T2k said:Since when a simple dealer, selling Dish, has better info about Voom, especially via Dish?
Quite a 'logical' jump.
Not to mentiuon the fact that it's pretty obvious that you, as - explicitly stated - Dish dealer, who's more interested in selling Dish, says Voom is dead, you have heard this from your Dish contact.
I hope you feel how awkward is your statement here...
Wow, wow, wow... look what you're saying again: Dish will pic up Voom's channel - supricingly another anti-Voom/pro-Dish propaganda...
Besides this now obviously intentional desinformation campaign, I highly doubt now your facts, you have any contact with anybody, even your dealer status: how is that possible that you don't know those channels are available for Dish ever since???
SOrry, you just discredited yourself, pal.
First do some houscleaning, answer these interesting questions regarding these very apparent anomalies in your story...
Whatever you say man, I dont care. You tough guys all sit on your threads and talk about knowing satellites in and out. Dont believe me. You will see for yourself. As far as the comment about Dish picking up Voom channels that Voom didnt produce. Thats exactly right. They will. As far as Voom hating, I dont hate Voom, I wish it would stick around, I could sell a lot more people systems if I had two to sell them, one for HD, one for Locals. But you are right, I am a 16 punk, never have I owned a buisness. I am on here to Voom hate, because I have nothing better to do. Get a clue.