Next month my 2 year contract is up, so I will be calling Dish again? If I change my plan and drop the locals after I agree to the new 2 year contract will this cancel my new deal?
No.Next month my 2 year contract is up, so I will be calling Dish again? If I change my plan and drop the locals after I agree to the new 2 year contract will this cancel my new deal?
Why would you write this when I already posted that I have done it with no change to the contract? This is not the first time I've changed packages under contract either. Also, I gave a link to the actual contract so you could read it for yourself. Just ask the CSR before you sign the contract and they will tell you the same.I think what they can get you is the first sentence as I am sure they allow upgrading but downgrading is something entirely different which means you pay less that the promotion you signed up for as I am sure they can always make you sign a new 2 year Promotion Agreement. So it would be better to see what's in the Promotional Agreement and Residential Customer Agreement as far as the actual written terms and conditions go as that part is what is legal and enforceable.
When I responded, I was looking at what was shown as an image in the post and not the actual contract itself. There is nothing wrong with telling anyone to read the actual contract for their own due diligence and being competent.Why would you write this when I already posted that I have done it with no change to the contract? This is not the first time I've changed packages under contract either. Also, I gave a link to the actual contract so you could read it for yourself. Just ask the CSR before you sign the contract and they will tell you the same.
Here is a link to all the 2 year price guarantee contracts. They will send you one of these to agree to when you enter into a new contract. Service Agreements | DISH
That won't matter any. Locals are a fix price add-on, not part of a package like they used to be. Just tell them you don't want them.OK, to be safe I may go ahead and cancel my locals and change my plan before contacting Dish. I was going to do this know matter what the deal will be.
In today's world, I would not even be trapped in a contract, corporations write them to favor themselves, not just Dish, all of them.I was reading all of the different agreements. Everyone has different prices. Why would you sign a contract for 2 years just to lock yourself into a contract that has you paying full price on the current package. Then you have a premier contract that has a nice discount for 2 years. If I was signing a contract I definitely wouldn't sign a full price deal try to get the best deal possible before you sign anything.
That is what YTTV has been doing, worked for them, since they are over 8 Million subscribers, this year, passed Dish with Sling subscriber numbers, became the #4 Provider, should pass DirecTV by the end of 2025, become #3.You would think in todays TV provider world where you can get access from so many different providers they would do away with contracts and let the quality of service and products they offer with a decent price that should be enough to keep the customers satisfied and that they stay loyal.
I know Charter does not require a contract for Broadband, but Comcast definitely does for new subscribers.Not a 2 year contract. You can get Fios , xfinity, Hulu, Netflix, YouTube and so on without having a contract . Dish has the old school mentality to lock you up for a year or two .
They bill you in the after-life.I wonder how it is handled when the account owner dies before the two years are up.
As a co executor of my Mother's estate I can tell you it wasn't a big deal.I'm not even sure they asked for a certificate of death. Some companies do -some don't.I wonder how it is handled when the account owner dies before the two years are up.
As a co executor of my Mother's estate I can tell you it wasn't a big deal.I'm not even sure they asked for a certificate of death. Some companies do -some don't.
She had an older receiver so there was no discussion of a $25 charge for a return box.
Death doesn’t stop Dish Network bills
Dish Wants $400 To Let Daughter Cancel Dead Mom’s Account
When an aging parent can no longer take care of their own bills, it’s not unusual for a son or daughter to take the reins on those accounts to make sure things get paid. And when that parent …
The 1st 2 threads he linked to are over 8 years old. Yeah like nothing has changed in 8 yearsThose stories are 2 years old and older.Perhaps Dish learned something