Hello all. I was a directtv subscriber for a many years until AT&T came along and it didn't take long for me to cancel my subscription. For the past year I have had Youtube TV and Philo which isn't a bad combo. A couple of things annoy me with streaming though. One is having to switch between apps to browse all of the channels ( which is a minor annoyance) and the fact that the prices are getting almost as high as cable/satellite and you are getting less of a user friendly interface. I miss a real guide and dvr. I need so recommendations. I need a setup of 2 or 3 tvs in the house. I would like to be able to record more than 2 shows at a time and still watch live tv. I am also wondering about how well the dish anywhere app works. I travel a lot and take a fire-stick with me. Can I watch live tv through the Dish Anywhere and my family back home still be able to watch tv? Would I need the Hopper 3 or Hopper with Sling? I would the America's 240+ package. I was wondering what the true cost of a setup like i am wanting. I would need my local channels added in and I would need one wireless Joey and a wireless 4k Joey if they have such a thing. I am also a Healthcare provider and I was wondering if any of you have used the promotions for that and how it works. Sorry for so many questions but I would rather ask real people for real experiences first. Thanks