The "new" iPad Announcement / Discussion Thread

How receptive is HE to hearing that? ;)

He'll gripe, but he will be quite happy with an iPhone 4S. He had had my OG Droid (which he managed to drop in a pond!) and now my Droid X. But he keeps seeing commercials for free iPhone 3GS and does not get the AT&T vs Verizon thing, or the fact that it needs a NEW 2 year contract, or an upgrade. :)

He will also whine and moan when he see's that I am selling my iPad 2 instead of giving it to him, and he'll lecture me that I "don't need" an iPad 3, and I'll respond that he doesn't need anything more than a flip phone. :D
Mine is in Nashville (3 hours away).
Must be taking a very slow ride from Nashville:)

I'm wondering if Apple left FedEx strict orders not to deliver early. LOL

Btw. I never got a purchase or shipping confirmation email. Strange.
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Yes, in my status there is "delayed delivery." Looks like accessories on Wednesday, the main event on Friday.

I suggest you check your profile settings with Apple, to ensure they have your correct email address.
Email is the same. Even called Apple to make sure they are seeing the same for my account.
Another strange thing. In my account it says standard shipping. Now that it is in Nashville it says priority overnight. I guess it will be spending most of the week 3 hours away.
My hand-me-down path is more eager for me to get one than I am for the 3. Strange! Not really. :)
I keep telling them if I am not motivated by the hands on test in a week, I won't be buying this generation anyway,

Recall I really want an e-mail app for ipad that works as good as Outlook on my PC. That will be the main game changer for me. I still can't believe they haven't done this yet. And PLEASE, folks, don't try to convince me I don't need it because you don't. That's just Machead cultist brainwashing at work. :) The closest I come is the same as I do to play Flash content on the ipad. I have Logmein and access the Outlook package on my PC at home.

What excites me most about ipad3 and want to see, is the new faster processor and how bright the screen will be outdoors. I do know that the ipad2 seems faster and brighter so the 3 may really be great upgrade.
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Said it before, will say it again, I don't think you are going to find the on-iPad filtering you are looking for. Mail is NOT a bad app, but it is not intended for the specific use you want. iOS5.1 made zero changes to the mail app. I doubt it is on their horizon as a top priority app for improvements.

for me, I wish they would dump the stupid skin they put on iCal on the iPad and on the mac. Or perhaps I wish that the folks that make the wonderful BusyCal and BusyToDo would make an iPad version of busy cal. :)
Yep, history repeating itself. I watched the video of the announcement Sunday and decided to order today based on a couple of the apps demonstrated with the new high resolution display. But as my luck would have it- I read this this morning when I logged on to my stock trading account:

Apple Delays Delivery Of New IPad To Market
12:19a ET March 12, 2012 (Dow Jones)
Apple Delays Delivery Of New IPad To Market

NEW YORK (AFP)--Smart phone manufacturer Apple Inc. (AAPL) announced Sunday it had postponed shipment of new iPads to market by three days, from March 16 to March 19.
No formal explanation was give when the company announced its decision on its website late Sunday.
It had been reported earlier that the new device, iPad's third version since 2010, would be available in stores on Friday, March 16.
Asked about the reasons for the postponement, Apple didn't respond immediately.
The new iPad boasts a more powerful processor, eye-grabbing resolution on par with that of an iPhone 4S, and the ability to connect to the latest 4G LTE telecom networks that move data faster than their predecessors.
It is due to be released simultaneously in 10 countries: the U.S., France, Canada, Australia, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, the U.K. and China.

Next I read this: ( Not that we care here in the US, but...)
Apple's New iPad Doesn't Work With LTE Networks In Germany
8:17a ET March 12, 2012 (Dow Jones)
Apple's New iPad Doesn't Work With LTE Networks In Germany

FRANKFURT (Dow Jones)--The third generation of Apple Inc.'s (AAPL) iPad tablet computer may be lacking a major feature to lure customers in Germany, Europe's largest economy.
Due to technical reasons, the new gadget is incompatible with the fourth-generation long-term evolution networks that are currently being set up in the country, spokespeople for the three operators rolling out LTE in Germany said Monday. Those companies are Deutsche Telekom AG (DTE.XE), Vodafone Group PLC (VOD.LN) and Telefonica SA (TEF).
Apple presented the new iPad last week, adding a more advanced display, faster wireless communications through the use of LTE and other features. Telecom operators across the board have started to roll out LTE mobile networks, which allow users to get much faster downloads on devices.
Telefonica, Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone paid a combined EUR4.1 billion in Germany's 2010 spectrum auction to secure new frequencies for setting up such high-speed networks.

At least the stock is continuing to go up and up! :) ( Hit a new 52 week high about 10 minutes ago at $551.42)
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Mike- You know I'm one of the few people around here who think outside the box. Just as when all the bellyaching about no Flash on iOS was all over the news, I found a simple work around to achieving Flash playback on my ipad. It finally became obvious that Apple isn't concerned about it's customer demands on e-mail and I agree with you that Apple is not putting much effort into it. So using a similar approach, thinking outside the box, I have my e-mail complete with spam filtering, folders and everything offered by Microsoft Outlook that I need on my ipad. The high res display will only make it even easier. LTE was part of the solution that made it practical too.
Don - always good to go out of the box. :)

Just read this story about the retina display: Why the new iPad's Retina Display matters - gdgt

and this first impression: iPad 3rd-gen first impressions - gdgt

I loved the line, "You shouldn't really be shooting photos from your iPad because you look like a huge dork, but if you need to, this rear camera is finally worthy of the iPad." :)

Re: the delay, I think there is a bit of confusion about the fact that since Friday if you pre-order it says shipping on Mar 19th, but if YOU ORDERED before then, it is still "Delivered on March 16th." I am not sure why it is being viewed as a delay, rather than just they ran out of all the pre-order stock for Friday delivery; and apparently have more ready to ship on Monday next week.
I'm sure it's a mistake, but FedEx is showing my iPad as picked up in Nashville and scheduled for delivery tomorrow. I'm not expecting it, but that would be fun!
I'm sure it's a mistake, but FedEx is showing my iPad as picked up in Nashville and scheduled for delivery tomorrow. I'm not expecting it, but that would be fun!

Mine says the following:

Date/Time Activity Location Details
Mar 11, 2012 3:33 PM
Picked up
NASHVILLE, TNFuture delivery requested

Ship date Mar 11, 2012
Estimated delivery Mar 16, 2012 by 3:00 PM
I plan to order today. So we'll see what the latest schedule will be. I was planning to wait for one in hand but the podcast demos of the new iphoto has me pumped up. :) Last week I took delivery on my new still camera, The NEX 5n. I was due for a new still camera as my canon is 10 years old and is only a 3 Megapixel. I tested the 32Gb memory card in my ipad's camera kit and all images including the panorama ones imported fast.

I'll bet the 16Gb wifi only will be the quickest to be backordered. Hopefully the Verizon 64Gb will be not so popular. How long did you wait to get confirmation on the shipping from when you ordered?
I plan to order today. So we'll see what the latest schedule will be. I was planning to wait for one in hand but the podcast demos of the new iphoto has me pumped up. :) Last week I took delivery on my new still camera, The NEX 5n. I was due for a new still camera as my canon is 10 years old and is only a 3 Megapixel. I tested the 32Gb memory card in my ipad's camera kit and all images including the panorama ones imported fast.

I'll bet the 16Gb wifi only will be the quickest to be backordered. Hopefully the Verizon 64Gb will be not so popular. How long did you wait to get confirmation on the shipping from when you ordered?

I ordered on Friday after I got confirmation of the sale of my old one; and it took a few hours for the email confirmation; at which point it was already in "order being prepared, can't cancel or change order"; got the shipping confirmation yesterday, but there was no info on it until this morning when it showed it picked up in Nashville. A mere 7 hours away. 7 hours away but four LONG days! :)