Glad to help. I'm kind of flying blind since I don't have my system yet, but I did a comparison of TheList! and the Glorystar channel update form 4/3/08. Here are the differences I found:
* VBS Radio and American Liberty Radio are listed at Frequency 11714; Glorystar has them at 11716.
* American Liberty Radio is listed at APID 3015 and PCR 3015; Glorystar has them at 3011 and 2001.
* Al Karma is listed at Frequency 11786 and Symbol 28126; Glorystar has them at 11789 and 28125.
* Daystar TV, TBN Nejat, and Overcomer are listed at Frequency 11835 and Symbol 20770; Glorystar has them at 11836 and 20765.
* Telepace is listed at Frequency 11872; Glorystar has it listed at 11874.
* Rodnoy, CNL Russian, The Word Network, and Spirit 1 Radio are listed at Frequency 11965; Glorystar has them at 11966.
* Cancao Nova and Cancao Radio Nova are listed at Frequency 11999; Glorystar has them at 11998.
* Impact TV, EzraWeb Radio, Safe TV, and Cornerstone TV are listed at Frequency 12114; Glorystar has them at 12115.
* TBN, God's Learning Channel, TBN Russia, TBN Enlace, Smile of a Child, Emmanuel TV, KNLB Radio, and JCTV are listed at Frequency 12175 and Symbol 2297; Glorystar has them at 23000. Also, Glorystar has KNLB Radio at PCR 8191.
* 3ABN English, 3ABN Latino, 3ABN Radio, and Radio 74 are listed at Frequency 11821; Glorystar has them at 11822.
* GCN TV, Bethel TV, Apostolic Oneness, Gospel Music TV, and The Miracle Channel are listed at Frequency 11856 and Symbol 28139; Glorystar has them at 11860 and 28138.
* TRWAM and CGN TV are listed at Frequency 12119; Glorystar has them at 12120. Also, Glorystar has CGN TV at VPID 1460, APID 1420, and PCR 1460.
Also, there are a couple of additions that need to be made to TheList for Glorystar:
1) Church Channel, Galaxy 25 Ku, 12177 V 23000, VPID 47, APID 48, PCR 47.
2) Spirit WOrd, Galaxy 25 Ku, 12115 V 22425, VPID 2562, APID 2563, PCR 2562.
3) Vision Heaven, Galaxy 25 Ku, 11716 V 2000, VPID 2004, APID 3004, PCR 204.
4) Bethel Radio, AMC 4 Ku, 11860 H 28138, APID 3131, PCR 3129.
5) Radio Nueva Vida, Galaxy 25 Ku, 11716 V 22000, APID 3015, PCR 3015.