Thoughts on December 2023 SXM App Update


SatelliteGuys Pro
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May 7, 2007
Hancock, MA - The Berkshires
First impressions... um, worst app update in the history of app updates. They wrecked it. New interface is awful, favorites are buried in the menus and the skip forward and reverse 15 seconds buttons have been replaced with a rewind one hour button. Someone, or the whole team if it was a team, should be fired for this one!
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The UI must be lifted from one of the popular Music Apps I don't use. The HEOS App adapted an almost identical "improved" UI and it's barely usable and quite easy to find yourself controlling a different device than where you intended to play music when you opened the App.

"You know engineers, they love to change things!"
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The website set up is all screwed up just as bad .... not sure, it might be the same one, haven't checked.

For some reason, a few days ago, I had to log in again, I use this website on the computer every day and have been logged in forever ...

Couldn't even remember my log in, had to find my credentials.
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It's ridiculous!! I've been using the app most days the last several years and now it's just ruined. Reddit forums are awash with complaints and many reporting that they are leaving app reviews which are being deleted. Have not confirmed that. I left a review on Thursday at the App Store which is still there and there have been hundreds of universally devastatingly negative reviews before and after mine. What will it take for them to put the app back the way it was. I mostly use the app and not the radio in my car so this really aggravates me that they would just destroy the app like this unless they are under some legal obligation due to mandates not to give the customer what they want or some such nonsense. Very frustrating. Its as if they are either clueless or just don't care what the customers think.
I understand why some people have difficulty with the new app. With my needs as minimal as they are, the new interface works OK. That's coming from someone who despises change by the way. Hopefully SXM will listen to the complaints and make some changes that will address the dissatisfied users needs. I recommend that you go to your respective Apple or Google Play store and file your grievances there.
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I understand why some people have difficulty with the new app. With my needs as minimal as they are, the new interface works OK. That's coming from someone who despises change by the way. Hopefully SXM will listen to the complaints and make some changes that will address the dissatisfied users needs. I recommend that you go to your respective Apple or Google Play store and file your grievances there.
I didn't find the old app to work all that great either, but this is really bad.

I opened up the website the other day and was greeted with Log in (haven't had to log in in years, I use the site every day.
The website wasn't great, however, my Favorites was available when I opened it up and was good with that, now it looks like they moved them way down the page ... somewhere.
I didn't find the old app to work all that great either, but this is really bad.

I opened up the website the other day and was greeted with Log in (haven't had to log in in years, I use the site every day.
The website wasn't great, however, my Favorites was available when I opened it up and was good with that, now it looks like they moved them way down the page ... somewhere.
The old app was better but for now it is what it is
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The audio now is 320k on the high setting which is great, but the app sucks royally right now.

If I am in Carplay now and listening and my wife opens any other app the Carplay stops playing when before it kept going.

If I am listening on the phone and open an app like Facebook or Reddit the audio stops playing.

THey got rid of the 15 second skip feature...

Its just a mess.
The audio now is 320k on the high setting which is great, but the app sucks royally right now.

If I am in Carplay now and listening and my wife opens any other app the Carplay stops playing when before it kept going.

If I am listening on the phone and open an app like Facebook or Reddit the audio stops playing.

THey got rid of the 15 second skip feature...

Its just a mess.
I'm starting to lose my hearing and if I am listening and miss something for whatever reason, some other noise or something, I can't go back 15 seconds and listen over. That is really painful that you now have to go back a full chapter stop and re-listen sometimes 4 to 10 minutes to get back to just before where you were to hear it again. That is so lame. I did notice the audio quality has improved which is nice, but the usability loss is substantial. In that video I posted the link to the slide he shows for the "new" app has the 15 second forward and back on it. Can't imagine why they would remove such a useful feature. They have a go back one hour feature, which is really stupid because you can just tap the timeline to go back an hour. There are literally hundreds or thousands of complaints online and in reviews since the new app dropped regarding the skip 15 second feature gone. I read days of reviews on the Apple app store since the new app dropped and didn't find one positive review. It appears that they don't care what the customer wants or thinks.
The new updated app sucks big time. The previous version wasn't that spectacular, but better than the garbage that's there now.

Took me longer than it should have to figure out Library means Favorites and that you have to go to Search to see All Channels. Terrible UI all the way around. There doesn't seem to be away to re-order Favorites so you can group them to where it makes sense, like putting Turbo and Octane next to each other.

Instead of being about music, it's now about pushing so called personalities and stars that I never heard of before, pushing you to use their app for podcasts and pushing talk shows. Ever since the update, when streaming at work now, it just randomly stops playing. Not sure if it's the app or T[rash]-Mobile. While I have issues with T[rash]-Mobile at work, when it drops out, there is no buffering, it just stops and I'm able to resume with no issues, so I think it's the app.

When I saw that app was going to be completely re-done, I was hopeful there would finally be a widget for Android, but no such luck.
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Ever since the update, when streaming at work now, it just randomly stops playing.
On the previous iOS App, it would stop after 4-5 hours and ask "are you still listening?" But not always. My Denon Home smart speakers will also stop playing SiriusXM, with no rhyme or reason.

Not sure if it's a server issue or my home network (AT&T) being flaky.
This doesn't seem to be related to being idle, I don't get the prompt and it's seemingly random. It could stop playing after 90 minutes, I'll close the app, relaunch it will play fine and then stop two hours later. And the timing is not consistent either. I get to my desk at 08:02 every morning, and first thing I do is launch the SXM app and connect to my bluethooth speaker, so if it was an issue of not being active, it should stop at about the same time every day, and at the same intervals and it doesn't. Because I've been in and out of my office so much the past month/month and a half, I've been leaving it on the same channel all day long. Last week Red, White & Booze on Tuesday and Thursday, Rock Bar on Friday.
Yeah, SiriusXM streaming seems to have lost its appeal.
The programming isn't what it once was. This is supposed to be a premium audio service, and the playlists keep shrinking... and as I said before the New App Sucks.

I Miss XM. That was good exciting radio. Live DJ's, and great programming. Now its all voicetracked and stuff is repeated a few times a day on many of the stations.
The programming isn't what it once was. This is supposed to be a premium audio service, and the playlists keep shrinking... and as I said before the New App Sucks.

I Miss XM. That was good exciting radio. Live DJ's, and great programming. Now its all voicetracked and stuff is repeated a few times a day on many of the stations.
I too miss XM ... hasn't been the same, since ... I think I had XM until 2013
Good Lord! Thanks for this thread. In summary, they completely downgraded the app, when all they needed to do was change the logo on the old app. It was moving the furniture just to do it.

My complaints (in no particular order):

- They put the artist name and song title on the same line, so that when looking at either your phone's quick menu or your car's dash, you can't see the song title.

- Removal of the 15 second skip. Why? I don't know. Breaking what didn't need to be fixed in the first place.

- App glitches where if you change between channels. For example, I'll play Hits 1 when driving my daughters to school, then want to switch to Lithum or Classic Rewind, once I drop them off. But when I switch channels, the audio stays on Hits 1. "Bob Segar • Mainstreet" (or God forbid that it's a longer title or band name, like Creedence Clearwater Re, and the space for text ran out) while I'm still hearing some Lil Nas X song.

- Additionally, I'll stop the app to go into a meeting, and when returning, I pick a channel (ie. Faction Talk for Jim and Sam or Eddie Trunk) and the now playing pane just doesn't show up. I hear the audio, but I can't see information or scroll.

- (This one might be my lack of understanding of the new app) The old app had where I can save my favorites and sort them in a particular order. Now the closest I have is a list under library, and it adjusts based on what I last listened to. Again, something that they broke but didn't need fixing to begin with.

The only improvement I see in the new app is that when I go to a spot where there is low cell reception, my audio stops and waits until more of the stream downloads, then starts replaying. In contrast, the old app had that skipping back issue. I hated that once it happened a single time, it would just keep doing it. I had to close the old app and reopen it. I don't have to do that with the new app. I have to close and reopen the new app for other reasons.
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The programming isn't what it once was. This is supposed to be a premium audio service, and the playlists keep shrinking... and as I said before the New App Sucks.

I Miss XM. That was good exciting radio. Live DJ's, and great programming. Now its all voicetracked and stuff is repeated a few times a day on many of the stations.
Definitely voice tracked. I'll pull up YouTube videos of Squizz, and hear call-ins to the DJs. Don't hear that on Octane these days.

With modern rock, there's definitely an agenda for pushing certain bands (I know, unsurprising). Nickelback has a new song, and not only do they play heck out of it. But the DJs will push an agenda that there is no real hate for Nickelback and that anyone who disagrees is a basement dweller. That kind of angers me. Just play the song, and saying that you like it (whether it be actual or a requirement by the program director).

With talk, I have shows that I like. Howard's limited schedule makes me not see his content as worth the higher price, but I still am a Stern fan. And that's kind of annoying. They still keep his show on what was "The Best of Sirius" package from the merger, while everything that was part of The Best of XM has either gone to the basic packages or was added to new tiers.

I also don't like having to pay more for pro-teams play-by-play. Up until last season, I did get the NHL, but they renegotiated last year to move that to a higher tier.

I still like having SiriusXM for music and the few shows, but Podcasting is making it less desirable. I do enjoy feeling like I'm listening to old FM stations from my area (that all flipped to formats that I don't enjoy, years ago), and hearing a new song or band that I didn't know existed. Even Jim Florentine's show on Ozzy's Boneyard brought me to deep tracks or unknown bands that I would have never found on Spotify or FM.
Hate the new app as well. No favorite channels as far as I can see. No15 seconds skip forward or back. You can only skip back one or more segments. I noticed when I pause for more than a few seconds the stream will skip forward to live.
In the old app I had I bunch of downloads that are now lost.
Although not a new issue, streaming brings around 3 minute delay from live.

Howard Stern

rate increase
