But not being up front? When the bill arrives I would cancel and complain to AGs office.
Its not like its still a rumor. Its a verified done deal
I feel really bad for the retailers but could you get sued? Since the fees are now common knowledge?
Up tiill now increase were a few bucks, not 30 some.
Yeah I own my receivers, E s ripping people off.
I wonder about the long term effect on Es reputation. A new or under contract gets a 20 or 30 buck increase. Add DVR, Add locals, Add extra receiver increase>
They may be locked in contract but how many will tell EVERYONE including the media?
In tonights news Dish customers who just signed up for new service find their first bill is 25 bucks a month more than they were quoted

and over the year thats a 300 buck increase

They signed a 2 year contract a 600 dollatr increase.
Geez that kinda news will really help sales