You know I think Carl is doing pretty well holding it together, considering he lives in a Zombie apocalypse, has had to kill his mother after she had a crude C-section to have his little sister be born ,then his mother's dead body gets eaten whole by a fat zombie, then seen his sister disappear leaving a bloody mess in her car seat, in the Governor's invasion of the prison. Not to mention his dad has gone a little looney toon at times and he has had to be the adult in the room more times than I can remember. Oh and the weekly body count he has to live through , and sometimes cause,has got to get him a little down at times. And when you consider there are no more barbers in business ,nor electricity to run the clippers if there were, I think he looks pretty good. The hat is practical and is his only connection to the former world he lived in where his daddy was the sheriff.
I think the baby getting eaten(presumably) was a enough child death this season and Carl will live this year. I don't think Rick could live through his son being killed too. When you think about Rick's losses , they are staggering as well. His best friend cheats with Rick's wife and was probably the baby's father, Rick has to kill his best friend because he is trying to kill Rick and then kill him again as a zombie, his wife killed and eaten by a zombie and then his baby daughter eaten(presumably) , not to mention all the other people he thought he could depend on and look up to like Herschel , Carol, etc.
I think the real Walking Dead are the live humans like Rick and Carl that are still wandering this earth looking for salvation of some kind. They are all just waiting to turn into a zombie one way or another and they are pyschologically all damaged and barely getting through their days one minute at a time. So the zombies are like some virus that they have to fight and hope they don't succumb to it by bite or by accidental death that brings the virus to them.
I think the baby getting eaten(presumably) was a enough child death this season and Carl will live this year. I don't think Rick could live through his son being killed too. When you think about Rick's losses , they are staggering as well. His best friend cheats with Rick's wife and was probably the baby's father, Rick has to kill his best friend because he is trying to kill Rick and then kill him again as a zombie, his wife killed and eaten by a zombie and then his baby daughter eaten(presumably) , not to mention all the other people he thought he could depend on and look up to like Herschel , Carol, etc.
I think the real Walking Dead are the live humans like Rick and Carl that are still wandering this earth looking for salvation of some kind. They are all just waiting to turn into a zombie one way or another and they are pyschologically all damaged and barely getting through their days one minute at a time. So the zombies are like some virus that they have to fight and hope they don't succumb to it by bite or by accidental death that brings the virus to them.