The Walking Dead on AMC

You know I think Carl is doing pretty well holding it together, considering he lives in a Zombie apocalypse, has had to kill his mother after she had a crude C-section to have his little sister be born ,then his mother's dead body gets eaten whole by a fat zombie, then seen his sister disappear leaving a bloody mess in her car seat, in the Governor's invasion of the prison. Not to mention his dad has gone a little looney toon at times and he has had to be the adult in the room more times than I can remember. Oh and the weekly body count he has to live through , and sometimes cause,has got to get him a little down at times. And when you consider there are no more barbers in business ,nor electricity to run the clippers if there were, I think he looks pretty good. The hat is practical and is his only connection to the former world he lived in where his daddy was the sheriff.

I think the baby getting eaten(presumably) was a enough child death this season and Carl will live this year. I don't think Rick could live through his son being killed too. When you think about Rick's losses , they are staggering as well. His best friend cheats with Rick's wife and was probably the baby's father, Rick has to kill his best friend because he is trying to kill Rick and then kill him again as a zombie, his wife killed and eaten by a zombie and then his baby daughter eaten(presumably) , not to mention all the other people he thought he could depend on and look up to like Herschel , Carol, etc.

I think the real Walking Dead are the live humans like Rick and Carl that are still wandering this earth looking for salvation of some kind. They are all just waiting to turn into a zombie one way or another and they are pyschologically all damaged and barely getting through their days one minute at a time. So the zombies are like some virus that they have to fight and hope they don't succumb to it by bite or by accidental death that brings the virus to them.
What I do not understand (but yes it is the magic of TV or the comics) is why everyone is infected and turns as soon as they die from any cause, yet a bite turns them immediately... Is there a second virus/disease that kills you fast from a bite that then the zombie virus then takes hold?
What I do not understand (but yes it is the magic of TV or the comics) is why everyone is infected and turns as soon as they die from any cause, yet a bite turns them immediately... Is there a second virus/disease that kills you fast from a bite that then the zombie virus then takes hold?

It is a bit of a quandary when you consider that most shows have a clean cut virus that causes you to turn into a zombie. Having everyone with the virus in their system and have them turn into a zombie at death as well doesn't make sense. It is something I wish that they would explore and explain in the show.

To me the show lacks a bigger explanation into what caused the zombie virus and what is happening in the world , the government or lack there of etc. The BIG Overall Picture is what is lacking. At one time when they went to the CDC in Atlanta , I thought we would get more information ,but that literally blew up in our faces and here we are season 4 with no idea what is happening outside of the small area that encompasses the immediate area that Rick & company live in or the Governor lived in.

This is one of my biggest gripes about this show. I want details ,even if it was some small explanation found in a newspaper they come up on, or video tape report that they some how could watch- using solar power or what ever. Something !:confused:
This is one of my biggest gripes about this show. I want details ,even if it was some small explanation found in a newspaper they come up on, or video tape report that they some how could watch- using solar power or what ever. Something !:confused:

Perhaps the talked about new series that is a prequel that covers the time the infection started would fill in a lot of details...
My biggest gripe is these Walkers don't rot and turn to goo after a few weeks. I don't mind fresh-killed zombies being able to run and/or climb, but zombies gotta slow down after a few weeks and drop dead after 6-months, tops!

Yes that too would be nice to know. After all hasn't it been like over a couple of years in real time in the show by now? In Warm Bodies the movie from last year they explained that the zombies became bonies when they got old and all the skin rotted off. The bonies would eat or kill anyone , human or zombies. It doesn't make sense that the zombies can continue to eat and kill and never rot. While we are talking about this , where does all the flesh and body parts that they eat go ? I mean the zombies are dead so it isn't like they have a working digestive system complete with elimination . So where does all the meat go? Unless they crap their pants and leave a trail behind them. IF it doesn't leave their bodies then there should be a lot of FAT Zombies waddling around the country side. It sure would change the whole scary factor of the show with OBESE Zombies. They would have to change the show title to:

The Waddling DEAD;)
My biggest gripe is these Walkers don't rot and turn to goo after a few weeks. I don't mind fresh-killed zombies being able to run and/or climb, but zombies gotta slow down after a few weeks and drop dead after 6-months, tops!
If that happened, there would only be a small number of zombies around. Yes, there'd always be "new" ones, but they'd die off too.
If that happened, there would only be a small number of zombies around. Yes, there'd always be "new" ones, but they'd die off too.

I supposed that I can suspect disbelieve and actually envision the recently deceased coming back to life...but at some point muscle and tissue cannot defy basic laws of nature and continue to work indefinitely...and 2-years is a long time IMO.
I supposed that I can suspect disbelieve and actually envision the recently deceased coming back to life...but at some point muscle and tissue cannot defy basic laws of nature and continue to work indefinitely...and 2-years is a long time IMO.

If they did that, then the show would be over. So I am fine with it.
For the sake of "discussion", can we presume that the vast majority of the population (already infected) died around the same time ? I base that on how highways are littered with hundreds of cars in one traffic jam, for example. If that's the case, the clock, be it 3 months, 6 months, 2 years, etc, etc, starts then. All of those zombies will die (a 2nd time). The survivors of the initial mass death will eventually die, whether it's old age, killed by zombies, other humans, etc, but their numbers are so much smaller.

Clearly, unless they're shot or stabbed in the "brain", they never seem to die (in the show). As you say, the show would be over too soon....

I have other questions, but I can accept that this is make-believe / fiction.... :D
It is a bit of a quandary when you consider that most shows have a clean cut virus that causes you to turn into a zombie. Having everyone with the virus in their system and have them turn into a zombie at death as well doesn't make sense. It is something I wish that they would explore and explain in the show.

To me the show lacks a bigger explanation into what caused the zombie virus and what is happening in the world , the government or lack there of etc. The BIG Overall Picture is what is lacking. At one time when they went to the CDC in Atlanta , I thought we would get more information ,but that literally blew up in our faces and here we are season 4 with no idea what is happening outside of the small area that encompasses the immediate area that Rick & company live in or the Governor lived in.

This is one of my biggest gripes about this show. I want details ,even if it was some small explanation found in a newspaper they come up on, or video tape report that they some how could watch- using solar power or what ever. Something !:confused:

The writer of the books, Robert Kirkman, has said that this won't be explained in this show. He says that the science isn't what this show is about. It's not about the big picture it's about a group of survivors. The CDC guys are gone now and they were never part of the group to begin with. Besides that, they didn't have the answers. Officer Rick Grimes doesn't have the ability to analyze a virus and figure out what caused it or how to design an antidote. Anyone still waiting for them to figure it all out or find a cure in the final season is going to be disappointed.
The writer of the books, Robert Kirkman, has said that this won't be explained in this show. He says that the science isn't what this show is about. It's not about the big picture it's about a group of survivors. The CDC guys are gone now and they were never part of the group to begin with. Besides that, they didn't have the answers. Officer Rick Grimes doesn't have the ability to analyze a virus and figure out what caused it or how to design an antidote. Anyone still waiting for them to figure it all out or find a cure in the final season is going to be disappointed.

Well color me disappointed then. Because if it is only about a group of survivors then it will get old very quickly and in some ways has already gotten old. The only time I the show got interesting to me was the beginning parts where the world was just falling apart, the parts with the governor and Woodberry, and the take down of the governor and invasion of the prison. The rest is all one gory zombie/human death mess. IF it stays this way I might have to reconsider watching next season.
They do not have to really analyse it. They could have explained it as simply as everyone is infected with a virus and a biter's bite is very poisonous and will kill someone quickly.
They do not have to really analyse it. They could have explained it as simply as everyone is infected with a virus and a biter's bite is very poisonous and will kill someone quickly.

But why bother trying to explain that when everyone already knows it happens. When people get bit they die. The group knows it and so does everyone who watches the show. They didn't need a scientist or some in depth explanation to know that. Knowing the science behind it isn't all that useful to the group of survivors unless they knew how to make some type of vaccination and none of them have that ability.
But why bother trying to explain that when everyone already knows it happens. When people get bit they die. The group knows it and so does everyone who watches the show. They didn't need a scientist or some in depth explanation to know that. Knowing the science behind it isn't all that useful to the group of survivors unless they knew how to make some type of vaccination and none of them have that ability.

Because with out hope of a cure or the eventual end of the zombies and a place for them to start over, the human race that was left would give up and eventually just end it. Without hope there is no reason to go on. That is true in any show and in real life as well. Besides they already came upon a scientist from the CDC in Atlanta in the first season. There is no reason why they couldn't come upon a government scientist who is working frantically to cure the world of the virus and they might know what caused it in the first place.

Watching a gore-fest each week is getting old and really only appeals to the lowest common element or baser instinct of the human race or viewers out there. It doesn't have to be more than a 5 - 10 minute conversation with someone in the know, who could fill the characters on the show in ,as well as the viewers like me who are interested.

Even on Resident Evil ,they still have the Umbrella organization still running things from behind the curtain and they know what caused it etc. They give you an explanation about the virus and you still get to see all the gore you like . All I am asking for was a little about what caused it, can it be cured and you could throw in some freebies like we have already talked about.

#1. Where does the human meat the zombies eat go ?-Since the zombies can't digest anything because they are DEAD?

#2 How long does a zombie last before it breaks down and rots to nothing but a skeleton?

Give me a little background story on these issues and I could enjoy the show more. Without it , it is just gory deaths one after another with a soap opera plot.

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