The Stick it to Dish anyway you can thread !

Well I have no idea what the retailer E mail was and no one else appears to know either. Plus as my letter stated I WAS a retailer, but not one currently.

Plus the first response doesnt take into account that AEP waives the DVR fee currently.

Today my 625 is 5 bucks

Feb 1st its 17 bucks

Cause it loses phone line connection discount AND adds DVR fee,

Which most understand here but apparently the retailer doesnt understand:(

Tomorrow morning I will respond by sending sky reports another mail adding that I OWN my receivers, they are not leased.
Bob, I would attribute those letters which are not fully factual and somewhat biased to from either stockholders or they are practicing there double talk response when people complain. I believe with almost 3 thousand views of this thread in a day and a half and with more people complaining , downgrading and canceling they won't be able to convince many subs that taking away a credit is not a rate increase. Logic and math are hard to overcome.
"thank you sir may I have another"
Looks to me like typical damage control responses from Dishhuggers. Tout the good, misdirect to the other hand but never, never, never, answer the real questions and complaints at hand. Reading what they are doing to the techs at the same time they are hosing the consumers it appears they are robbing Peter, Paul, and Mary and taking every penny they can. As they say, Good Luck with that. Everyone that I know that has a Dish Network account with more than one box has the same response. They plan to either drop their packages a heap, go OTA, or go elsewhere. We have options it depends on if you want to exercise them.
Anyone use a media server? Does best buy sell them?

Other than the locals most shows I watch are repeats.

worlds toughest fixes, dirty jobs, twilight zone, outer limits. Plus old shows on OTA I have a DTV pal DVR:)

With the right equiptement I could have all my favorite shows all the time:)

Keep a minimal sub to any company, then increase it once or twice a year just long enough to record new episodes. then back to mimimum package.

Plus netflix etc for odds and ends.

Have never even see a media server.

FIOS tv is available is available with no contract Although they first say you MUST have a contract. I said look at my account! See what I went thru?

Yes sir it will cost a bit more but we can accomodate you.

I figure I will sell my large collection of E equiptement to pay for media server.

Want a menu based easy to use system:)

there are rumors E plans some changes but honestly I doubt it will amount to anything fair.
I've told you before that most are built now bought as is to use. I could build you one but your not gonna want to pay me $1500 for 12 Tb system.

My birthaday is january 27TH. Perhaps everyone here will take up a collection??????????/ :):):)

Apparently theres another type of server where discs are housed?
My birthaday is january 27TH. Perhaps everyone here will take up a collection??????????/ :):):)

Apparently theres another type of server where discs are housed?

I'm sure a lot of us would be willing to take up a collection, but it won't be for that!
Bob ,I know we agree on the whole fees being hiked thing beingwrong, but lets look at how much a sub pays right now on an extra duo tuner dvr .

7.00 additional /lease fee
5.00 dvr fee
05.00 no phone line connection fee
17.00 total.

So if you didn't keep your phone plugged in you paid the $5.00 extra anyway. As for the dvr fee , you paid it too no matter what ,unless you had AEP. So DISH eliminated the break for dvrs on AEP and they do not allow any credit for the phone connection to the receiver. At most if you weren't an AEP sub you still payed the dvr fee and if you didn't keep it plugged into a phone you still paid $5.00 more or $17.00 for each dvr receiver after the first on your account. So at most you are paying $5.00 more for each duo tuner dvr unless you had AEP + the new $6.00 dvr fee per dvr account.

So what does that mean for AEP subs? Drop some of your extra premiums and dump your excess duo tuner dvrs and you will experience NO PRICE HIKE. In fact you will see your bill go DOWN. This is one increase you can actually avoid if you do a little homework. IF enough subs do this DISH will feel this in their pocket book instead of the subs.

So why not make the choice NOW and dump the extra dvrs and get a 211k for each extra dvr you have now. Add the dvr software and you won't suffer from any dvr fees monthly. You wouldn't even see an increase on additional receiver fees because it will stay at $7.00 for each 211k . Drop one premium movie pack and you would save $10.00 and that would cover the one account dvr fee of $6.00 with $4.00 left over for you to use. Try seeing if the will allow you to trade in your extra dvrs in for a couple of 211ks. IF not sell the extra dvrs on E-bay and take the money and buy a couple of 211ks or a 612.

The point is be PROACTIVE instead of REACTIVE.

While the part about the $5.00 fee is a bit disingenuous, this is exactly what I plan to do. This takes care of my problem, but it still doesn't excuse Dish from a double digit price increase that they are hiding under the guise of simplification. The last time someone tried that was the federal government about 20 years ago with their income tax simplification. I hope they don't do it again. I am not sure I can afford any more simplification. :)
Look although downgrading service may wash the cost of the increase, the bottom line your getting less for more:(

If you move to less expensive fee boxes your also getting less for more, and with a commitment? hey next year the package price stays the same, the 722 box fee climbs to 20 some bucks, after all the last fee increase caused minimum churn thoise subs are sticky, lets stick it to them.:(

beat the horse that pulls.

for everyones future benefit its best to complain loudly, and hurt E where it hurts the most CHURN!

If this gouge sticks all providers will be doing it next year!!!!
Oops, I totally missed the fact he owns his own equipment. If that is the case the he shouldn't be under contract, which means he has more leverage with E*. I can see them willing give some discounts; of course they might want a commitment (which I'd only agree to if the discount was for the life of the new commitment). Else the OP should some or all of his rec'rs ASAP, before Joe Public hears about the new fees, and just cut his losses.

I agree that it is BS that E* is charging the same fees on leased and owned equipement.

Yeah, I have a $400 722 collecting dust in the closet now. Always preferred to own to avoid contracts.

We have a Tivo now and with the OTA HD and Netflix HD, we have not really missed E so much. There are times we do, and I still really liked the 722, but our monthly tv bill is now 1/4 of what it was. :eek:

Can't wait for them to bring Hulu to Tivo. When that happens, you can bet more people will be switching.
Just saw my neighbor put up an outdoor antenna today and he has a Dish 1000 that gets locals. Dish already has enough churn, this will sure add to it.

That is kind of funny how it is mentioned how all the other providers will start to do the same thing. Didn't Dish fight the programming price increases because he knew the others would want a big increase as well? How about flipping that around on Dish? Oops, I guess it does not work that way.
How do you get that?

Just saw my neighbor put up an outdoor antenna today and he has a Dish 1000 that gets locals. Dish already has enough churn, this will sure add to it.

That is kind of funny how it is mentioned how all the other providers will start to do the same thing. Didn't Dish fight the programming price increases because he knew the others would want a big increase as well? How about flipping that around on Dish? Oops, I guess it does not work that way.

Just cause he's putting in an outdoor ant does it equate with churn. Sounds like he may just want to add his OTA to the system.
Why does everyone hate on Bob? :confused:

All I read is he is looking out for the consumer. I think a lot of us accept the fact we get screwed over daily. But there is no reason to be rude or disrespectful here. :up

Just cause he's putting in an outdoor ant does it equate with churn. Sounds like he may just want to add his OTA to the system.

A lot of people are already looking for ways to cut their bills. I don't see why he would add the antenna to his system when he was already getting locals on his satellite system unless he was looking at saving $5 per month by dropping the locals from his package (in which next month they will force everybody to pay for locals whether you want them or not). We only get two or three stations in this area OTA which is what Dish Network offers. He was on OTA before he got Dish Network and they only reason they got it was due to their daughter getting the system for them.
After 14 years with Dish i drop theme and i got FIOS , I got 4 receiver more channels faster Internet free long distend phone calls.

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