HD ONLY Package Pricing at Dish Network..

HD Only

This yesterday from a CSR -- $10/mo. Voom only, without HD pak, because I have line of sight to 61.5 only. The catch (of course): I have to buy HD receiver (811 probably) (a $200 to $400 price range) and a DishPro ($69.99 est) from an independent source. CSR is speculating that HD pak will be available at 61.5 at some point, at which time I assured him Dish will have my business! This order is supposedly "locked in" pending install of dish and receiver. Is it settled that Voom dish won't work with 811 receiver to receive Voom programming via DishNetwork??
mindstein said:
That brings up an interesting question. If I pay the $250 upfront for the 942 receiver/DVR, What happens in a year if they go to mpeg4? I wonder if they will give me the latest HD receive/DVR and/or will I have to pay another fee?

I asked Dish about this same thing ($250 lease fee) and they could not guarantee that I would be able to get the mpeg4 DVR without incurring another fee. As a result, I am getting TW cable instead. I will wait for everything to sort out until committing to another SAT company. With no contractual commitment with Cable, I can jump ship at any time.
Standard dishs and LNB's work just fine, with the right switch

If have you "legacy" LNBs (read: NOT Dishpro), then you just get yourself a SW-64 switch (p-lenty of them on fleabay), connect 110 & 119 LNBs up, and there is a third position for 61.5/148. Then connect that to up to 4 recievers, run checkswitch you are good to go. You CANNOT mix legacy LNBs with Dishpro equipment... You must be all Legacy using the SW-64 switch or All Dishpro, because the dishpro uses "frequency stacking".

mitch672 said:
If have you "legacy" LNBs (read: NOT Dishpro), then you just get yourself a SW-64 switch (p-lenty of them on fleabay), connect 110 & 119 LNBs up, and there is a third position for 61.5/148. Then connect that to up to 4 recievers, run checkswitch you are good to go. You CANNOT mix legacy LNBs with Dishpro equipment... You must be all Legacy using the SW-64 switch or All Dishpro, because the dishpro uses "frequency stacking".


Mitch, apologies, but your post is a bit ahead of my awareness. I have a Voom dish, pointed at 61.5, can't get the other Dish Sats due to line of site problems. What do we need in terms of Dish STB to fetch the Voom 10 from Dish for the $10 a month due to problems of line of site. See previous post that CSR quoted that price. What is a SW-64, is that necessary? Not being a Dish customer, I do not know what Dishpro is, or the costs to identify if this is a way to go.
If you're only going to be using 61.5, then just plug it in to the Dish STB you buy, it will work just fine.
You probably need 110 & 119 as well...

Some of the HD channels are on those sats, such as ESPN HD, Discovery HD, TNT, HDNet & HDnet movies. You are going to have to pay the $10 for these channels anyway (you MUST get the HDPack), so you might as well get a dish pointed to 110 & 119 and get the SW 64 switch to connect all 3 of the LNBs up. If you ever want any of the SD channels, they are also all on 110 & 119. I don't think it's a great idea to just connect the 61.5 satellite only, your better off with a complete setup, because, you never know what Dish is going to do in the future, as far as re-arranging channels.

BTW, you can even use old DirectTV dish's, if you have the old Oval DirectTV dish (with 3 separate LNBs, NOT the setup that has the multiswitch built into the 3 LNB head), you have separate LNB's for each of the 3 sats (DirectTV uses 101, 110 and 119 - they have their HD stuff on 110). If you have separate LNB's on your old DTV dish, put them in the 110 & 119 positions and you are pretty much done, you shouldn't even need to re-aim the dish.. connect to the SW-64 inputs, connect your old VOOM dish to the 61.5 input, then just connect up to 4 811/942 receivers to the SW-64 switch.

Just my opinion / advice. TIFWIF.

First post. Thanks, members!

I've been reading these forums since February. I've learned a lot from the posts. Thanks. I bought a HDTV and had DIRECTV hooked up in January. About 3 weeks after that, I ordered VOOM. Five missed installations later, I decided to wait. Sort of like the Congressional hearings on steroids in baseball, when Selig was asked, "Why 5 strikes and you're out?" That was one of VOOM's problems. I quickly became addicted to HD. I now have 11 HD channels at DIRECTV, including the 4 network feeds from NY. This is what I'm doing tomorrow. I think I'm correct from what I've read from Sean and others. I am having a DISH satellite installed at 61.5. I don't need the other channels in the HD package (I have them all except for TNT) so I only need the one dish. I'm purchasing an 811 receiver (not interested in DVR now). After installation, I'll call DISH and sign up on the HD package with the VOOM channels and that should cost 20.00/month. I've never viewed VOOM and I'm really looking forward to these channels. I've never seen a VOOM dish in southeastern Kentucky. Again, thanks to all.
If they give you any trouble about denying you the Voom channels then make sure you tell them that you were a Voom customer (whether you actually were or not). DIsh sent out an email about how only new/former Voom customers can get the new channels.

My friend was denied the channels because he failed to mention that important bit of information, even after he bought a new 921 DVR.

I called Dish yesterday and told them I was a Voom customer and they made a note on my account that I could get the channels when I call back to have them activated when I'm ready (hopefully later today).
It was noted on the Retailers Chat with Dish today that Charlie said that ALL customers could get the Voom channels, not just new ones. (there is another discussion thread pointing this out...)
Glad to hear they got that straightened out. Why they would deny anybody the new channels is beyond me...
HD ONLY offer quoted to me just now....

DISH just called me and offered this deal for HD ONLY:

Up front cost: DVR: $549 + Install $50 + 2nd dish $100 = Total $699

Monthly cost: "hd only" $15 + "no sd" $5 + "dvr" $5 + sales tax = $25 plus tax

For $700 up front and about $30 a month I could get "HD ONLY" from Dish including the HD-DVR, with no contract time commitment. I would get only 2 of the Voom channels I liked (Gallery and Equator), plus DiscoveryHD, plus HDNet / HDNet Movies which I have never watched before. (I won't bother with TNT-HD because it has commercials.)

Can anyone tell me if HDNET and HDNetMovies have TV commercials?

I would need 2 new dishes (I don't know if the Voom dish mount is reusable), and I would take the risk that MPEG4 is going to render $700 worth of equipment obsolete in a few months. And what about the Super-Dish?

And I would still miss my WorldCinema and FilmFest channels which are not currently offered.

This deal seems hardly worth it, with all the unknowns and whatever else DirecTV might do in June.

I think we will pass, and just visit the video store for now.

If you jump I'll jump with you, because I'm thinking of doing something very similar :)

The HDNet channels are excellent and the movies are commerical free.

But the DVR you want should be bought from a retailer like claude at the Dishstore

The $549 DVR dish would sell you is the POS 921.
mitch672 said:
BTW, you can even use old DirectTV dish's, if you have the old Oval DirectTV dish (with 3 separate LNBs, NOT the setup that has the multiswitch built into the 3 LNB head), you have separate LNB's for each of the 3 sats (DirectTV uses 101, 110 and 119 - they have their HD stuff on 110). If you have separate LNB's on your old DTV dish, put them in the 110 & 119 positions and you are pretty much done, you shouldn't even need to re-aim the dish.. connect to the SW-64 inputs, connect your old VOOM dish to the 61.5 input, then just connect up to 4 811/942 receivers to the SW-64 switch.
Good info mitch672. I have three different dishes set up on my roof and was wondering if I could use my Direct old oval and my VOOM dish. Im really getting the itch to jump into the Dish HD pack now.
Thanks, BFG. I'll check out the DishStore for the DVR.

The Dish rep told me that the 2 dishes would receive from 3 satellites. I guess I don't get it. But I AM concerned about all the unknowns... upgrade for MPEG4, more Voom channels, actions by DirecTV. Just seems very expensive for something that might change soon.
Yes it does sound like an expensive risk. But it keeps sounding to me that everyone's MPEG2 box will be replaced by dish for MPEG4. I might have to dig for them to release some concreate details soon.
1080iBeVuMin said:
DISH just called me and offered this deal for HD ONLY:

Up front cost: DVR: $549 + Install $50 + 2nd dish $100 = Total $699

Monthly cost: "hd only" $15 + "no sd" $5 + "dvr" $5 + sales tax = $25 plus tax

For $700 up front and about $30 a month I could get "HD ONLY" from Dish including the HD-DVR, with no contract time commitment. I would get only 2 of the Voom channels I liked (Gallery and Equator), plus DiscoveryHD, plus HDNet / HDNet Movies which I have never watched before. (I won't bother with TNT-HD because it has commercials.)

Can anyone tell me if HDNET and HDNetMovies have TV commercials?

I would need 2 new dishes (I don't know if the Voom dish mount is reusable), and I would take the risk that MPEG4 is going to render $700 worth of equipment obsolete in a few months. And what about the Super-Dish?

And I would still miss my WorldCinema and FilmFest channels which are not currently offered.

This deal seems hardly worth it, with all the unknowns and whatever else DirecTV might do in June.

I think we will pass, and just visit the video store for now.


Ya they called me and offered a deal costing 300 no thanks. I asked if they would upgrade my equipment when the mpeg4 switch came. The answer was yes. My response was put that in writing and you have a deal. Well I am still enjoying beatiful OTA compliments of Voom. She was my first experance with pay tv, and It was true love. I am hoping what they say about 1st love isnt true. Missing sweet va va allready.
E* dish not necessary

SteveC44312 said:
Voom10($5) + $5 access charge = Pay Dish $10 a month to get the 10 Voom channels. I believe my original post is correct. Already getting what's in Dish's HD pack(and more) from cable. I would still like confirmation on the physical hookup.

I just bought a used 811 from www.craigslist.org and picked it up in Oaktown CA, attached it to the Voom dish and reactivated my old account. I needed a little more than HD, so I got the Americas Top 60. It works great! Don't let them sell you a dish and furthermore I'm in the SF bay area and have been receiving 61.5 since the last days of October. Go for it!

BFG said:
To buy the DVR is $699
2 Dishes would probably be $200

That's pretty high (a 110/148 dish w/ dual LNB plus switch usually max $50+shipping in our Classifieds forum) and he doesn't two, only one - he had Voom until last week.

You can price it out at Dishstore

Now that there's all this HD content I'm think of finally springing for the HDDVR, heck I paid $860 in programming costs alone last year, so if I knock my bill down to only $5 a month with credits and buy a dVR it would be worth it. I just hope they'd upgrade my owned DVR to an owned MPEG4 box, at least that'ss what I'm banking on

I doubt it. :no
If you rent them, yes - if you own them, no.

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