Captain America: Brave New World |

Looks decent enough, will then lead us into THUNDERBOLTS*.

Looks like the naval / air battles are in the viscinity of Tiamut Island. Think there's expected to be valuable resources (along the lines of adamantium / vibranium) there. For those who didn't see Eternals, this is Tiamut Island:

"Comic book" movies seem to have taken over the multiplex. How did it come to this? I suppose it all began with Superman
Title of review in Variety:

That is not encouraging. I'm sure I will watch it when I can stream for free.
Seems to be the theme in review titles. Winter Soldier and Civil War were pretty big in shifting the direction of the franchise. Russo brothers I think were involved in both.

So it seems it might not be great and rise to that standard, but it isn't Ironman 2 bad or goodness forbid, DC movie bad. Still looking forward to it. I'm the only person who liked The Eternals so maybe I'll be very happy.
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I didn't like it at all. Way too many 'enter stage left' (narrative dump) 'exit stage right' scenes. Just as a movie itself it just didn't feel very good to watch. The actors all put in a good performance and the VFX was nice, but they couldn't save it for me. I'm usually the 'I like it for what it was' kind of guy with the sub-par/mediocre Marvel movies that seem to be the rule rather than the exception since Endgame, but not with this movie.
Long story short, I liked it. It was exposition and build up for the next major confrontation. Some of the action was over the top. Recasting Ford for Hurt confused the heck out of me, but they did a good nod of it with the mustache reference. The film felt longer than it was. Based on the generalized comments I brushed through, the movie was about as good as I could reasonably expect for a set up film.

More detailed, how to put it without spoilers. I liked the attitude of the film, as it continues a more meaningful Captain America / large picture vibe (serious, but not Black Panther level serious). The fighter jet scene was a bit much. I get that the whole G's thing doesn't exist if you are in a body suit in Marvel, but it was close LOL at times. The final fight sequence felt a bit like Thor 2 (underwhelming... it had purpose with the plot, but *shrug*, however, there could be a pay off later with it).The final issue is the the Black Widow issue, ie... not an uber soldat. But able to take punches like he is. I wish they would have explained some tech in the shield to allow him to go the Rogers with it. I'd say this was between Captain America and Winter Soldier. The film felt like it was in part designed for people who didn't watch the series and they dug a bit deeper than needed to help create the drive of Falcon as Captain America.

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