Great show tonight...Lisbon got her Red Volker and she got to shoot him, punch him in the face, and now toss him in prison. And no little kids were harmed in the filming of this episode. 

OK. I'm wondering how she was still dripping wet back at CBI headquarters. It's a three hour drive from Bodega Bay, where the boat is docked, to Sacramento.
Cool. Emmanuelle is not bad to look at.Sunday, March 10, 2013
"There Will Be Blood": Lorelei returns, determined to find out if Red John had a part in her sister's death; Jane is forced to admit his role in Lorelei's prison escape.
Pictures of her in her better days. Warning not for all ages!!!!I haven't seen this show in ages, but did anyone see the size of Van Pelt? She looked like she could play linebacker for the 49ers. I thought Leah Remini after big after she got pregnant but I think Amanda Righetti ate her. Perhaps she should change her name to Amanda Spaghetti and her character's name on this show to Tuna Melt instead of Van Pelt.
Pictures of her in her better days. Warning not for all ages!!!!