The Voice

I found it interesting how Christina was often unwilling to give real compliments to the contestants who were not on her team. While her there contestants are good, none of them wow me.

On a different note, I remain baffled, after looking at the iTunes charts, how Sawyer Fredericks is dominating. And the number of contestants in the rock charts is also pretty interesting, from years past.
I agree. The kid is good but I don't see how he is dominating either. In my rankings I would have a couple of the women ranked above him.
I haven't watched last nights yet, but I didn't think his last two performances were that good.
I agree. The kid is good but I don't see how he is dominating either. In my rankings I would have a couple of the women ranked above him.
I haven't watched last nights yet, but I didn't think his last two performances were that good.

Yeah, his voice is, quite frankly, weird.

I also think the country kid may have sang himself out of the competition. Not a good song, and a poor execution. If he stays it will be a testament to the power of the country vote (which might have tuned out, given how few performers there are).
Just finished last nights performances. I thought Meghan, Kimberly, Koryn and DeAnna killed it. I liked Hannah and Corey's performances too. It wasn't his strongest performance but it was still good. I am biased though, because I've been listening too him for the past year, as he is a good friend of my nephew.
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I want to see Corey move forward (haven't watched it yet), just am concerned last night wasn't his best. And had Blake NOT mentioned the fact that he flubbed the lyric, I would not have noticed.
Ok, the country vote is still strong. Bummed about Deanna, but I think Josh (I think that is his name) has potential to go further. The girl just needs to get more confidence.

Yesterday, for some reason, I had an email from Big Machine Label group about Meghan Linsey, touting her old Steel Magnolia's CD, and praising her performance on the voice. My guess is that regardless of the outcome in the show, they will probably re-sign her.
Perhaps. An interesting kid, but I don't find his voice particularly impressive. He will probably win, and then go on to a fairly mediocre career. :) Like most of the winners, except Cassadee Pope.
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She just wasn't trying hard enough. :devilish

Megan unleashed the beast with 2 good performances, Sawyer finally sang something that didn't put me to sleep, but Josh still did.

Megan was awesome. I liked Josh's performance of In My Life. But what was adam thinking by giving him U2's Desire. It was not a good performance. I still don't get the Sawyer thing. Sitting down to watch the eliminations now..
Well, the itunes charts paint the picture of the finalists, and the outcome quite well. I'll be shocked if it isn't Sawyer, Meghan, and Joshua. Look at the Rock charts. Only 2 of the top 15 slots ARE NOT by the voice, and almost everything Sawyer has done is in that list. He is charting #2 of the overall charts as well.

It would take some sort of miracle for Meghan to beat him next week. Even if she pulled the country card a month ago, it would not have mattered.

I take no small amount of glee in having Christina watch from the sidelines. :) I mean seriously, last night, instead of talking about the artist (can't remember if it was Meghan or not), she spent time talking about the freaking drummer from the Voice band. Really? Go away, you tanning booth diva.
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