I think it is because Ellison lowered his gun and bowed his head. He was no longer a threat. That was alluded to in one of the early episodes.
This show is interested only because everyone longs for the Terminator. The Terminator movies were such excellent movies. This one I would not be surprised if Fox decides to drop it. The timeline is just getting ridiculous to follow and the writing to me is still questionable. They seem to make up things on the fly. I will not miss it since it does no justice to the great three movies.
I disagree. The first 2 Terminator movies were great, the last one I can live without. The series is actually very interesting. It doesn't follow the normal goodie good vs evil bad theme. The good folk has bad sides and the evil bots have logic to their madness. I don't really care about the timeline thing. It is all messed up anyway. I am looking forward to next season. This show has become one of my favorite after Chuck.
The only thing is that I hope blowing up Summer was not a way to bring in a different actress for the role next season. You know, changing skin and face and everything.
Yeah that would suck.Summer is part of the reason the show is such fun.