Third 'Captain America' film gets a name: 'Civil War'

Age Of Ultron Promo Art Plants The Seed For Captain America: Civil War
To date, budding Marvelites have been searching high and wide in search of any promotional material for Captain America: Civil War, and so far, it's an effort that has proven largely fruitless. In the aftermath of Disney's D23 conference, a series of leaked screenshots and footage (which can be seen above) gave us an indication of the tone of Joe and Anthony Russo's hotly-anticipated threequel, though without any official word from Marvel, fans have been left longing for some form of promo to come from the horse's mouth.And though it's not strictly speaking part of Civil War's subdued marketing pizazz, artwork for the Blu-ray release of Avengers: Age of Ultron subtly references the division between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers – played by Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans, respectively. We've long seen the pair clash across both Avengers films, but today's new-fangled artwork places Captain America and Iron Man in two distinct camps: The heart and the head.Now that footage has been broadcast at both the Disney D23 event back in August and the recent Asia Pop ComicCon, it's really only a matter of time before Marvel and the House of Mouse debut the teaser trailer for Captain America: Civil War in high definition, allowing the Internet to dissect each and every frame.
Who Should Win Captain America: Civil War, According To Stan Lee
Next summer's 'Captain America: Civil War' will see Captain America and Iron Man going toe to toe after an almighty falling out.But who is going to be victorious in this titanic battle? Well, according to Stan Lee, there can only be one winner: Captain America.Marvel icon Lee, who co-created Iron Man, revealed to the world that he has sided himself with Captain America during his recent appearance at the Edmonton Comic Expo, via Comic Book.
Sebastian Stan And Anthony Mackie Discuss Who Should Be The Next Captain America
Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes are two of the most notable and recent characters to have taken up the Captain America mantle in Marvel's comic series.Both characters also exist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the actors who depict them have once again been asked about whether they would be up for taking over from Chris Evans as the star spangled man.Both Anthony Mackie (who plays Sam 'Falcon' Wilson) and Sebastian Stan (who plays Bucky 'Winter Soldier' Barnes) were in attendance at the Salt Lake Comic Con to give their thoughts."I don't think we need a new Cap," said Mackie. "I don't think Cap needs to change. I think [Sebastian Stan] would be a great Cap, but then we're left without Bucky. I think I'd be a great Cap, but then we're left without a Falcon."Stan meanwhile, would be more than happy to don the red, white and blue. Asked who he would prefer to play Cap out of the two actors, he said: "Myself! Having Anthony Mackie become Captain America would be like Biff in Back to the Future II."He also made mention of a great moment in 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier', in which his character picks up Cap's Shield - hinting at what might be to come.
'Captain America: Civil War' leaked promo art gives new look at Ant-Man, Black Panther & War Machine
While Marvelites patiently wait for the Captain America: Civil War trailer, at least we have some leaked images from a Japanese source to hold us over in the meantime. Although we don't get images of Spider-Man, Vision, or Scarlet Witch, we get a look at the upgraded suits worn by Ant-Man and War Machine.Captain America, Iron Man, Winter Soldier, Black Panther, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Falcon are also revealed in this latest leak. Check out the gallery below!Captain America: Civil War battle in theaters on May 6, 2016.
Why Marvel Should Wait Until After 'Avengers: Infinity War' To Announce Phase Four
As you know, Walt Disney and Marvel went a little nuts yesterday, tossing a surprise Ant-Man sequel into the Phase 3 lineup, mixing around the Captain Marvel and Black Panther release dates, and offering three more "untitled" films for 2020 which will presumably be the first three films of "Phase 4." What could those Phase 4 movies be? Well, that's for a little further below. First of all, I understand the frustration of those annoyed that Captain Marvel has been pushed back yet again. Back in October of 2014, Marvel made their big Phase 3 announcement; they made a big deal out of Captain Marvel being their first female-centric superhero film. And since that October 29th announcement, it has been shifted back twice. The initial release date was July 6, 2018. Then, in February, Marvel and Sony made a deal that would allow Spider-Man to both join the MCU and get a solo film that would take place within the Marvel universe. Said film rearranged the entire Phase 3 schedule, and Black Panther got moved to the July 6, 2018 slot and Captain Marvel ended up on November 2, 2018.And now today, Marvel is shifting Captain Marvel a third time. With Marvel and the Ant-Man moving into the Black Panther July 6 slot, the Chadwick Boseman adventure got moved to February 16, 2018 (on the very lucrative Presidents Day weekend and right in the middle of Black History month, for what that's worth). Captain Marvel, which to be fair, has no script, no director, and no star, got moved to March 8, 2019. While that is technically "International Women's Day," it's also a less safe release slot and represents the second time that the female-led superhero film has been pushed back on account of a male-driven entry.
The Army's New "Iron Man" TALOS Suit -- Explained.....CNN broke the story on the TALOS suit project. Now we'll fill you in on the details of the Army's new Iron Man suit.
t's been nearly a decade since we last heard anything substantive about the U.S. Army's Land Warrior program. But we've just learned that the Pentagon is getting back into the "Iron Man" business nonetheless.Earlier this week, CNN ran an interview with U.S. Special Operations Commander (SOCOM) General Joe Votel, the man who took over the SOCOM job from Admiral Bill McRaven last year. With that job came control of the TALOS project, whereby SOCOM aims to develop an integrated combat suit to protect its first-line operators at DEVGRU (aka SEAL Team 6). In the course of the interview, Gen. Votel gave a quick rundown of TALOS, what it is, and where it's at in its state of development.Here's what we know:
Someone Made Iron Man's Hulkbuster Armor, See It In Action
Comic-Cons always bring out top-notch displays of cosplay. While some choose to purchase fully formed costumes of their favorite superheroes and comic book characters, others rely on their DIY abilities to bring these titans to life. We would say everyone's a winner when it comes to cosplay, but the clear standout of New York Comic-Con this past weekend was the near-life-sized version of Tony Stark's Hulkbuster armor from Avengers: Age of Ultron.Tech Insider snagged footage of this 9-feet-6-inches high, 95-pound beast marching through NYC's Javitz Center as bystanders gawked at the creation. Thomas DePetrillo is the man underneath this suit of armor. According to Tech Insider, he's been working on this suit for 1,600 hours, though DePetrillo says in a making-of video on his Extreme Costumes YouTube page that it was a two-year development. He used stilts to give him increased height, though it contributes to his 20-minute-long suit-up time. DePetrillo went into further detail in his behind-the-scenes video. Though he's been making creations like Hulkbuster for the past 19 years, this is "the largest and most domineering thing" he's ever done in his life.
5 Ways Hulk Might Fit Into Thor: Ragnarok
After Avengers: Age of Ultron saw Bruce Banner, a.k.a. The Hulk, disappear, the speculation began on where he would show up next. Originally he was meant to appear in Captain America: Civil War, but Mark Ruffalo later revealed that he had been cut from the script. Then last week, it was reported that Hulk will appear in Thor: Ragnarok, which will see the God of Thunder dealing with the "Norse Apocalypse." At first this was considered to just be a rumor, but now it's looking likelier that an Asgardian adventure is in Bruce's future. Deadline is reporting that Marvel Studios is nearing a deal to bring Ruffalo into the third Thor installment. Ever since 2008's The Incredible Hulk, the character has been confined to the Avengers films, so appearing in Thor: Ragnarok gives him the chance to shine in a less crowded environment, even if he is sharing screen time with his fellow Avenger. Still, the question remains: how exactly does Hulk fit into Thor: Ragnarok? We have a few guesses.
How Falcon And Ant-Man's Relationship Will Grow In Captain America: Civil War
As Marvel fans know, Anthony Mackie's Falcon and Paul Rudd's Ant-Man didn't exactly start their relationship on the best of terms. As we saw in the latter's solo film this past summer, they first encountered each other while the shrinking hero was trying to steal something from the New Avengers Facility, and the result was a fight that left Falcon just a little embarrassed. Soon we will be seeing the two characters come together once again in Joe and Anthony Russo's Captain America: Civil War, but what should we expect? According to Mackie, one key thing that will be on the menu will be a whole lot of humor. I had the wonderful opportunity to sit down with the Captain America: The Winter Soldier star this afternoon at the Los Angeles press day for Our Brand Is Crisis, and it was while discussing his next big Marvel Studios adventure that the actor revealed what we can anticipate from Falcon and Ant-Man being back together in the new sequel. I asked Mackie how the two heroes will be getting along after their first encounter, and he explained,
Anthony Mackie Teases Ant-Man And Falcon Dynamic In Captain America: Civil War
One of Ant-Man's biggest surprises (despite it being inevitably spoiled in the TV spots for the movie) was the appearance made by Anthony Mackie's Falcon and the subsequent battle between the two heroes. Despite the fact that Sam Wilson ended up being somewhat humiliated by Scott Lang, both the closing moments of Ant-Man and the after-credits scene revealed that he was searching for him in order to ask him to join The Avengers in Captain America: Civil War.Asked in a recent interview where things can possibly go from here for the relationship between Ant-Man and The Falcon, Mackie teased:
Captain America star Anthony Mackie really hates Man of Steel
Anthony Mackie is a Marvel fan through and through.The Captain America: Winter Soldier and Ant-Man star (who will be reprising his role as Falcon in Marvel's upcoming Civil War) recently called out a journalist for liking Warner Bros.' Superman feature."What was the last good DC movie you saw," Mackie asks a Collider journalist in a new video.When the interviewer responds by saying he loves Man of Steel, Mackie can't keep the shock off his face."You're bananas. You're bananas," Mackie says. "You should just email everyone you know and ask them what they thought about the movie."As the conversation continues, Mackie says it "scares him" that the journalist is reviewing movies, based on his unabashed love for Zack Snyder's divisive film. By the end of the short clip, the interviewer admits he can't wait for Civil War, causing Mackie to sputter."Don't say that, don't say that. Cause if you say it's good, then it's bad, because you have awful taste."While harsh, the overall tone of the video is pretty light and it's clear the two are just having fun with one another. That being said, it's apparent that Mackie definitely doesn't like Snyder's interpretation of Superman's story.
'Captain America: Civil War' Trailer Attached To 'Star Wars.' What Other Previews Can We Expect?
As if an answer to my column on Tuesday, it has all-but-been officially confirmed by Collider that the first teaser trailer for Captain America: Civil War will debut in December with Star Wars: The Force Awakens. There was a rumor earlier yesterday that the trailer would debut with the Russian and American release of Spectre, but that was just as quickly debunked. So yes, as predicted by myself (and plenty of other people), the first Civil War trailer will be attached to The Force Awakens. So that answers one mystery, but what other trailers could debut alongside The Force Awakens? I mean, aside from the alleged post-credits Rogue One teaser that may or may not be ready in time.There can be little doubt that Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be a massive opportunity for every studio to hawk their big 2016 movies in front of countless demo-friendly eyeballs, and it will be interesting to see what studios pick which films to hawk in front of this seventh Star Wars movie. At the very least, the pre-show trailer reel on opening weekend will be geek movie heaven. But which geek movies will take the plunge? And how will the game be changed by the fact that, unlike back in 1999, big trailers are more likely to be seen on a computer than in a theater?Well, first of all, all of this is somewhat speculative and purely for entertainment purposes. Second of all, I am limiting this to would-be "big" movies. Sure, Universal/Comcast Corp. might spring for a first look at My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2, but I would haphazard a guess that perhaps a first teaser of Warcraft would be more likely. Thirdly, I don't know if we're going to see a repeat of what happened in 1999, where studios basically quickie versions of their trailers and teasers so as to allow more films to get plugged in front of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.
Captain America: Civil War Rumors: Cosmic Connections & Team Loyalty
It was around this time last year that Marvel Studios released the first official teaser trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron which opened in theaters the following May. This is why fans are eagerly anticipating the first trailer for Captain America: Civil War (which has the same release window in 2016) – but as we learned this week, Disney is holding off and attaching it to Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens when it opens mid-December.So, all we have to go on are unofficial set photos and leaked promo art, which have been quite revealing when it comes to determining which characters are on which side of the Civil War conflict – an event that arises out of a need to register and hold superheroes accountable. But of course, there will be twists and turns so what we see may not be what it seems.We're going to delve into rumors and spoilers so if you wish to avoid knowing character and plot details for Captain America: Civil War, stop reading here. You have been warned.Before we get into what characters may be switching sides, here are the team breakdowns:
Thor: Ragnarok Might Leave Out Two Fan Favorite Characters
So much of the focus for Marvel's Phase 3 is focused on the upcoming Captain America: Civil War that much of what is following it is being overshadowed. Captain America isn't the only Avenger with a major standalone movie coming up. Thor is ready for his third feature with the upcoming Ragnarok. While some of the details of that film are beginning to take shape it's the details that we are missing that are, as usual, more interesting. The new film is looking a little light on the Asgardians so far. Two of Thor's brothers-in-arms, Volstagg and Fandral, have yet to hear anything from Marvel regarding returning for the next film. Both of the actors portraying those roles are noticeably excited by the prospect of coming back, so it appears they're just waiting to see if the phone rings. Speaking with Comic Book Resources Zachary Levi did not play coy, saying he hopes he'll be returning to play Fandral.
Anthony Mackie Talks Captain America: Civil War's Relevance To Society And Politics
Anthony Mackie, who plays Sam 'Falcon' Wilson in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been discussing 'Captain America: Civil War' the film in which he'll next turn up.The actor also discussed the recent controversey surrounding his character (who has taken up the Captain America mantle) in the recently re-launched comic series. "I feel like Captain America is all about the ups and downs of the society that we live in today," Mackie told Comic Book Resources. "It's really genius how Marvel can take fictional characters - superheroes at that - and then take the politics of today and wrap them all together and make you believe and buy into it."Captain America: The Winter Soldier' did this particularly well, placing the idealistic Cap in a morally-grey political action thriller. 'Civil War' will be different, but also political - as Cap and Iron Man clash over competiting ideas about suprheroes.Mackie was also asked about the comic book version of Wilson, who in a recent issue has been battling racist conservatives along the American-Mexican border. Fox News bizzarely took exception to this, deciding to defend the villains."I think it's very funny," he said. "I think every time I read the new Marvel comic book and everything that's going on with my character, it's informative. And I feel like the court of public opinion is never at a lack for judgment."
'Captain America: Civil War': Here Are the Two Superhero Teams
We're still a long ways off from the release of Captain America: Civil War, but that hasn't stopped speculation from running rampant across the Internet. The biggest question that's loomed since the movie was announced has concerned the split down the middle of Earth's mightiest heroes. The basic plot of the story pulled from the comics pits Iron Man against Captain America, with the rest of the heroes in the Marvel universe forced to pick sides in an epic battle. That being so, the MCU hasn't always walked in lock-step with the comics, leading us to wonder what exactly the teams will be.Thanks to a leak of artwork from the film online the other day though, we now know exactly who will be fighting who. In the comics, the core conflict centers around Iron Man working with the U.S. Congress to pass legislation requiring all superheroes to register with the government. Captain America takes issue with this, forming a rogue resistance of heroes to take on Iron Man and his allies. Until now, the members of this team have been anyone's guess. So without further ado…

Disney sets Marvel release dates through 2019
