The Rockford Files

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....... nights agenda filled with Creature Feature! ...... Vincent Price .......There are so many!

Anyone wish to start OUR OWN STATION???

Please humor me and say "YES"! :)

Creature Feature! Great!

Mr. Vincent Price :bow

Yes there are many, many "thrillers and chillers"!

AcWxRadar: Anyone wish to start OUR OWN STATION???

Where do or how do we get started! ;)

You have a great list.... but I would also like to see the old Don Knots movies (not the ones with Tim Conway, but The Relutant Astronaut, Shakiest Gun in the West, Ghost and Mr.Chicken) as well as The Munsters, The Land of the Lost, Here's Lucy/The Lucy Show, etc. Also would like to see a Tarzan movie played each week in a certain time slot. I would watch most of them.....
And how about playing a serial, one part at a time each day in a certain time slot.
....old Don Knots movies (not the ones with Tim Conway, but The Relutant Astronaut, Shakiest Gun in the West, Ghost and Mr.Chicken) as well as The Munsters, The Land of the Lost, Here's Lucy/The Lucy Show...........

Larry1, you got some good ones going here!

The Relutant Astronaut 1967, Don Knots & Leslie Nielsen! I forgot about that one! :up

You have a great list.... but I would also like to see the old Don Knots movies (not the ones with Tim Conway, but The Relutant Astronaut, Shakiest Gun in the West, Ghost and Mr.Chicken) as well as The Munsters, The Land of the Lost, Here's Lucy/The Lucy Show, etc. Also would like to see a Tarzan movie played each week in a certain time slot. I would watch most of them.....
And how about playing a serial, one part at a time each day in a certain time slot.

Excellent! Put these on the lineup, too!

And how about Lieutenant Robin Corusoe with Dick Van Dyke? That was an excellent comedy!

Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein?

How about Drive-In Theaters? Anyone have any Drive-In Theaters left in your area? They are all gone here and I surely miss that!

How about Drive-In Theaters? Anyone have any Drive-In Theaters left in your area? They are all gone here and I surely miss that!


There is one between Port Hope and Cobourg. I haven't been to it in quite a few years though.

port hope drive-in theatre

And a historic theatre in Port Hope

Capitol Theatre Arts Centre :: Port Hope :: Capitol Theatre Arts Centre :: Port Hope :: Images

They rebuilt it some time ago, changed the enterance, but the interior is like it was when I was a kid.
Yea Gordy, Sure Do.....

I have only one left, The Jungle Drive In. The best one around here was The Belpre Open Air Drive-In was in Belpre Ohio but it was tore down years ago in the 90's.

The property now is a Private Airfield or a small airport for single engine private planes. The other half has McDonalds and a Kroger store on it. All the old things in this area seems to get tore down for parking lot space in town where there is nothing anymore!

The last movie I went to see at The Open Air Drive-In was [ame=""]The Money Pit (1986)@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame] in 1986 with was a box office flop for Tom but I liked it. He was a B list move actor then.

Now the only Drive-In left here in Parkersburg,
The Jungle Drive In I am planning on going this weekend with the wife to see a movie, driving up in the classic car for nostalgia and watching Monsters vs. Aliens & Star Trek!

For one price at the Jungle you get two movies for the price of one! :D

They have a FM Stereo transmitter in the film house that transmits to your car FM radio & the old style window speaker!


Jungle Drive-In Information

Jungle Drive-In

Address: 6600 Old St. Mary's Pike Parkersburg, WV 26101

Location notes: located 7 miles north of Parkersburg WV,
on or near Hwy 2, near Parish-Morris, on Valley Mills Circle

Screens: 1
Sound: speakers & FM Transmitter
Car Capacity: 308
Typical season: April - October

Technical details: FM Transmitter on site for Stereo sound to cars

Jungle Drive-In Timeline:
1953 - opened
2006 - closed temporarily due to mechanical problems
2007 - target reopening in April
2008- open
2009 -open
Whats Showing: CLICK HERE


That is very interesting Larry1.

The drive-INS are about extinct these days and the move theater is going to be around for awhile, but the old theaters are gone replaced by the modern ones. I read someplace that the big ones will not have film anymore but the movies will be downloaded via satellite and shown that way.

They will have some sort of protection on the downloaded movies after they get them, they will only run at certain times and for the length it is leased to show at the particular theater.

Boy the tech in electronics these days. I know not all theaters are this savvy yet but the big ones in larger cities are. I wonder what bird they use for the downlink. I thought it was Regal, it has been awhile since I saw it but interesting to say the least.

Great link Larry1, looking at it now!

Just think there will be a generation of kids saying "What's A Drive In?" just like the LP got stomped out by the Cassette and CD! :eek:

The theatre these days can play movies from film, with an analoge sound track, or a digital sound track (on the film), or a cd with the sound track or a digital show with no film at all.
Motion picture film technology is what got me started in film and video when I was 10. There was an abandoned movie theater down the street from my house, and going up into the projection room and discovering the film equipment there was the beginning of a life-long interest. Therefore, old theaters have always held a special spot in my heart. The last drive-ins around the New Orleans area closed in the early 80s, mainly due to new legislation banning them from operating in the metro area. Apparently, there were complaints that children could see the screens, which often were showing nudity and other objectionable R-rated material. A friend of mine in the business ran a drive-in theater in the distant suburbs for a time, but he could never compete with the new multiplexes.
I rarely watched the movie while at the Drive-In here. I knew several of the employees very well and spent a lot of time in the projector booth running the carbon arc projector. What a menagerie! Film routed all over the room and VERY HOT!

I don't recall exactly when they tore it down, but it was roughly 15-20 years ago. Sure do miss those days.

New "Satellite Delivered" Movie Theater

BILLINGS Montana has a "satellite delivered" system for showing of movies. I think I heard Leo Laporte (former host of The Screen Savers on ZDTV & TechTV 1998 to 2004) talk about this on his web site "Leoville" awhile back and that is where I initially heard it from.
I included his homepage link for sometimes he talks about satellite related stuff there and FTA sometimes!

Here is the link to the theater in Montana that shows them Via Satellite

I am a bit busy today to look for more information about them, I just done a Google search for "Theaters Moving to Satellite" in the news engine and found this news link.

Be interesting further reading if someone can find out more news about it.

Looks like with all the technology that is out today with electronics it was going to be a matter of time that the motion picture film industry would find a way to use some better cool technology to play the films!

AcWxRadar: I rarely watched the movie while at the Drive-In here.

I was going to say Gordy, I never did too with a date! :D

I was going to say Gordy, I never did too with a date! :D


That seemed to be the whole purpose of the Drive-In Experience for me! Get a date or keep one!


My goodness, I miss those days! I miss them a lot!

I am sure glad that all of you are here and willing to relive these memories with me. This has been a great trip down memory lane for me and I really appreciate that you all joined in!

All of you are great friends and great people! :)

You may not understand how much that your company and friendship means, but I will simply say "Thank You" and hope that you read into that much more.

This is an excellent thread, let's keep it going!

That seemed to be the whole purpose of the Drive-In Experience for me! Get a date or keep one!


My goodness, I miss those days! I miss them a lot!


Not to say spontaneity in keeping your relationship alive married or dating! One reason I still take my wife of 19 years to our drive-in still! We used to go a lot when we were dating as well. Life seemed to get stripped down and simple since then though. ;)

Seems like now you can get you movie on the box with PPV or VOD these days. That is not the way we used to experience fun. I know now what my Father always talked about when he was around and telling me about the good ol days and how things used to be.

Things have changed since I was a kid and I try to get hip into the things my 3 kids are into now but it is very hard! What is up with the music today, man if you can call it that! It sounds like the record is stuck in a loop and someone is just talking over it! And it's a Hit! ? ! :eek:

I have converted my son to the classic rock era from the 60's trough 80's! He used to like the rap stuff and was into it big time. He now likes RUSH and DEEP PURPLE and a lot of the older stuff. I told him years ago that this new stuff will come and go; the older album rock we used to listen too is still around and standing the test of time!

The good days are surely gone but they are still alive in our minds for sure! This is a great thread for all of us "Old Timers" to reflect on the past! I get disappointed sometimes that the thread stays dormant sometimes with no other nostalgia or in the era commits for I check it all the time for new posts!

Drive-Ins were a great topic Gordy! Glad to have it brought up! Brought back a flood full of great memories! :up

I am glad to call you a unseen FTA family friend as well! We older kind needs to stick together! :D

Drive-Ins were a great topic Gordy! Glad to have it brought up! Brought back a flood full of great memories! :up

I am glad to call you a unseen FTA family friend as well! We older kind needs to stick together! :D



As long as we do not discuss the "older" thing I will be happy! Ha Ha!

I thought that you would enjoy a discussion regarding the Drive-Ins. With your classic car in the garage, it just fits well!

Now you can remember some of the moments with HS girlfriends (don't worry, I won't tell Mrs FTABman0!). But don't forget about your buds from HS and sneaking them into the Drive-in in your trunk! Oh hell yes! Everyone did that! They Knew it too!

Once, coming into the Drive-In, acting all innocent and naive, the girl in the booth asked me if I wanted extra popcorn and pizza and pop for the guys in the back! LOL! I Told her "No, they have plenty of beer and corn nuts, thanks though". LOL!

Hehe heh... She knew and it was just accepted and part of the game.

That is what I miss about the Drive-In! Besides my friend who ran the projector, he was a great friend and he passed away a few years ago. He would remind you of Buddy Holly if you met him.

I was really sad when he died. It was out of the blue and not expected at all. I will remember him always and remember our great times at the Drive-In with all of our crazy buddies! :)

I have converted my son to the classic rock era from the 60's trough 80's! He used to like the rap stuff and was into it big time. He now likes RUSH and DEEP PURPLE and a lot of the older stuff. I told him years ago that this new stuff will come and go; the older album rock we used to listen too is still around and standing the test of time!


RUSH... and old local band. Geddy Lee attends a lot of the Blue Jays games here, quite a baseball fan.

Here is a local radio station for me
(they are about a half hour north of me)

CKWFFM > Home ( CORUS ckwffm )
Try the streaming link

They are now 6th in order in a contest to get KISS to come play in their city. They have what I think is a great blend of classic rock and new rock, but do seem to be a bit repeditive at times. They also have great free concerts in their park all summer with quite a selection of various music styles. Quite an accomplishment for a city of their size.
Peterborough Summer Festival of Lights (Ontario, Canada) - Festival Concerts

The TUBE was a great channel for classic rock. I miss that station a lot. Was playing a few reordings I have of that channel on the weekend, and it just doesn't compare to RetroJams.

BTW... I've really enjoyed this thread as well
I went and saw the new Land of the Lost movie on the weekend. For me, it was just not done right. The comedy tried hard to be funny, but just did not hit the spot. The costumes were great and it tied a lot of the original series characters and sets together, or theme, but the movie just did not come through. That is one more thing that they did better with the classics in film as well as music. Older classic movies relied on true comedy, timming and scripts rather than special effects. I keep telling my friends, why cant they make more "FUN" type movies like Back to the Future or action movies like the original Indiana Jones. Most movies today just don't have the right formula and endup being a disappointment.
Back to the Future is a real classic! Ironically, the series was reminiscing about the 50s when it was made in the 80s, and now we are reminiscing about the 80s in 2009 :D... This is heavy, Doc...
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