The Orville on Hulu

Way to kill your series. IMO, I think Fox was going to kill the series, and they "allowed" Seth to move it to Hulu.

It's dead. Waiting until December 2020 for a 3rd season, then to add insult to injury, locking it behind a paywall too. People will forget all about it by that time, and only those who already continuously subscribe to Hulu every single month will know about it (I'm not one of them).

You'd have thought Seth would've paid attention to what happened with Discovery and the failing All Access debacle, and saw that the success he had with Orville on an actual broadcast network proved he shouldn't move it to an SVOD-only service like Hulu. Oh well, his loss, and ours too, because the numbers won't be anywhere near as high as what FOX got.

Third season will be the show's last.
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However, it might be bundling that keeps this show's hopes alive. Disney announces $12.99 bundle for Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+

Same price as Netflix, but includes all the Disney, Marvel, Star Wars Movies and TV Series, in addition to live sports (but not all content?) and all the Hulu offerings. It's enough to push some people over the edge to signing up for more.
It's mind boggling how studios screw up star trek. They just had to keep doing weird moclan sex stuff and shoving broken metaphors down our throats. Oh well.
The Cinema Spot said:
I have some unfortunate news for fans of The Orville. Hulu has decided to cancel the show and will not return for a fourth season.

I am still trying to get more details on the situation but from my understanding, the intention was never to make a fourth season. However, we will still be getting the third season.
I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. I couldn't get through the first episode.

Then you missed season 2 when we discover that Isaac's race of machine life exterminated their biological creators, and they are intent on doing the same to humans. That was big surprise to me and I'm still amazed that he is still a member of the crew.
Then you missed season 2 when we discover that Isaac's race of machine life exterminated their biological creators, and they are intent on doing the same to humans. That was big surprise to me and I'm still amazed that he is still a member of the crew.
All of that went right over my head. :oldlaugh
I figured when it went from Fox to Hulu, they had more freedom with what they were doing and shows could go to whatever length they wanted (like all other streaming shows, vs network) that it would be a good thing (even though I prefer it be on FREE TV) ...

I think we will see a 3rd season and see what direction it is going in at the end of Season 3 to see if it warrants another season.

With McFarlands passion for this show, I'm surprised that they don't have more lined up as in future seasons.

Well see what happens when it gets there.

I think the show would have MUCH better ratings IF it ever went straight thru from one episode to the next, instead of being off for months at a time and then expect the fans to just come back whenever it showed up again.

Waiting till Jan instead of starting when everything else use to start, say Sept. is kinda odd and a bad sign for it.

Unless they think it can stand on its own ... which I don't see happening.