Unpowered 811 Pass through of OTA signals


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 28, 2003
Will an unpowered Model 811 pass through OTA signals to the composite outputs?
Well my old Model 5000 passes through OTA signals not only to the coax out but the s-video out as well. I have not tried the composite outputs but I guess I could reconfigure my TV.
The unpowered 811 will passthrough the TOSLink signal, no sound, but you can see the red light the 811 sends, even when the receiver is off.
rocatman said:
Well my old Model 5000 passes through OTA signals not only to the coax out but the s-video out as well. I have not tried the composite outputs but I guess I could reconfigure my TV.

That's impossible as well.

Unless you really don't mean "unpowered", i.e., unplugged from the wall, but in fact mean "in standby mode".

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