Now I'm curious if they did make the DSWM-30 with the same spacing as the analog SWMs.
doctor j would know.
What a coincidence...
I was just typing this ...

After some re-evaluation, strike what I stated earlier above ...
I think the input port dimensions of the analog SWiM-8/16/and 32 and the new DSWM-30 are the same. Therefore both the E1 and E1D outlet ports will indeed line up the same and connect to the DSWM-30.
In fact the only difference I see with the new E1D splitter expander is that both sets of its output ports (labeled "F1" and "F3") are power passing, via diode steering, back to the input ports (labeled "F2"). Whereas the E1 is only power passing back to its inputs on 1 of its set of outlet ports (the F3 ones).
So yes, will have to ask doctor j if he bought the entire DSWM60KIT kit and thereby used the E1D or decided to save some bucks and is actually using an old E1on a separately purchased platform in the photo.
I'm pretty sure the former is the case, but I'll let him verify for certain ...