Any Chris Wilding fans? Man his calls are hilarious! The one of Jeff the Bore with the karaoke machine is great but not family friendly like this one so you'll have to find it on your own.
Any Chris Wilding fans? Man his calls are hilarious! The one of Jeff the Bore with the karaoke machine is great but not family friendly like this one so you'll have to find it on your own.
Howard Stern on Monday responded to a controversial podcast from two former members of his show, Artie Lange and "Stuttering" John Melendez.On Monday, the King of All Media said he was "hurt" by the podcast, acknowledging he read's report when a regular caller named Hanzi brought it to his attention.Hear The Audio On "Artie has a podcast and Stuttering John [was] on and they were negative about me," Stern said. "I can't say I was thrilled about it — I was hurt, but what am I going to do?"When Hanzi explained to the King of All Media that Lange and Melendez "didn't badmouth" him, but made references to his overhauled, PC image."I know, I hear that all the time that I'm PC, that I'm politically correct," Stern said. "All right I'm politically correct, what can I tell you?"While the Private Parts star kept an even tone in discussing the podcast, Hanzi really ruffled feathers in comparing Stern to his most hated of longtime radio rivals.