Thoughts on December 2023 SXM App Update

Wasn't there a well paid young lady DJ for SXM that got canned when they greatly reduced the number of DJs, lo these many years ago? She tried to get social media pressure to get herself rehired.

What ever happened to her?
Hate the new app as well. No favorite channels as far as I can see. No15 seconds skip forward or back. You can only skip back one or more segments. I noticed when I pause for more than a few seconds the stream will skip forward to live.
In the old app I had I bunch of downloads that are now lost.
Although not a new issue, streaming brings around 3 minute delay from live.
Favorites is now "Library".
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On a slightly different note ...
Why is it if I am listening to a channel (or game or whatever) in my Truck, I get out and step in the house and turn on SXM same channel, its always a few minutes behind ????
I guess its better than being ahead ?
On a slightly different note ...
Why is it if I am listening to a channel (or game or whatever) in my Truck, I get out and step in the house and turn on SXM same channel, its always a few minutes behind ????
I guess its better than being ahead ?
I actually addressed it in my post. There is around a three minute delay between streaming and live. Even on Alexa. But, if you listen to the Alexa app on the iPhone, it is around 20 second delay. Whenever I want to simulcast the radio broadcast of a game or race, I run it through the Alexa app on my iPad.
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It's horrible. Especially when you're streaming from your phone and it's on a cradle and you're trying to drive and look for your favorites which are very difficult to find now. But the worst part is that I could get to a job and turn the work van off spend some time there get back on the van reconnect my Bluetooth and it would pick up where I left off on whatever station I was listening to.

And I have not read this thread, but I'm sure others have said the same thing, that's not possible anymore now, when I start the van up, it picks up with a live stream instead of where I left off.
Definitely voice tracked. I'll pull up YouTube videos of Squizz, and hear call-ins to the DJs. Don't hear that on Octane these days.

With modern rock, there's definitely an agenda for pushing certain bands (I know, unsurprising). Nickelback has a new song, and not only do they play heck out of it. But the DJs will push an agenda that there is no real hate for Nickelback and that anyone who disagrees is a basement dweller. That kind of angers me. Just play the song, and saying that you like it (whether it be actual or a requirement by the program director).

With talk, I have shows that I like. Howard's limited schedule makes me not see his content as worth the higher price, but I still am a Stern fan. And that's kind of annoying. They still keep his show on what was "The Best of Sirius" package from the merger, while everything that was part of The Best of XM has either gone to the basic packages or was added to new tiers.

I also don't like having to pay more for pro-teams play-by-play. Up until last season, I did get the NHL, but they renegotiated last year to move that to a higher tier.

I still like having SiriusXM for music and the few shows, but Podcasting is making it less desirable. I do enjoy feeling like I'm listening to old FM stations from my area (that all flipped to formats that I don't enjoy, years ago), and hearing a new song or band that I didn't know existed. Even Jim Florentine's show on Ozzy's Boneyard brought me to deep tracks or unknown bands that I would have never found on Spotify or FM.
One thing that stands out here that I will agree with is that they replay songs now the way terrestrial radio does where you'll hear the newest hit song every hour. Or the same band 2 to 3 times an hour when it comes to listening to music, I find myself going to Amazon Music more often, although even that is kind of lame, because if I set a channel for a particular band, every time I go to that channel, it plays the same songs in the same order. Fortunately, I listen to liquid metal most of the time and that playlist is a lot more obscure and underground .
I actually addressed it in my post. There is around a three minute delay between streaming and live. Even on Alexa. But, if you listen to the Alexa app on the iPhone, it is around 20 second delay. Whenever I want to simulcast the radio broadcast of a game or race, I run it through the Alexa app on my iPad.
So I have heard varying numbers. My wife drives the minivan with the XM radio. My truck is a lower trim, so only have AM/FM and Bluetooth audio. I've heard three minutes, and I've heard 30 seconds. A caller complained on Jim Norton and Sam Roberts, and they tested it live. The delay was about a minute.

I do know that there was a delay with the old app, as well. I don't know if there was change the length of the delay.
So I have heard varying numbers. My wife drives the minivan with the XM radio. My truck is a lower trim, so only have AM/FM and Bluetooth audio. I've heard three minutes, and I've heard 30 seconds. A caller complained on Jim Norton and Sam Roberts, and they tested it live. The delay was about a minute.

I do know that there was a delay with the old app, as well. I don't know if there was change the length of the delay.
Some years ago when I was still using a dash kit in the work van, I was listening to a hockey game on the way home from work. I got to the house and ran in and fired up the website and the delay was extensive. Probably about five minutes or so.
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Some years ago when I was still using a dash kit in the work van, I was listening to a hockey game on the way home from work. I got to the house and ran in and fired up the website and the delay was extensive. Probably about five minutes or so.
I never tested game broadcasts between my in-car XM and the app. I have tested it between my local FM (WBZ-FM 98.5) and the same broadcast fed to SiriusXM's play-by-play channel, on the app. There was a significant delay there, but I attributed that being due to the former being an OTA reception, and the latter being sent to SiriusXM then to the app.
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FINALLY!!! I had just about given up. I saw the update in the app store this morning and the notes right under it said 15 second skip is back. I had to see it to believe it. I wondered if something was coming because yesterday it seemed like the times and chapters were constantly off from what was actually playing. Updated app was working very well today although it took a few times connecting and disconnecting with Apple Car Play to get the 15 second skip buttons to show up.
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After a day of use I am pleased so far, but think there still needs a little more tweaking. The navigation was just a little clunky at times jumping back 45 minutes instead of forward to the next chapter stop or instead of 15 seconds for instance. It didn't do that all the time, but did happen a handful of times over about 4 hours of use. I hope they continue to work on it.
So I have heard varying numbers. My wife drives the minivan with the XM radio. My truck is a lower trim, so only have AM/FM and Bluetooth audio. I've heard three minutes, and I've heard 30 seconds. A caller complained on Jim Norton and Sam Roberts, and they tested it live. The delay was about a minute.

I do know that there was a delay with the old app, as well. I don't know if there was change the length of the delay.

After further review: Yes the delay between streaming and live has been greatly reduced. It appears to be between 20-30 seconds delay. I didn't test the Alexa iOS app (was a 20 second delay previously) but Alexa device itself is still around 3 minute delay.
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After further review: Yes the delay between streaming and live has been greatly reduced. It appears to be between 20-30 seconds delay. I didn't test the Alexa iOS app (was a 20 second delay previously) but Alexa device itself is still around 3 minute delay.
Why is that delay even there when its streaming ?

If I have a station on my Alexa in one room, walk into another room and turn the same thing on, shouldn't it be at the same point in the show/song ???

If I'm in my truck walk in the house and turn on, its still a 2-3 minute delay (maybe more, haven't checked it in a while)
Hard to believe it's been a year since we were carping about the app. Overall they seem to have fixed most issues. I still have had problems when listening to a live broadcast and join it late, go back to start and work my way through. I tap to see chapter stops and for a while you couldn't scroll without the first thing your finger touched being selected. I finally got to the point where I could scroll by touching somewhere with no words and swiping up then using both thumbs to keep the scroll going until I found the section I wanted. Now it seems that is working better, but not always. The other thing that has really driven me crazy when listening from behind and my phone switches cell towers the program jumps to live. Overall I think it is better than it was a year ago, but boy should have been more stable by now.
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Howard Stern

rate increase
