The Rockford Files

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WKRP In Cincinnati


Now myself being in Radio Broadcast for over 20 years + loved WKRP!

WKRP in Cincinnati, an MTM production, was created by Hugh Wilson, who had previously written scripts for MTM's The Bob Newhart Show and served as a producer on the short-lived MTM production The Tony Randall Show. MTM, which had not had a big comedy hit since Rhoda several years earlier, was counting on WKRP to revive the company's reputation as the best producer of situation comedies.

WKRP debuted in a tough slot, 8:00 on Monday nights, followed by a forgettable and short-lived show called People. Despite strong reviews for the pilot episode, and some positive buzz for an episode called "Turkeys Away," WKRP did poorly in the ratings and was put on hiatus by CBS with five episodes still unaired. Most reports at the time suggested that this "hiatus" was likely to be permanent, but CBS surprised many by bringing the show back in January of 1979, again on Monday nights but this time following the long-running hit M*A*S*H. Though CBS claimed that the series had been "retooled" in the interim, not much had changed except the construction of a new set (the "bullpen" with desks for Les, Bailey, Herb and the DJs) and a slight shift in emphasis: Whereas earlier episodes had focused mostly on Andy Travis, Mr. Carlson and Johnny Fever, WKRP re-emerged as a true ensemble series in which all eight regular characters were of roughly equal importance.

In this new time slot, WKRP was a hit, part of a high-quality CBS Monday night lineup of M*A*S*H followed by three series from MTM: WKRP In Cincinnati, The White Shadow, and Lou Grant. Loni Anderson, as Jennifer, became a national sex symbol, while Howard Hesseman as Johnny Fever almost matched her in popularity. Early in 1980, however, CBS moved WKRP away from Monday nights, trying to find a night where it could anchor an uneven lineup. Unfortunately some CBS executives apparently did not care for WKRP, and other executives mistook it for a kids' show based on the rock n' roll music and loud clothes. Thus they had a habit of preceding and following it with shows that were much more lowbrow than the MTM-style humor of WKRP -- for example, on one night WKRP was followed by the Alice spin-off, Flo. In time slots like these, WKRP's ratings dropped badly.

The time-slot changes eventually became more frequent and more ill-considered as CBS looked for a spot where WKRP would finally fit in. The show also seems to have received only limited support from MTM (particularly after the departure of MTM founder Grant Tinker, who left to run NBC), which was busy conquering the world of hour long drama with shows like Hill Street Blues. In the summer of 1982, CBS announced that WKRP had been canceled.

To the surprise of almost everyone, WKRP finally became a breakout hit when its 90 episodes were released to syndication; its long life in syndication eventually made it, according to Grant Tinker, the biggest moneymaker in the history of MTM. Some cast members remarked that WKRP was a hit in reruns because viewers finally new where to find it.

Cast and Characters
•Gordon Jump as Artur Carlson
•Howard Hesseman as Johnny Fever
•Loni Anderson as Jennifer Marlowe
•Gary Sandy as Andy Travis
•Tim Reid as Venus Flytrap
•Richard Sanders as Les Nessman
•Frank Bonner as Herb Tarlek
•Jan Smithers as Bailey Quarters

Broadcast History
First Telecast: September 18, 1978
Last Telecast: September 20, 1982
Number of Episodes: 90
Number of Seasons: 4
Original Network: CBS


WKRP in Cincinnati Theme Lyrics

(Theme by T Wells and H Wilson)

Baby, if you've ever wondered,
Wondered whatever became of me,
I'm living on the air in Cincinnati,
Cincinnati, WKRP.

Got kind of tired packing and unpacking,
Town to town and up and down the dial
Maybe you and me were never meant to be,
But baby think of me once in awhile.

I'm at WKRP in Cincinnati..

I'm on the air...

On the air in Cincinnati!

What a great show!

I have to smile just thinking about it.

I have a new office at work and I have to use the Les Nessman walls and doors. Those of you who remember the show understand what I mean!

Great to be here with you!
What can I say, Johnny Fever was the odd kind of first Shock Jock!

Loni Anderson as Jennifer Marlowe :love

I thought Bailey Quarters was cute in this too!

WKRP in Cincinnati: Thanksgiving Turkey Bomb!



Just a quickie trivia question about that show and Dr. Johnny Fever...

What did he say on the air that got him fired from his previous radio jockey job at another station?

LOL, I bet you know it! Might take a bit to remember. It was a very funny line in one of the shows.

Johnny got fired from previous job for saying "booger" on the air!

Did I win, did I win, "tell him what he's won Johnny!" :D

Yeah, good one Gordy!

Being in terrestrial broadcast radio of over 20+ years now, I would say that the GM or PD at the station that Mr. Fever worked at was an a$$!

Booger, hardly a word worth getting fired for or not the worse thing you can say on the air!

Remember George Carlin's - The Seven Words You Can Never Say On Tv? That rule applies to radio as well! :eek:

Great reminisce my man! :up

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Things You Did Not (Or may) Know About Magnum P.I.

A lot of people don't know this about Thomas Magnum on Magnum P.I.

A recurring theme in Magnum's life was the Vietnam War. Thomas had served as a Lieutenant with the VM02 Unit in Da Nang. He wore a cap with the VMO2 emblem as a souvenir of those days. TC wore one but we never saw Rick woth one.

All the buddies that served in Vietnam with Thomas wore a ring with a cross on it. The cross was a French Cross and brought luck to the guys in his VMO2 unit while they were in the Vietnam War.

The address on Magnum's drivers license reads 11435 18th Ave., Honolulu, HI (46816).

Robin's Nest, the fictional home of Robin Masters, is actually The Anderson Estate. It is owned by Eve Glover Anderson and located on the island of Oahu in Hawaii.

We all know the preferred weapons are a .45 caliber hand gun but did you know what kind of gun he always used as a back up weapon? A Walther PPK (carried in an ankle holster).

Thomas Magnum carries a lucky $2 bill (which he lost on his 40th birthday). Magnum's grandfather gave him the bill which has his birthday as the serial number.

Did you know Magnum was never the cool single guy that drove the hot Ferrari on the series always winding up with the hot chicks?

Throughout the whole series he is married! Not kidding to a woman named Michelle that was lost in Vietnam but she was presumed dead but Thomas always assumed missing, not brought up until one episode where she reunites with Thomas but is re-married to a Veitamise General!

Magnum's most bitter sweet memory of Vietnam was Michelle, an Asian woman whom Magnum married briefly in Saigon during the war, only to be separated during a bombing. Assuming her dead, Magnum mourned his lose until Michelle turned up alive and with her first husband General Hue, a Vietnamese dignitary. In 1986, Michelle feared for the life of her 5-year-old daughter Lily and consequently, left her with Magnum for safekeeping. A car bomb killed Michelle soon after. This gave Thomas pause to reflect on his life and so he decided to rejoin the US Navy.

The Ferrari license plate never always said ROBIN 1, the Pilot, first episodes of the show, and the 1 minute open of the show it was 56E-478.

Roger E. Mosley as Theodore "T.C." Calvin: a helicopter pilot and friend to Thomas was a real helicopter pilot in real life!

Thomas Magnum kills someone out of revenge in the series! Yes commits Murder!

Magnum's tour of duty included being tagged as a prisoner of war (No. 73762) and tortured by a Russian agent named Ivan (who showed up in Hawaii, year later).

In "Did You See The Sunrise" (Part 2) Original Air Date: 30 September 1982 (Season 3, Episode 1 & 2)
The past comes back to haunt T.C. when an old war buddy arrives with a warning that the brutal colonel (Ivan) who held them captive at Duc Way, a Vietnamese P.O.W. camp is after them once again. The action continues in this two-part episode as Magnum, T.C. and their comrade race to find their would-be killer before he finds them. This is a complex tale about the Vietnam War, a POW camp, physical and psychological torture, brainwashing, and assassination. This episode helped to define the intensity and seriousness of the series. Magnum has some very traumatic flashbacks to the Vietnam War. This is the episode that introduces the Maggie Poole character. This is also the episode where Higgins constructs his model of the Bridge On The River Kwai. We find out that Magnum's favorite movie is Stalag 17. We also find out that Magnum has a daughter. This episode is classic Magnum all the way through.

Tubbie Link To The End Of "Did You See The Sunrise" Part 2

Final quotes in the episode before the Murder:

Magnum: Ivan...
Ivan: Yes?
Magnum: ..... Did you see the sunrise this morning?
Ivan: Yes ... Why?
(Bam! Magnum kills him with his .45)

The cars that Thomas used especially the Ferrari was not the same models throughout the series

Robin Masters' cars

Season 1: Ferrari 308GTS
Seasons 2-3: Ferrari 308GTSi
Seasons 4-6: Ferrari 308GTSQv
Seasons 7-8: Ferrari 308GTSiQv

Audi 5000 C2 (1980)
Audi 5000 C3 (1985)

ROBIN 3 – 2 different GMC Jimmy's

Island Hoppers (TC's) van – 2 different Volkswagen Type 2
Rick's convertible - Mercedes-Benz R107

Island Hoppers (TC's) helicopter - Hughes 500D

Magnum PI was one of my 80's all time favorite TV Series shows!
Anyone know if it is still on FTA? About 3 years ago RTN was running it. been busy her to find out if it is still on there!

I will buy the DVD Series sets one day!

(Jonathan Quayle Higgins III)

The T-Day WKRP episode was one of the funniest 1/2 hours of tv of all time.

Back to Rockford. My 26-year-old daughter says that the RFs have better plots & have better acting than most of the feature films out right now.
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The T-Day WCRP episode was one of the funniest 1/2 hours of tv of all time.

That was a funny episode for sure! Classic!! :up

Back to Rockford. My 26-year-old daughter says that the RFs have better plots & have better acting than most of the feature films out right now.

Boy you got that right, the shows today are very predictable and not like they were in the day! Those old shows that had 2 parts and teased you with "Scenes For Next Week" kept you on the edge of your seat, made you mad you had to wait a week & you always kept in the back of your head to watch part 2 of the show or set the Betamax or VCR!

Ahhh, the good old days, gone for sure. Now days shows are not that good, the computer took over everything or I should say the tech has taken over, PVR machines now to save your favorite shows and some of them can be downloaded to your phone or media device to watch later at your convenience!

In these times, the New Gadgets and lack of quality shows have taken the "Family" out of watching TV!

Thoroughly enjoyed reading this thread - lots of memories in it.
I saw the Convoy movie listed early - how many know the song writer? C.W. McCall (Bill Fries)
Know all his stuff by heart: Crispy Critters, Black Bear Road, Wolf Creek Pass, 4-wheel Drive - just to name a few. Also, who remembers the songs White Knight (Cledus Maggard), Hello I'm a Truck (Red Simpson), Rolaids Doan's Pills & Preparation H (Dave Dudley)... etc...
Not to hijack anything, but for those Tom Selleck fans - anyone keeping up with the current Jesse Stone series? I think it's excellent myself, but that's just me.
For a new series - I think it's great.
Johnny got fired from previous job for saying "booger" on the air!

Did I win, did I win, "tell him what he's won Johnny!" :D

Yeah, good one Gordy!

Being in terrestrial broadcast radio of over 20+ years now, I would say that the GM or PD at the station that Mr. Fever worked at was an a$$!

Booger, hardly a word worth getting fired for or not the worse thing you can say on the air!

Remember George Carlin's - The Seven Words You Can Never Say On Tv? That rule applies to radio as well! :eek:

Great reminisce my man! :up




Tell him what he won, Johnny!

Well Bob, Kevin just won a frozen 15 pound TURKEY!

Better duck for cover on this one, Kev! I think WKRP is delivering it! LOL! :eek:

Sorry FTABman0, I got a bit distracted and forgot to come back to my own post! Ha!

Boy, so much going on!


I loved that episode where Johnny got to say it on WKRP, LIVE on AIR! That was a funny one!

The T-Day WKRP episode was one of the funniest 1/2 hours of tv of all time.

Back to Rockford. My 26-year-old daughter says that the RFs have better plots & have better acting than most of the feature films out right now.

I'd have to agree with your daughter on her opinion there! Between Quincy, M.E. and The RockFord Files and Columbo, they just don't get any better for suspense, mystery or who-dunits.

Columbo was such a sly one! If they put a marathon on for all three shows I would be trying my hardest to get out of work just to watch! Even though they are reruns to me! They are better than anything today and they don't even have anything along the same subject anymore. They are all the so-called "reality TV shows" which are no fun.

We need a true character actor, a hero! A person who is fictitious but with whom we can identify with like James T. Kirk, Jim Rockford, Rowdy Yates, Little Joe, Hoss, and Adam, Andy Griffith and... of course, our little buddy.... Gilligan!


IMO probable the best family viewing show was "The Wounderful World of Disney". I looked forward to watching that show each week.

Absolutely, Larry!

That Darn Cat, The Shaggy D.A., The "Herbie the Love Bug" movies (the really good ones - as opposed to the latest flop), and all of Dean Jones' other rolls!

That was all good, clean and fun entertainment!



Tell him what he won, Johnny!

Well Bob, Kevin just won a frozen 15 pound TURKEY!

Better duck for cover on this one, Kev! I think WKRP is delivering it! LOL! :eek:

Sorry FTABman0, I got a bit distracted and forgot to come back to my own post! Ha!

:haha Gordy!

I will be sure to duck, wow 15 pounder! Was a funny episode for sure!

Don't worry about not getting back fast, we all get distracted! Hope your feeling better my man!

I was onto Magnum PI on the thread with facts of the show, moving on from WKRP!

I have many more topics to throw into this thread on various shows of the Retro Era, this can go on and on!

Just think all started over Jim Rockford, a topic you started! :clap

The thread has really gone off topic so I was told by one of our moderators but it is going great even going sideways off topic! This is a great thread to look back on the past and reminisce on the good ol days and shows we love!

Went well off the tracks a couple posts in but this is a great thread!

Have a good one!

:haha Gordy!

I will be sure to duck, wow 15 pounder! Was a funny episode for sure!

Don't worry about not getting back fast, we all get distracted! Hope your feeling better my man!

I was onto Magnum PI on the thread with facts of the show, moving on from WKRP!

I have many more topics to throw into this thread on various shows of the Retro Era, this can go on and on!

Just think all started over Jim Rockford, a topic you started! :clap

The thread has really gone off topic so I was told by one of our moderators but it is going great even going sideways off topic! This is a great thread to look back on the past and reminisce on the good ol days and shows we love!

Went well off the tracks a couple posts in but this is a great thread!

Have a good one!


Hiya FTABman0!

Hey, I think this topic is right on track!

This thread is PURELY for fun an I hope that everyone enjoys it! Please add your nostalgic comments! This is a great bit of entertainment in itself (at least for some of us old dogs). :)

It is my post, and it is going exactly where I desired it to! Maybe the mod that told you that it was off topic didn't realize my intentions from the starting post. I did mean for this to be a reminisce of our better days of TV, so this is perfectly in - line with the topic. As you recall, I just asked if anyone liked the Rockford Files. Such an "open-ended" question.... and here we GO!

Let us bring back some memories and enjoy them again once more! If they don't play these great shows or movies on satellite TV today, maybe we can convince them that they should!

There is obviously a demand for it, otherwise this post wouldn't have this much enthusiasm! :)

I would like DN and DirecTV and any free lance FTA provider to listen to what we are saying here! And put these good shows back on air.

I don't care if these are reruns from the 50's, 60's, 70's or the 80's! I will watch them all over again! Every episode! The stuff they are putting on today makes me turn the TV off completely!

How about a lineup like this.....

Weekend schedule starting on Friday...

5:00pm MASH
5:30pm Columbo
6:30pm Quincy, M. E.
7:30pm The Dukes Of Hazzard
8:00pm MOVIE - Force 10 From Navarone
10:00pm MOVIE - Von Ryan's Express
12:00am The Andy Griffith Show
12:30am The Mary Tyler Moore Show
1:00 am TAXI
1:30 am The Beverly Hillbillies
2:00 am Mr Ed
2:30 am I Dream of Jeanie
3:00 am MOVIE - The Hunt for Red October
5:00 am MOVIE - U572
7:00 am The Andy Griffith Show
7:30 am Leave it to Beaver
8:00 am Bewitched
8:30 am Car 54, Where Are You?
9:00 am MOVIE - The White Buffalo
11:00am MOVIE - From Noon Til Three
1:00 pm Hogan's Hero's
1:30 pm Gilligan's Island
2:00 pm The Avengers
2:30 pm Bugs Bunny and Road Runner
3:00 pm The Flinstones
3:30 pm The Jetsons
4:00 pm Yogi Bear
4:30 pm Star Trek
5:30 pm Local News
6:00 pm Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom
7:00 pm National Geographic Explorer
9:00 pm MOVIE - Deliverance
11:00PM MOVIE - The War of the Worlds (original)
1:00 am MOVIE - The War of the Worlds (remake)
2:00 am The Avengers
2:30 pm Bugs Bunny and Road Runner
3:00 pm The Flinstones
3:30 pm The Jetsons
4:00 pm Yogi Bear
4:30 pm Star Trek
5:30 pm Local News
6:00 pm The Wonderful World of Disney
7:00 pm The Grand Ole Opry
8:00 pm Hee Haw!
8:30 pm Hee Haw!
9:00 pm Movie - True Grit!
11:00pm - Star Trek
12:00am - Lost In Space
1:00 am - Green Acres
1:30 am - Gomer Pyle USMC
2:00 am - Petticoat Junction
2:30 am - Night Ryder

Well, I won't schedule everything, but if this were the type of shows from Friday to Monday morning, would YOU watch my channel?

Just curious... If I were a very wealthy person and could afford to acquire these shows to replay them on a satellite that I purchased and could beam the signal to nearly everyone... Would you not wish to watch? ZEven if I had to insert some commercials at the END of each show?

Gordy (RADAR)
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Hawaii Five-O comes on after Night Ryder, then Magnum P.I.!

Hee Hee! :)

Gotta put Gunsmoke and Bonanza and the Lone Ranger and "Hoppalong" in there somewhere... Sunday Mornings would be good. Any suggestions? Gosh! Cannot forget about Wagon Train and Rawhide and The RifleMan!

Anyone with me on this new station? :)

Radar.... Beep beep... blip.. Beep beep... blip

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Wait! Gotta have Saturday nights agenda filled with Creature Feature! Movies from the "thrillers and chillers! How about the FLY with Vincent Price and the Creature From the Black Lagoon and maybe some Sci Fi like 2001 a Space Odyssey and Aliens, etc????? There are so many!

Anyone wish to start OUR OWN STATION???

Please humor me and say "YES"! :)
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