Third 'Captain America' film gets a name: 'Civil War'

Captain America: Civil War trailer leaked?
The new Captain America movie has been long awaited; we all know that. After getting news about the Spider-Man cameo that will be coming along with the new film, I'm sure we all want the movie to be released right now.Unfortunately, we'll have to wait. But check out this trailer that went viral a few months back. Could it be? The leaked footage of Captain America: Civil War?Sadly, after some comment reading and what not, it's fake. The video is fan made by a YouTuber called DestinationAvatar. Apparently, he does this all the time and damn is he good at it.Even though it's not what we wanted, it sure does get you hyped – doesn't it?! Who else is excited?
Marvel's Captain America Civil War OFFICIAL Trailer "Leaked" (no crowd cheering)......A few people requested I upload the trailer without the crowd cheering and applause so here it is. lol, I really do apologize if it was a bit overdone but i'm glad you all enjoyed it. I would love to upload the trailer in hd without the bootleg style but in all honesty it would look horrible. Most of the clips are 240p haha. Again I'm glad you enjoyed! Oh, one more thing that I thought you'd all find pretty cool is that the I voiced the guy at the end of the trailer talking to Maria Hill and Crossbones at the explosion scene.
Report: Mark Ruffalo on Set for 'Captain America: Civil War'
Back in May, actor Mark Ruffalo, who plays Bruce Banner in the Avengers film, tweeted out a message that alluded to him appearing in Captain America: Civil War. There wasn't any confirmation as to whether or not he'd be in the film though. Now, German website Bild reports that Ruffalo is on set in Berlin for the filming of the third part of the film.Since this week the US superstars Chris Evans (34), Mark Ruffalo (47) and Anthony Mackie (36) together with Spectacle Star turn Daniel Brühl (37) the third part of "Captain America" in Berlin. It could cost to the superhero but a big bang once in Berlin's nightlife. Which side will Bruce Banner take if he is in fact in the film? We broke down the heroes from the Avengers and picked sides for them back in May, including Banner, and we think he'll side with Tony Stark because of the connection to Ultron with Tony, but the description almost makes us think that not only will this be a cameo, but Banner may side with Captain America. What do you think?
'Captain America: Civil War': Everything We Know (And Don't Know)
Ant-Man has officially hit theaters, which mean it's time to start looking ahead to the next film on Marvel's lineup: Captain America: Civil War. With a jam-packed roster of both new and returning characters, the upcoming movie is quickly shaping up to be one of the studio's biggest titles yet. As more details on the film continue to surface, here's a look at everything we know (and don't know) about the next Captain America sequel:
Rumour: How Each Side Shapes Up In Captain America: Civil War
Heroic Hollywood thinks it knows, and while the teams are somewhat logical, there is something of a surprise in there with Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow reportedly set to go against her friend Steve Rogers. Of course this is all just a rumour at this point, but given - as mentioned - the teams are easy enough to guess for the most part, there's a little less room for error than one might first think.First, the story. An event which occurs on the Avengers', led by Chris Evans' Captain America, watch leads to a US government drive for new legislation which would require superheroes to register their identity with the authorities. Iron Man supports this, Cap does not. So, the expected team-ups. Anthony Mackie's Falcon and Paul Rudd's Ant-Man are said to side with Captain America, while Paul Bettany's The Vision and Don Cheadle's War Machine look to be siding with Robert Downey Jr's Tony Stark. Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye siding with Cap makes sense given he has a family his secret identity protects, which is why its a little strange to see Tom Holland's Spider-Man on the side of Iron Man.
Captain America: Civil War: Team Iron Man and Team Captain America rosters revealed
One of the biggest questions going into Captain America: Civil War is what character is siding with who when Captain America goes up against Iron Man. For those of you who lost count, the current roster of characters include: Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Winter Soldier, Falcon, War Machine, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Ant-Man, Spider-Man and Black Panther.According to Heroic Hollywood, this is how the teams are broken down. Starting for Team Captain America we have:
Spider-Man to wear two different costumes in 'Captain America: Civil War'
One thing that's been made very clear about Spider-Man's upcoming involvement in the MCU is that the Web Slinger will be a young amateur struggling to balance his adolescence and newfound superpowers. To further imprint the fact that he's just a young guy, a new report claims Spidey's suit will be anything but super when the character is first introduced in Captain America: Civil War.Heroic Hollywood reports Spider-Man will don two different costumes in Civil War; one will be homemade, something thrown together to help conceal his identity when he's fighting crime. The other will be tailor made by Iron Man himself, a gift given to Peter Parker for an alliance formed between the two characters.The suit Iron Man gives Spider-Man, however, won't be the Iron Spider suit seen in the Civil War comics. Instead, it will more closely match the familiar blue and red color scheme that Spidey has worn since the beginning. It's unclear if Marvel will put a small flourish to differentiate the costume slightly; I'd imagine there's going to be something to ensure that audiences know this is a different Spider-Man.If Iron Man does give Spider-Man a new suit toward the end of Civil War, we can probably expect that same suit to show up in the superhero's planned solo movie, which is currently set for a July 28, 2017 release.
Marvel's Black Panther Costume Revealed on Set of 'Captain America: Civil War'
Filming on Captain America: Civil War is underway across the Atlantic, but it's not just the Avengers who have invaded Germany. Secondary superheroes have also descended on the set of Marvel's summer 2016 blockbuster and into the crosshairs of local paps—which is how we have our first grainy looks at Chadwick Boseman's Black Panther in action sporting the comic book hero's snazzy black cat suit.Well, sort of: spy pics captured shots of Boseman's stunt double on set in a full body Black Panther suit and feline-eared face mask, harnessed into rigs that allow him (and doubles for Bucky Barnes and Captain America) to leap across and down a huge building.
Captain AmericaDisney Pulls Out All Stops at Movie Showcase
Until Star Wars, the day's most riotious ovation belonged to Marvel's Captain America: Civil War. Cap himself, Chris Evans, was joined by fellow Avenger Anthony Mackie (The Falcon) to show off an epic teaser laying out the stakes in the May 2016 film, which is nearing completion in Germany. While there was no sign of our new Spider-Man, the jam-packed footage provided a first peek at Black Panther, the heavily weaponized villain Crossbones, a high-tech spin on Falcon's pet raptor Redwing, and Paul Rudd's ill-prepared Ant-Man joining the team (. Other highlights included the repatriation of Bucky after his Winter Soldier interlude, the burgeoning feud between Cap and Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.'s directs some haterade to Evans's Steve Rogers: "Sometimes I want to punch you in your perfect teeth"), and the battle lines drawn between former allies (Black Widow: "We're still friends, right?" Hawkeye: "Depends on how hard you hit me."). The most ominous moment: a fleeting glimpse of a flag-draped coffin carried through a church, perhaps a nod to the Civil War comic book story that ends tragically for one of Marvel's top do-gooders.
We Just Saw The First Amazing Footage From Dr. Strange and Captain America: Civil War
Next up was Captain America Civil War. Feige called it the end of the Captain America trilogy, and the "culmination of everything that has come before in the Cinematic Universe." They are still shooting, with one week left in production, but both Chris Evans and Anthony Mackie flew straight from Germany to D23 to be on stage.It starts with Captain America in a bedroom. "Eyes on target," he says. Falcon is on the roof and launches a "red wing." This is a small drone that shoots out of his pack, flies down to the street and under a car. It begins sending Falcon X-rays of the car, and they realize it's a battering ram. Crossones jumps out of the back, Captain America jumps down to fight him, and he shoots a bomb onto Cap's shield. Cap is forced to throw his shield into the air, so the explosion doesn't hurt anyone. The two fight, Falcon flies in and Black Widow runs toward the action—this all takes place in a crowded foreign market place. Crossbones lands some huge punches on Cap with his mechanical arms, and there are knives embedded in them. Widow takes out four men. And just as Cap is about to beat Crossbones, he mentions Bucky. "What did you say?" Cap asks. Then the Marvel logo. We're just getting started.William Hurt's character from The Incredible Hulk is talking in voiceover as we see Cap and the team walking through the Avengers headquarters. "The world owed you an unplayable debt. People see you as a hero. There are some who prefer the word vigilante—people are afraid." Cap responds, "This job, you try to save as many as we can. Sometimes that doesn't mean everyone." Those last lines are over the ending shots of The Winter Soldier. Then we cut to the Ant-Man end credits scene. Bucky, aka The Winter Soldier, has been captured."Bucky, do you know me?" Captain America asks the captured Winter Soldier. "Your mother's name was Sara," he says.
'Captain America: Civil War' Footage Debuts at D23 with Avengers Doing Battle
In one scene, Downey's Tony Stark tells Evans' Steve, "Sometimes I wanna punch you in your perfect teeth." In a turnaround from "Age of Ultron," Tony seems to be arguing for more accountability from the superheroes, while Steve is willing to work outside the government system — which makes sense, given S.H.I.E.L.D.'s betrayal in "Captain America: Winter Soldier." Tony points out, "We have no boundaries, we're no better than the bad guys."The footage also included Cap, Falcon and Black Widow on the hunt for Frank Grillo's Crossbones in an urban environment, showing the villain going toe to toe with Cap — tossing him into cars and trading blows before gloating about Steve's former friend Bucky (Sebastian Stan). "He remembered you, you know — your pal, your buddy, your Bucky." The trailer delivered on the promise of "Captain America: Winter Soldier" and the stinger at the end of "Ant-Man," showing Steve and Sam confronting Bucky in a bunker and trying to establish if Bucky remembered who he was ("Buck, you know me?") with another scene showing Bucky going to battle alongside his best friend in the fight against Iron Man.The footage didn't show Tom Holland's Spider-Man, but did give a hint of Chadwick Boseman's Black Panther in civilian clothes and extending his costume's claws, and ended with an amusing scene that saw Paul Rudd's Scott Lang (aka Ant-Man) meeting Captain America for the first time, and thoroughly geeking out over the encounter: " I know you know a lot of super people, so thinks for thanking of me! Uh… thanks for thinking of me," he stammers."Civil War" also stars Martin Freeman, Paul Bettany (whose Vision was seen wearing a suit in the footage instead of his caped ensemble from "Ultron"), Emily VanCamp, and many more stars from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Disney Reveals First Captain America: Civil War Trailer At D23
Then, things transitioned into what was undoubtedly the main event, as Anthony Mackie and Chris Evans came on stage to introduce the first trailer for Captain America: Civil War, which was described by Deadline as follows:"Right out the gate we get an amazing battle and the reveal of Crossbones (Frank Grillo). Then a dive into the conflict between Tony Stark and Captain America that motivates the plot. Particularly Stark making the point that "Without boundaries we're no better than them." The best moment was at the end though, when we see Paul Rudd's Scott Lang brought into Captain America's faction, and he goes completely starstruck. "I know you know a lot of super… people, so I wanted to say thinks for thanking of me. Thanks for thinking of me."
Why Falcon Will Be Crucial To Captain America In Civil War
At Disney's D23 Expo the first footage from Captain America: Civil War dropped, and with it a bunch of mind-blowing action that has started to get fans even more excited for the upcoming feature. And with this first new footage, the film's actors have started to open up giving more details on what to expect. After seeing the post-credits scene of Ant-Man, we know that Falcon, Captain America and Winter Soldier were going to play critical roles in the upcoming feature. But apparently, it is Falcon who is guiding this important storyline, based upon his strong relationship with Captain America, according to the actor's who portray them. Chris Evans and Anthony Mackie were prompted on Winter Soldier's role in Civil War following the debut of the first footage. Their response highlighted less of Winter Soldier's role as it did to how important these three's relationship will be, particularly the bond between Cap and Falcon. Mackie told MTV News:
Ant-Man's Evangeline Lilly Has Been Measured Up For Wasp Suit
We're not sure if this necessarily counts as a spoiler (indeed, it had been widely predicted ever since the actress's casting was announced), but it looks as though 'Ant-Man's Evangeline Lilly is far from done with the Marvel Cinematic Universe - and moreso, has some superheroics of her own in the pipeline.Okay, just to be on the safe side we'll warn you of moderate 'Ant-Man' spoilers coming up now…As anyone who stuck around to watch the end credits scenes of 'Ant-Man' will be well aware, we see Michael Douglas's Hank Pym finally entrust his daughter Hope (Lilly) with a Wasp suit originally designed for her lost mother, prompting Hope to smile, "it's about damn time."There could be no clearer indication that Lilly is set to take on the mantle of The Wasp in future movies - and in a conversation with fans on Facebook (covered by, Lilly sheds a little light on how far things have progressed in that area:
Chris Evans Explains Why Captain America Needs The Winter Soldier
Captain America and Bucky Barnes have had a rather tumultuous friendship.First of all they were best of buds at the beginning of 'Captain America: The First Avenger'. That seemingly ended with Barnes falling to his assumed death during the midst of World War II.But in 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' Barnes returned as the titular villain, and soon set about destroying his old pal, something that he just about failed to do. 'Captain America: Civil War' will see Chris Evans' Steve Rogers and Sebastian Stan's Bucky Barnes share the screen again, and fans are intrigued by what their dynamic will be in the blockbuster.This was exacerbated over the weekend when the first trailer for 'Captain America: Civil War' premiered at the Disney Expo, and a specific line of dialogue hinted that Bucky and Steve's relationship will be at the core of Civil War.Speaking to Captain America, Crossbones (Frank Grillo) declares, "He remembered you. Your pal, your buddy, your Bucky." Obviously, at this point, it's still too early to know exactly what that means, but it's still downright exciting.
Watch the leaked 'Captain America: Civil War' teaser trailer right here
There's a new Captain America movie in the works that's going to hit theaters in early May next year, but you can view a leaked teaser trailer right now.Called Civil War, the third installment in the Captain America series will bring back several characters from the Marvel universe, many whom you've probably seen in previous episodes of the Avengers movies. Ant-Man, Spider-Man, Black Panther and Iron Man are just some of the characters that'll join Captain America in the new film.A short teaser trailer was shown at the Disney D23 Expo in Anaheim, California, Australia Network News reports, where an audience member managed to record a portion of it with a smartphone camera and then post it on YouTube.Civil War is apparently the final film in the trilogy, the "culmination of everything that has come before in the Cinematic Universe," though it's not exactly clear what that means.According to Entertainment Weekly, "the red, white, and blue good-guy battles the red and gold good-guy Iron Man over who should control the fate of superpowered beings." That sounds like an incredible fight to watch, though you'll have to wait nine more months for the movie to premiere to see it in full.In the meantime, the official Captain America: Civil War trailer has yet to hit YouTube, but you can always check out the leaked teaser trailer below, and catch glimpses of both superheroes.
Captain America? Civil War Official Teaser Trailer D23.......An incident leads to the Avengers developing a schism over how to deal with situations, which escalates into an open fight between allies Iron Man and Captain America. More Like and Fav. This is ASOMWE !!!!!!!! .....
Captain America: Civil War Will Show Us One Familiar Spider-Man Location
When it comes to Spider-Man's presence in Joe and Anthony Russo's Captain America: Civil War, pretty much all we can really say is that he's in the movie. Marvel Studios has been working hard to keep all details of the characters' appearance under-wraps, and the reality is that we have no idea exactly what he will be up to in the film. At the very least what we can say now is that there will be a scene that's set in the bedroom of Peter Parker.This is a pretty odd story, but a local NBC news station in Atlanta has published an article about the abundance of prop workshops popping up all over the Georgia city, and in the piece it's mentioned that one company in particular is providing the furniture that was being used for Peter Parker's bedroom during the production of Captain America: Civil War. The set dressing was only mentioned briefly in a long list of other props for other movies that the particular warehouse stored, but a photo featured on the site shows a desk and chair from the film (amazing stuff, I know).Ever since Tom Holland was officially given the role of Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there has been a great deal of speculation regarding not only how much of the webslinger we would see in Captain America: Civil War, but also how the screentime would split between Holland being Peter Parker and his superhero secret identity. We always expected that the character would show up in the film in full costume, but this is interesting confirmation that we will see him in his normal nerdy form.So what exactly could we see from a Captain America: Civil War scene set in Peter Parker's bedroom? Maybe it's a down moment in the story where we see certain superheroes return to their normal lives and take off their masks. Perhaps Nick Fury will end up there on a special recruiting mission. Hell, maybe Ant-Man ends up in there for a fight scene because he enjoys fighting with bad guys in kids' bedrooms. The reality is that there's an endless number of potential scenarios, though some are better than others.
Who is Spider-Man going to fight in Captain America: Civil War?
Possible Spoilers Ahead...It's known that Spider-Man will be making his first Marvel Cinematic Universe appearance in Captain America: Civil War. In the comic arc, he sided with Iron Man, but who will he team up with in the film?So far we know of one civil war battle in the film. In the Captain America: Civil War sizzle reel that was released during D23 Expo, we saw Hawkeye fighting against Black Widow. Now we have a report from Heroic Hollywood revealing another civil war battle in the movie.Tom Holland, who plays the new Spider-Man, is currently shooting in Germany for his scene. The site's source says that one of the scenes involves him battling against Captain America. This should be an interesting battle. The greatest soldier going up against the super agile and web-slinging hero.It's rumored that Spider-Man will be on Iron Man's side in the film, and with this report, it most likely is.Captain America: Civil War hits theaters on May 6, 2016.
Captain America: Civil War Wraps Production; New Set Photos Released
It may be hard to believe, but Marvel Studios is getting ready to launch Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which will begin in May 2016 when Captain America: Civil War is released. That project is one of the more anticipated on the studio's slate, given its famous comic book source material and all-star cast that essentially makes it more The Avengers 2.5 than a solo outing for Steve Rogers.Marvel was on hand at the recent 2015 D23 expo, where the company debuted some footage from Civil War, but it was never released to the public. While that no doubt has been frustrating for those who couldn't be in attendance for the panel, the fact that the film has now finished production is a sign of hope that a teaser trailer could come in the near future.Marvel co-president Louis D'Esposito announced on his Twitter page that directors Joe and Anthony Russo have wrapped principal photography, offering his compliments to all who worked hard on the movie:
Captain America: Civil War: Iron Man to Use Bleeding Edge Armor?
With Marvel Studios' Phase 2 now completed, the opening chapter of the next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Anthony and Joe Russo's Captain America: Civil War, has the attention of countless movie fans – fans who are very curious to see how the highly anticipated comic book movie will introduce new versions of both Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Tom Holland) and T'Challa/Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman), while also juggling a big dispute between Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) and Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.).With Iron Man and Captain America taking different sides on just how much the government should be involved in the heroes' challenging work, their fellow Avengers – both new and founding members – will decide whether they want to support Iron Man or Captain America – or avoid the conflict altogether. As Iron Man is forced into potentially fighting his fellow superheroes (and Captain America may battle Spider-Man), speculation has begun that Stark will step into a brand new armor for the conflict – an armor that might be taken straight from the comics.
This Week in Superhero News: 'Captain America: Civil War' and More
The D23 Civil War footage has been the topic of discussion this week from Marvel's next film and we know that the heroes will be pinned against each other over the topic of some sort of super hero regulation, but the question up in the air is how far the disagreements will go. Anthony Mackie, who will be on one side of the conflict as Falcon, shed some light on how severe this debacle will be, calling the fights in the film "more of a family dispute" and "a sibling rivalry".

Disney sets Marvel release dates through 2019
