Upcoming Contract Renewal?

Xfinity has come along way with there cancellation process . You can walk into the xfinity store hand them the equipment and say you're cancelling service. They take care of everything . It's definitely very easy.
I"ll keep that in mind when we sell the house this summer. It's only a 1 hr 46 minute drive one way to the closest Xfinity store.
BTW have you ever wandered over to the Reddit/xfinity subreddit? Xfinity moderates it so most of it is "deleted".
The complaints here are nothing in comparison.
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That is what YTTV has been doing, worked for them, since they are over 8 Million subscribers, this year, passed Dish with Sling subscriber numbers, became the #4 Provider, should pass DirecTV by the end of 2025, become #3.

I know Charter does not require a contract for Broadband, but Comcast definitely does for new subscribers.

Dish does for new, but after that, you are not under one, unless you receive a new discounted deal.
Comcast does but you can leave anytime you want without paying the ETF as it's easy to get rid of the contract very easily and you will get up to 30 days free too.
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I wonder how it is handled when the account owner dies before the two years are up.
Then it is their loss since they can only go after the person who the account is under and not after their family, friends, etc. That's probably another reason why rates might be higher as they already factored in that situation so everyone else is paying for it indirectly.
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I"ll keep that in mind when we sell the house this summer. It's only a 1 hr 46 minute drive one way to the closest Xfinity store.
BTW have you ever wandered over to the Reddit/xfinity subreddit? Xfinity moderates it so most of it is "deleted".
The complaints here are nothing in comparison.
You don't have to be there physically as all it takes is a chat online on Facebook and you have 30 days to return the equipment. Just take it all to the nearest UPS Store where they will box it up and the shipping is already included as they provide the service to Xfinity by contract. Xfinity whether on Reddit, their own forums can be equally as bad. DISH used to have their own forums too. You can even print a prepaid UPS shipping label if you want to box it yourself. Xfinity Store is just faster because they have to give you the receipt on the spot. One thing about Xfinity is they give credits for service outages very easily even if there wasn't a service outage. DISH does not give credits until you complain to corporate executives.

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As a co executor of my Mother's estate I can tell you it wasn't a big deal.I'm not even sure they asked for a certificate of death. Some companies do -some don't.
She had an older receiver so there was no discussion of a $25 charge for a return box.
They don't really need any documents in reality as they have databases they can easily check if someone is dead or not including from the credit reporting agencies and the government. I mean what can they really legally do even if you don't respond to them.
Xfinity has come along way with there cancellation process . You can walk into the xfinity store hand them the equipment and say you're cancelling service. They take care of everything . It's definitely very easy.
It's always been that way. Doing it in person is the fastest. Even in 2009, it was that way unless you were not the account holder since they do not know if you are really authorized by the account holder or not which is still true today. In 2009, I cancelled service in June 2009 by calling them which took less than 3 minutes total and I didn't actually take the equipment back to them until probably 2-3 months later, they basically will credit for the equipment and billing in full after they receive the equipment back and then sent me a check for what they overbilled after the credits.
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They don't really need any documents in reality as they have databases they can easily check if someone is dead or not including from the credit reporting agencies and the government. I mean what can they really legally do even if you don't respond to them.

Yes, they can check. They can go after the estate (good luck with that). But it's in my name. I intend to return it long before any online reporting happens. Not nearby.
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I am so sorry navy that this might her last Christmas. I hope you and your wife are doing well . It's definitely a tough time. Last Christmas we figured it would be my step dads last he was 90 . He made it to June . So I know what you and your family are going through.I hope everything works out for you and your family.
Yes, they can check. They can go after the estate (good luck with that). But it's in my name. I intend to return it long before any online reporting happens. Not nearby.
That's a different issue since your name is on it similarly to when my late dad passed away in 2005, I basically told them to change it to my name as me and my mom were still watching tv. Are you still under contract?
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Then it is their loss since they can only go after the person who the account is under and not after their family, friends, etc. That's probably another reason why rates might be higher as they already factored in that situation so everyone else is paying for it indirectly.

Then it is their loss since they can only go after the person who the account is under and not after their family, friends, etc. That's probably another reason why rates might be higher as they already factored in that situation so everyone else is paying for it indirectly.
I do not think that is true. I believe they can go after the estate.
My Mom is moving into an independent living facility. Very nice place. They have xfinity. I was given a phone number to call and one person handles this for the community and xfinity. What a pleasant experience. I called her she lives close by we talked for about an hour and we have everything set up. I even bought my mom a new IPhone. I put everything in my name. No contract. They already shipped the equipment to the community.,She gets the keys today and moves in officially on the 15th . Xfinity mobile won't ship until the internet is hooked up. I just couldn't believe the service I received. Not bashing Dish in any way whatsoever but the last time I called them I couldn't understand a word they said it was such broken English. I asked about a loyalty discount and was told there was nothing for me. 24 years and nothing. I could sign a 2 year contract to extend what I pay now for the next two years. No thanks. 2025 is the year of done paying high prices for things I can get cheaper.
I refused the offer made today when I called Dish. The CSR agreed that I could get the $5 discount for autopay and the $5 discount for the equipment. The problem came up when I said I wanted to change from the Top 250 to the Top 200. He then said the preferred customer cost for the Top 200 was $97.99. I told him that was wrong and it should be $87.99. I even told him my bill shows the Top 250 cost as being $97.99. He totally disagreed so I told him not to do anything and I would call back later.