mikenewy said:I know none of this helps your boat situation, but consider it group therapy.
Hmmmm....perhaps a very long coax cable....

mikenewy said:I know none of this helps your boat situation, but consider it group therapy.
mindstein said:That brings up an interesting question. If I pay the $250 upfront for the 942 receiver/DVR, What happens in a year if they go to mpeg4? I wonder if they will give me the latest HD receive/DVR and/or will I have to pay another fee?
mitch672 said:If have you "legacy" LNBs (read: NOT Dishpro), then you just get yourself a SW-64 switch (p-lenty of them on fleabay), connect 110 & 119 LNBs up, and there is a third position for 61.5/148. Then connect that to up to 4 recievers, run checkswitch you are good to go. You CANNOT mix legacy LNBs with Dishpro equipment... You must be all Legacy using the SW-64 switch or All Dishpro, because the dishpro uses "frequency stacking".
Good info mitch672. I have three different dishes set up on my roof and was wondering if I could use my Direct old oval and my VOOM dish. Im really getting the itch to jump into the Dish HD pack now.mitch672 said:BTW, you can even use old DirectTV dish's, if you have the old Oval DirectTV dish (with 3 separate LNBs, NOT the setup that has the multiswitch built into the 3 LNB head), you have separate LNB's for each of the 3 sats (DirectTV uses 101, 110 and 119 - they have their HD stuff on 110). If you have separate LNB's on your old DTV dish, put them in the 110 & 119 positions and you are pretty much done, you shouldn't even need to re-aim the dish.. connect to the SW-64 inputs, connect your old VOOM dish to the 61.5 input, then just connect up to 4 811/942 receivers to the SW-64 switch.
1080iBeVuMin said:DISH just called me and offered this deal for HD ONLY:
Up front cost: DVR: $549 + Install $50 + 2nd dish $100 = Total $699
Monthly cost: "hd only" $15 + "no sd" $5 + "dvr" $5 + sales tax = $25 plus tax
For $700 up front and about $30 a month I could get "HD ONLY" from Dish including the HD-DVR, with no contract time commitment. I would get only 2 of the Voom channels I liked (Gallery and Equator), plus DiscoveryHD, plus HDNet / HDNet Movies which I have never watched before. (I won't bother with TNT-HD because it has commercials.)
Can anyone tell me if HDNET and HDNetMovies have TV commercials?
I would need 2 new dishes (I don't know if the Voom dish mount is reusable), and I would take the risk that MPEG4 is going to render $700 worth of equipment obsolete in a few months. And what about the Super-Dish?
And I would still miss my WorldCinema and FilmFest channels which are not currently offered.
This deal seems hardly worth it, with all the unknowns and whatever else DirecTV might do in June.
I think we will pass, and just visit the video store for now.
SteveC44312 said:Voom10($5) + $5 access charge = Pay Dish $10 a month to get the 10 Voom channels. I believe my original post is correct. Already getting what's in Dish's HD pack(and more) from cable. I would still like confirmation on the physical hookup.
BFG said:To buy the DVR is $699
2 Dishes would probably be $200
You can price it out at Dishstore
Now that there's all this HD content I'm think of finally springing for the HDDVR, heck I paid $860 in programming costs alone last year, so if I knock my bill down to only $5 a month with credits and buy a dVR it would be worth it. I just hope they'd upgrade my owned DVR to an owned MPEG4 box, at least that'ss what I'm banking on