but I didn't have a DVR in my home my AEP cost would be less right now because the DVR portion of the AEP would be pulled out?

Also, I don't currently get a TV2 Credit for having my 622 connected to a phone line. I assume I don't have a credit for it since I don't have a charge for it, as it is hard to get a credit for something you don't get charged for.

The terminology being used really makes this more confusing that it needs to be. I also think it is important to describe things exactly as the consumer sees things, not how dish sees them. I.e. when they remove what they see as a credit, we actually see it as a new charge. There is a big difference there.
So, Howlin' Haller, why don't you check into your alternatives and let us know where you (we) would be better off.

FIOS REPS quoted me just over a 100 bucks a month recently for 15 meg internet, phone, and tv.

Thats about what I pay for E currently.......... Although I didnt get details, since I was happy with E

so laugh if you wish with howlin haller, but if this comes true charlie will wonder why he ever listened to whoever came up with this idea
FIOS REPS quoted me just over a 100 bucks a month recently for 15 meg internet, phone, and tv.

Thats about what I pay for E currently.......... Although I didnt get details, since I was happy with E

so laugh if you wish with howlin haller, but if this comes true charlie will wonder why he ever listened to whoever came up with this idea

Isn't FIOS getting price increases as well? I wish we had FIOS in our area...
Hey guys, for those looking to possibly switch to Direct, spend some time building on the website, for me the price is higher, and I dont have an intrest in going to them but wanted to see what the monthy would be after promo. Choice extra with Two HD DVR's and the 5.00 fee for the third SD TV and HD/HD plus pack over 100.00 dollars. I have the 722K and 612 I am looking at a bill over 80.00 I only have one Duo reciever, I can see for those who have more then one will be feeling the price increase

I started building at DIRECTV too, but all I get to see is the amount of the first months bill with the discounts. Where can you see how much it is gonna be when the discounts are up? Besides I went with the premier package and two HD DVR's, since I have a 722 and a 622 now, and the 2nd HD DVR there I would have to shed out $199 for starters just to get what I got now. I've been on their page before and built for comparison, but it used to show you better what you have to expect. This page is confusing and Dish Networks today is no better. Where did the package/channel comparison sheet go they used to have?
Also, I don't currently get a TV2 Credit for having my 622 connected to a phone line. I assume I don't have a credit for it since I don't have a charge for it, as it is hard to get a credit for something you don't get charged for.

Currently if you don't have your 622 hooked to a phone line or broadband then there is a $5 charge added to your bill for TV2. But if you have it hooked up then you don't see anything additional on your bill. :)
Just add $26 to the monthly bill for when the promo expires. Direct is giving a credit of $26 per month for 1 year.

That would put me at $112.98. It would be $34 less than now with AEP/Locals, Gold HD + Platinum HD and DHPP, ViP722 and ViP622. And after 02/01/2010 it would be $17 more a month with Dish. That can't be right.:confused:

Never mind, I found it. After a year it would run me $136.98 a month, same as I pay Dish now. But Dish is gonna be $17 more a month for me soon, but Direct will charge me $199 for the 2nd HD DVR. I will have to see if it's worth the hassle, besides, I got to mess with The DirectTV HD DVR recently and I do NOT like that thing at all.
I've looked at options too, but unless I get a huge jump in my bill I can't get a cheaper price than Dish. My only comparable option is to bundle from my cable company along with my internet, but my cable company doesn't carry DVRs or HD programming. $107 per month for a digital package and internet is not bad, but I'd need several Tivos for DVRs and no HD is a no go. Right now with Dish at $59 and cable broadband at $43 I'm gonna have to stay put.
There has to be something more to the pricing that Scott has not found out yet. I could be wrong, but I doubt that Dish really wants to screw over their best customers and risk losing them. By best customers I mean current AEP with multiple DVRs. Like for example is there still going to be a $10 charge for HD with AEP? If that fee was eliminated, like with "cable" they could advertize free HD.

One notices that there is not a difference in price between HD and SD receivers. This is to allow them to switch boxes when they switch to 8PSK next year on 110/119 and not have to tell people "you have to upgrade to get our new service, and you will now have to lease more expensive boxes". Plus the whole I bought my receiver and now you want to charge me more to lease one of yours while making mine a doorstop... This could point to HD included.

There is bound to be more to how this calculates out than what we have seen. Dish needs the high end customers far more than cheap ones. Yes, the receivers may cost a bit more but you have the whole dish/switch/install/overhead/etc that is the same between the cheapest and the most expensive customer. Dish probably sees $20 more in programming costs between AEP and Dish Family and charges $73 more per month. This is a margin they cannot give up. One AEP is probably more profit than 10-12 Dish Family customers.
Anyone want to help me?

I copied this from my bill.

Monthly Charges
Dec 27 - Jan 26
DuoDVR Receiver 5.00
HBO & Showtime 22.00
DISH Network DVR Service Fee 11.96
PBS Network 1.50
Classic Gold 250 With Locals 62.99
HD & Platinum 10.00
$ 113.45

It looks to me like I've been paying about $17 in DVR related fees already. Is my bill going up or are they just combinding the DuoDVR Receiver for $5.00 and the DISH Network DVR Service Fee $11.96 into one charge?
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32.0 Remote

Wireless Phone Jack - two base units?

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