The YouTube TV Thread

LOL, I highly doubt it will be a mass exodus. Baseball is terribly boring, the games are to long, the season to long, and the salary cap is out of control. Hint, the teams that pay the most money, are the ones that will make the playoffs.

I know a lot of people who left Dish when they couldn't get their RSNs. You may not like MLB or baseball, others are fanatics (same with the NFL, NBA, and NHL.) I'm sure Sinclair is not happy about their outlets going down, and one would hope the number of providers who have dropped them will send a message, but for me, I'm not into wanting my provider to take a stand to make a point, I just simply want what I want to watch on TV.
I know a lot of people who left Dish when they couldn't get their RSNs. You may not like MLB or baseball, others are fanatics (same with the NFL, NBA, and NHL.) I'm sure Sinclair is not happy about their outlets going down, and one would hope the number of providers who have dropped them will send a message, but for me, I'm not into wanting my provider to take a stand to make a point, I just simply want what I want to watch on TV.
Despite not having the Sinclair / FOX RSNs for half the year, Dish still signed up 1.348 new subscribers last year. (although they still ended with a net loss of 511k satellite subscribers, and a small net gain on Sling subscribers who also lost RSN access) [1]

This is where the RSN model is broken. One study has results that claimed nearly 65% of people never watched their local RSN.[2] That's a lot of people paying for a rather expensive channel that they never watch.

[1] Page 96
[2] Industry Voices—Ring: The TV bundle is fracturing. Are RSNs on the fault line?
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I'm not into wanting my provider to take a stand to make a point, I just simply want what I want to watch on TV.

I'd venture to guess this is the mindset of most customers. They don't care whose fault the dispute is, they just want to watch the game. Right or wrong, the impression will always be that a dispute is the carrier's fault.
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I'd venture to guess this is the mindset of most customers. They don't care whose fault the dispute is, they just want to watch the game. Right or wrong, the impression will always be that a dispute the carrier's fault.

Then I think it is clear that those people should just pay through the nose and go with AT&T/DirecTV.
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Then I think it is clear that those people should just pay through the nose and go with AT&T/DirecTV.

They will. They'll go to whatever delivery method has the games they want. Sports fans don't have much tolerance for this stuff. Trust me, I live in Kansas City- if anyone is in danger of missing a Chiefs or Royals game due to a dispute, they'll hop to another provider immediately.
I'm beginning to question just how much I need to be able to watch 162 games each season. It's of course been nice to put games on when the team is doing well and at least have it on in the background when nothing else is on, etc. But what I've found myself doing more often recently, with so much to watch on the various services now, is in the evenings after dinner (prime time), I mostly just check in from time to time, and if I miss some runs, I rewind to see what happened. I never just sit there for 3+ hours and watch every single pitch and commercial. Sure, a few extra bucks is worth it to me for the convenience and access to every game. But there's a limit to how much this is worth to me. If not for the stupid MLB blackout rule, catching the occasional game on ESPN, Fox/FS1, or the MLB network might be enough.
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They will. They'll go to whatever delivery method has the games they want. Sports fans don't have much tolerance for this stuff. Trust me, I live in Kansas City- if anyone is in danger of missing a Chiefs or Royals game due to a dispute, they'll hop to another provider immediately.
I understand that, and, if they are willing to pay for it, great. If it cost me too much, I definitely wouldn't pay to watch F1.
Please keep us posted. Would be nice to "uncheck" and delete them too. Many were one episode wonders and are now just clutter.

That's real easy... just remove those from you library. That 'deletes' the series.

Removing individual episodes from an entire series is a different story. But, I don't have a problem with them collecting episodes as they air on other stations to complete the series. Unlike a DVR, this can be done without having to worry about duplicate episodes chewing up capacity.

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That's real easy... just remove those from you library. That 'deletes' the series.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No, it doesn't 'delete' anything at all, just doesn't collect more of them. The only deletion is when they expire. In the meantime it is just clutter.
No, it doesn't 'delete' anything at all, just doesn't collect more of them. The only deletion is when they expire. In the meantime it is just clutter.
As someone who has had YTTV for more than two years, I can confirm that removing a program from your library completely removes it from your library on all devices. You don't have to wait for things to expire. In fact, a show will still appear in your library even after all episodes have expired if you don't manually remove it. You just need to uncheck it and it will disappear, though you may need to refresh the page to see that it's indeed gone.
As someone who has had YTTV for more than two years, I can confirm that removing a program from your library completely removes it from your library on all devices. You don't have to wait for things to expire. In fact, a show will still appear in your library even after all episodes have expired if you don't manually remove it. You just need to uncheck it and it will disappear, though you may need to refresh the page to see that it's indeed gone.

I don't see that. I "uncheck" but they remain.
Can you only get 2 week FREE trial now? I thought maybe is was days free. Maybe that is Hulu.
I don't see that. I "uncheck" but they remain.

Sometimes you have to refresh the page by going to another menu screen and returning. Unchecking definitely removes them from your library. I do a sweep every few weeks to get rid of shows that got cancelled or I lost interest in or they were a one-time special event.