Time to jump ship?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
May 19, 2006
Is it time to jump ship to get the HD we deserve and want. Direct TV has the new HD that they said they would up and running today. I think it’s about time to show Comcast that we want HD not just triple play!!
I'm with you, I'm calling D* to schedule my new service! Tired of waiting for Comcast to give us some HD. Here in Seattle, we have't had any new HD since March, and nothing coming from what anyone at Comcast can tell me:mad:. Already said goodbye for internet with Verizon's Fios internet. Now TV!!!!:D

Ce la vie Comcast!!!!!!
I'm going to stick with Comcast for now since I have a triple-play bundle discount... however if things haven't improved by the time my discount is over (May 08), I'll be shopping to switch to another service.
Is it time to jump ship to get the HD we deserve and want. Direct TV has the new HD that they said they would up and running today. I think it’s about time to show Comcast that we want HD not just triple play!!

Now wait a minute! I'm pretty sure the CEO of Comcast has stated numerous times that "Comcast has all the important HD channels that anybody would want" . Obviously, you only THINK you want those new HD channels that Direct TV has added. Seriously, I do think Comcast is starting to get the message, but they apparently have severe bandwidth limitations in many of their markets.

Who would want more, well I have had my HDTV for well over 2 yrs and I want all available channels why I have an HDTV!! Why would anyone but an hdtv just to watch Comcast ceo says f him I want my HDTV and anyone with a hdtv should also. Is that not why we bought them was for the best picture and sound the time for the programming is now not someday. I WANT MY HDTV FROM COMCAST. I am not bundled with the other comcrap so I guess I have to leave to get whit I should be getting from them.:hungry:
They're supposedly (BIG MAYBE) going to a few channels here soon. The big push won't probably come until sometime next year. They're supposedly adding the DVS here and once they get it fully implemented they'll do the big push. Big question for me is, do I want to wait anywhere from 3 or 6 months to a year to get more HD? I going to Magnolia A\V today to check out D*'s new signals and see if they are as good as people are saying!!! :hungry::lick

Will let you know my take on them!!! ;)
Heck, I am in York, PA and Comcast just sent me a letter stating that since they provide us with great service they will be RAISING our bill?! Thanks a bunch Comcast, you can blow it out your A**
I am a D* subscriber. Rejoined in July of 2007. Couldn't be happier with the service and selection of HD channels. I left Comcast way back in 1996 when D* was getting started. I then switched to E* because they had more channels, now I'm back with D* with a HR20-700 receiver. Please get onboard with D*. They have a great chioce in HD programming.

Are you sure you're not a shill for DirecTV? Your post had nothing to do with Comcast as it is today.
If it weren't for Comcast's triple play bundle I'm currently receiving I probably would've already jumped ship. However the bundle is a big factor for me and I'm likely to continue with Comcast until the promo runs out. Hopefully by May 08 when it expires on me they will have added much more HD and implemented SDV (Switched Digital Video).

They will probably never completely get rid of all analog channels as it would cannibalize a large analog-only subscriber base (as well as likely violate local station carry agreements) that will likely grow when broadcasters are forced to go digital for OTA. There will be many who are "set in their ways" read as: "older" who will resist having to hook up an extra box to their old tube TV in order to receive local programming even if it meant having to pay a small charge for cable "lifeline" service in order to keep things simple. Even if the OTA digital boxes were free. Heck, it wouldn't surprise me if Comcast and the other MSOs courted these people with free or even further reduced charges for connection.
We too in Seattle are getting that rate increase! Second one this year and we haven't received any new HD channels since March. My package is going up $6.00 and the DVR is going to $13.95. This is supposedly to pay for 200 million in system up grades and the new cable store in Lynnwood. If the system has been upgraded where's the new HD channels???? We are finally suppose to be getting 4 new channels Nov. 1st ( will believe when I see it). Rep. said we're getting A&E HD, National GEO HD, NFL HD, and wasn't sure of the other, I'm guessing TBS HD. I need to just shut up and make the switch to D*:D

I am so close to leaving now it is not funny. I just got my bill and now I am getting charged a 30 dollar activation fee for my 2 extra outlets. The problem is I have been in this house for well over a year and have had service the whole time. I had a technician come to my house the other day since my OnDemand did not work. They are trying to tell me that I owe them 30 since I never paid it when I first signed up eventho I used the Dish Swith promotion. BS

Added The transcript. I am not happy now.


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I am so close to leaving now it is not funny. I just got my bill and now I am getting charged a 30 dollar activation fee for my 2 extra outlets. The problem is I have been in this house for well over a year and have had service the whole time. I had a technician come to my house the other day since my OnDemand did not work. They are trying to tell me that I owe them 30 since I never paid it when I first signed up eventho I used the Dish Swith promotion. BS

Added The transcript. I am not happy now.

Call them, I bet once you get to customer retention they'll credit that charge and you can probably get them to throw in something else.
You will be charged additional outlet fees if you are using additional digital boxes. Otherwise they don't charge the fees. It is a standard as I found out when I moved from E* to Comcast. Mine happened immediately. This could explain why the VOD didn't work.
I have been paying the additional outlet fees the whole time! That is why I am confused now about the "activation fee" that they are trying to get me to pay. This is a fee totally separate from the add'l outlet fee.

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