The End of VOOM?

We will probably have to sign up with Dish separately. Based on the article, they are not transferring us over after the transition period.
Cliff said:
I guess it's time for a moment of silence.

Bull sh*t!!!!

I'll tell you what time it is! It is time to start a petition and tell Charlie Ergan that he keeps Voom alive as a add on with Dish or we all go somewhere else other than Dish when he takes over Rainbow one.

SD duplicates not withstanding of course.
is it possible that charlie reached an agreement that dish by voom now then six months to a year later charlie buys it back from dish for say 300million. just a thought, would this be prevented by the sec?
Indy said:
Bull sh*t!!!!

I'll tell you what time it is! It is time to start a petition and tell Charlie Ergan that he keeps Voom alive as a add on with Dish or we all go somewhere else other than Dish when he takes over Rainbow one.

SD duplicates not withstanding of course.

Charlie E. doesn't care about the voom customers...
i know i am a staff member,and not supposed to rant but i am pissed --all the lies constantly by VOOM,maybe it was because the future looked so good if,but they never really did a 1/2 ass job of selling was always this and that deadlines promised and it's going to be a hassle for me to get HD and alot more $$...sorry to rant but
BFG said:
Charlie E. doesn't care about the voom customers...

But allot of us are both Dish and Voom customers. Instead of growth he can expect 2 times the loss from some subs. I'll give Direct a try. Been with Dish from the start but willing to change.
If you leave dish because you had both dish and voom, Dish wont notice because your loss would be so small they wont miss it...
BFG said:
Charlie E. doesn't care about the voom customers...
Do you really blame him?
rang1995 said:
all the lies constantly by VOOM,maybe it was because the future looked so good if,but they never really did a 1/2 ass job of selling was always this and that deadlines promised and missed
I think you hit the nail on the head. What do you think they were doing at CES? March for a PVR. :rolleyes: Please! And you're right, they didn't do a very good job of selling it. They were to busy working the numbers (how many exclusive HD channels again) than actually providing something worth watching.
Right now on Rave HD, my favorite channel, Robbie Williams is singing Frank Sinatra's classic "My Way"....I think I'll go sit in the corner and cry now. I will miss Voom so much.
there are no winners here only losers HDTV has just got a big kick in the ass,shows the others good HD and lots of HD is not important to the average customer--they can put up color bars

I do not think there is much left here.

Don't try to rationalize it. It is a done deal. There is no more Rainbow 1 and as a consequence the service is not going to be budgeted/supported.

It takes money to produce HD material and pay for it. With all the publicity of selling Rainbow 1 and no new subscribers in the near future and knowing that there is board of investors who want guaranteed money, there is no money to invest in VOOM.

It would be nonsensical to do this after going through all this publicity. Wall Street and the investors will hang them in court. Wake up and smell the coffee and start preparing for another provider. Don't wait until the last minute because you won't see any more investment on Voom 21 channels. You will probably see repeated content until the death of the signal happens. Would you pay your monthly premium to something that does not give you anymore new content?

I wouldn't be surprised if VOOM makes no public announcement and just continue as nothing happened. But it has happened. The end has come. There's no more VOOM even though there is a signal still. That is the reality.
The Robbie Williams concert repeats in a couple of hours. The DVD-R will be running for that and others from now until....
It just says only about 30k HD owners felt the HD content on voom was compelling. The other millions who disagreed proved victorious
You know I used to be a Telosity DSL customer;
As a customer we were given a modem to use. As long as I was a customer I was able to use it. But if I ever cancelled it I would have to return it or pay $400 penalty.
Well eventually DirecTV eventually bought Telocity DSL. This was many years ago. DirecTV kept the business only a short time until they realized they had no business running a National DSL company. They also realized they were losing tons of money

DirecTV eventually shut down DirecTV Broadband and said they had no use for the modems. They told the subscribers like me we could have them or dispose of them.

I bring this up because I imagine Voom doing something similar. They will not go to the expense of deinstalling people. They will not go to the expense of shipping them back to be thrown away.
I bet all those rented boxes will just remain in the hands of todays subscribers.
BFG said:
It just says only about 30k HD owners felt the HD content on voom was compelling. The other millions who disagreed proved victorious

That is the sad part about this whole thing... Let's see how long it is going to take Dish or DirecTv to offer 37 national HD channels; Time will tell.
Sean Mota said:

I do not think there is much left here.

Don't try to rationalize it. It is a done deal. There is no more Rainbow 1 and as a consequence the service is not going to be budgeted/supported.

It takes money to produce HD material and pay for it. With all the publicity of selling Rainbow 1 and no new subscribers in the near future and knowing that there is board of investors who want guaranteed money, there is no money to invest in VOOM.

It would be nonsensical to do this after going through all this publicity. Wall Street and the investors will hang them in court. Wake up and smell the coffee and start preparing for another provider. Don't wait until the last minute because you won't see any more investment on Voom 21 channels. You will probably see repeated content until the death of the signal happens. Would you pay your monthly premium to something that does not give you anymore new content?

I wouldn't be surprised if VOOM makes no public announcement and just continue as nothing happened. But it has happened. The end has come. There's no more VOOM even though there is a signal still. That is the reality.

Jesus Sean! Get the gun loaded and take a bullet why don't you! I am kind of surprised you have such finality in your posts. You have defended Voom like someone defends the reputation of their little sister.

Maybe we can hope for a few channels to survive the move to Dish. This would make a difference for me not to ask you pass the gun when your finished. That is, if your able. :(

WSJ - Cablevision's VOOM Gets a Reprieve

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