The Walking Dead on AMC

I was right about Glenn's outcome. I have said it since day one that he wasn't really dead.
I know. In my last post when I said that "I didn't see that coming," I meant the tower falling & taking out their protective wall. I also watched the WWE Survivor Series,which was as predictable as TWD wasn't concerning the ending of both programs.
I really dislike Gimple. Obviously Glen is not dead and this a ratings carrot.

Been saying the same thing since the first day after the "incident" in question happened. November is TV ratings sweeps month and this is definitely to get ratings up.

Trying to get good ratings isn't inherently a bad thing. It keeps the show on the air and allows them a bigger budget to shoot whatever they want.

I will say that the whole Glen thing was kind of a dirty trick. They clearly wanted everyone to think he was dead and it was clear pretty early on that this wasn't the case just by the way everyone talked about it. I'm not a huge fan of the whole idea of what they did but it doesn't really hurt my enjoyment of the show.
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I have to say that Glenn crawling out of the dumpster was kind of lame because we have seen other episodes where walkers crawled into small spaces as well. I remember walkers going after Rick under the tank on the first season in Atlanta. At this point, it does not matter. I think the show can go on without Glenn. Maybe this is a hint of what is to happen to Glenn
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Oh I still think Glenn is supposed to bite it sooner than later. Maybe by the end of this season. IF the comics are any guide , he gets killed by Neagan ,after finding out that Maggie is pregnant. So if he already knows that fact, which he didn't want Maggie to go on the run in the first place ,because it looked like he knew she was pregnant ,that leaves Neagan coming on the scene. He supposedly is going to be doing that in the season finale and be featured big time next season. So Glenn is running out of time , if they stay with the comic outline.

Guys please, again, we have a thread for comic spoilers, leave them out of this one.

Please stop doing this. You were already told last time you posted this spoiler here. No one wants to read comic spoilers in this thread. If we wanted to know what was happening in the comics we would read them ourselves or look at the thread that contains comic spoilers.
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Relax kids it's just a tv show. A tv show where most people die ,turn into zombies and then get killed again by a blow or stab to the head. So the chances of one of the main characters dying is pretty good. :nana
It is also a show that many of us want to see without having it spoiled before hand. Not everyone is interested in the comics or wants to know before hand how it may play out, especially in regards to huge events. ;)
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Relax kids it's just a tv show. A tv show where most people die ,turn into zombies and then get killed again by a blow or stab to the head. So the chances of one of the main characters dying is pretty good. :nana

Ridiculous. We all know that characters will die. What we don't know is which ones and how/when it will happen. It kind of ruins a lot of the experience when you know what is going to happen before hand.

The bottom line is that it has been made very clear that we don't want spoilers in this thread before the episodes air. You, and others, choosing to ignore that is just disrespectful.

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