The Price of HD

dankgus said:
Off topic a bit, but the other day I did some reading about the Sopranos season 6 (can't wait!) there is talk that season 6 won't air until 2006! My god, thats a long time to wait.
Ok, back to your discussion of prices.


Off topic continued....If you hear anything about Deadwood share please...and 2006 too long for Sopranos. :(
and don't forget the cable companies...

I pay $4/month for the HD Tier and $5/month for my HD box.

I paid no install and a month-to-month term with no cancel fees.
Just so you know, that was back in March that the post was started Madtown. Lots of changes sense then from all of the companies for prices :)
Interesting. My Voom installation was free aside from the tip I gave the installer. And the DVI cables are indeed expensive from most places - a generic 6' DVI cable at Microcenter was $79.99. The monster brand cables start at around $80 but easily go for $150 or more depending on the length, etc. I guess the homemade cables for cheap on the internet are worth a try, but the picture quaility may suffer. I'd like to know if there's really a difference.
I have 2 dvi cables --one came with my HD DVR from Comcast and the other from VOOM. I am trying to sell my 47" Panny for $700. I was worried that I would need about $500 more to get an equal set with dvi input but...I weas in BESTBUY yesterday and they had a few open box and demos that made me feel very confident a few hundred added to the $700 would do me just fine. Topic wise-- if your main goal is hidef, I would rather spend a lot of money for voom than get dish/direct's whopping 5 channels. those 5 channels get very old very fast. I always find myself going back to VOOM. I swear to God, Ive watched movies Im nver would watch simply cuz they are in HD. Think about it--would you really watch HDNet world report or "higher definition" if they werent in hidef???

Voom signs for more Equator content

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