The End of VOOM?

"Will probobly go with dish as I like the sirius music channels"

Would Dish customers get the Stern show as well, (when it goes to sirius) or is a separate subscription required?
MarcelV said:
They should just make you pay the full penalty. As far as I know they haven't stopped the service. At least, my box is still working :)
If they stop creating new VOOM Exclusive content, along with selling Rainbow DBS assets, haven't they violated the spirit of the contract? I called VOOM on my way into work and discontinued autopay billing to my Discover Card - they provided me with a Baltimore mailing address in which to send my future payments by check. Likewise, I called Discover Card to advise them that I discontinued Autopay and any attempts to credit my account by Rainbow DBS are unauthorized; had them note this information in my account. I would advise everyone to do the same.

Personally, the VOOM receivers have little resale value - it would probably cost them more to pay deinstallation, storage/tracking, and disposal fees than it would to just let the customers keep the equipment. The fair and proper thing for CableVision to do would be:

1. Announce when VOOM will cease to transmit.
2. Allow subscribers to keep the equipment.
3. Do not deauthorize the tuners so they can continue to function as OTA tuners.
4. Release the multiple DMA software upgrade if that will help with OTA issues.
I think the super DMA upgrade only fixes the problem of people not getting the program guide information for channels that they can receive but that are not in their DMA. Since VOOM sends the program guide by satellite and the satellite isn't going to be around there will be no program guide for OTA channels anyway. This greatly reduces the usefulness of the box as an OTA receiver.

I am one of the few who purchased their box with a two year warranty so I expect Cablevision to make sure that it receives programming for two years or to refund my money.
Just a quick note on the continued use of the recievers as OTA tuners

The recieevers need to recieve an authorization on a continual basis to contine working, usually every 2 weeks to a month or when you change your programming

This being said, if Voom dies, (and I am still hoping that ther old man pitches a fit and kills his kid and the board) then within 2 weeks to a month, the authorization on your reciever will expire, and the OTA portion will no longer function
called voom customer support yesterday, as far as they are concerned in was business as usual, and everything is business as usual
So is my 6 month contract with Voom still in place which means I should ride out what will be some very lame months of tv or should I turn my directv back on?
jeslevine said:
called voom customer support yesterday, as far as they are concerned in was business as usual, and everything is business as usual

The cancer is maybe in remission! :)
I would wait to see how things develop

dmason said:
So is my 6 month contract with Voom still in place which means I should ride out what will be some very lame months of tv or should I turn my directv back on?

I went with Voom when they offered the free hardware and installation deal, downgraded my dish service to avoid duplication, but did not disconnect

no one can beat vomm for quality and quantity of HD, they are light years away over anyone else

let's see if dish takes advantage of this, or if direct tv becomes motivated to push out more hd content

I am not ruling out any service right now, but whoever is able to obtain the most HD quality and quantity, that will probably be who I will eventually go with

I would stand pat right now, and see how thing develop. Voom customers may still get some type of incentive deal from someone

I don't know what's funnier, reading the posts from the, "I told you so," posters or reading the posts from the, "Well, maybe CVC is just doing this to keep Voom going." Come on guys. IT'S OVER! Sure Dish may come along and give us a nice deal to switch but that's about all I think any of us can expect.

Voom was great while it lasted but thye just couldn't sustain a business with the business plan they went to battle for. CVC is NOT going to invest anymore money into a losing venture like Voom. Remember, they said that earlier in the week.

Just because they are almost finished with an uplink facility means nothing. It just means they have an almost completed uplink facility. I'm going to guess they'll use it for some other project, rent it out to someone who needs it or just sell it entirely. I've got to guess it's a LOT easier to sell a satellite at bargain prices to a company like Dish who NEEDS more bandwidth than it is to sell off a facility which isn't done yet.

I've got to guess they'll hang onto their exclusive programming. It would make sense for them to roll it into their existing CVC business to offer to CVC customers later (bandwidth notwithstanding).

But they aren't selling off their most valuable asset (i.e. a satellite with bandwidth) in the hopes of, "raising enough money to continue in another direction with Voom." It isn't going to happen. Dolan is NOT going to take his personal money and try and do this. The guy isn't stupid. And he isn't going to spend HIS money to do it. It's obvious he wasn't able to find other investors so he has to cut his losses.

I love to be pessimistic but the fat lady has sung, received her flowers backstage and is in the limo on the way to the after perfomance party. Wishing things will continue will not make it happen.

Wake up already.

The Rickster
If Charles Dolan came up withsay 250 or 300 million and said he want to buy the company, wouldnt the board members have to sell it to him, considering that would be in the best interest of cablevision. They would get the extra 50-100million, while it might not be sugnificant it would still be whats best for cablevision. by the way the stock is now over 27.00
jnardone said:
I think the super DMA upgrade only fixes the problem of people not getting the program guide information for channels that they can receive but that are not in their DMA. Since VOOM sends the program guide by satellite and the satellite isn't going to be around there will be no program guide for OTA channels anyway. This greatly reduces the usefulness of the box as an OTA receiver.
I receive programming from 4 DMAs and a few of the knuckleheads STILL don't send a valid PSIP datastream, which can't be detected by the VOOM receiver. The Megamap should correct this problem. Hmmm. All three of my HDTVs have an internal ATSC/QAM tuner so the VOOM receiver won't be of any use to me.
klen said:
"Will probobly go with dish as I like the sirius music channels"

Would Dish customers get the Stern show as well, (when it goes to sirius) or is a separate subscription required?
My guess is it will be separate. I don't think dish carries all the sirius channels although they have quite a few. My son has dish and sirius seems to be better than music choice that we have in my opinion.
I think one of the problems with Voom's low sub rate was due to the fact that everyone thought they offered only HD programming.

If people knew that their SD content looked as nice as it does along with the nice audio, I believe they could have won over more viewers.

Voom's SD content looks like HD compared to what the others offer.
Cliff said:
I think one of the problems with Voom's low sub rate was due to the fact that everyone thought they offered only HD programming.

If people knew that their SD content looked as nice as it does along with the nice audio, I believe they could have won over more viewers.

Voom's SD content looks like HD compared to what the others offer.

I agree. Whenever I would tell someone that I had Voom they would say something to the effect of "Isn't that only HD, no normal cable channels?"
Cliff said:
Voom's SD content looks like HD compared to what the others offer.

I agree. Even the SD looks better with Voom. I dumped E* long ago because the PQ was in the toilet. Has it improved at all over the last 2 years?
Wow, things look really bad for Voom. I have had the service for almost a year and I love it. It hurts me to see it fold. While I still reserve a little bit of hope for Voom and will keep the service until it shuts down, I want to say to those Voom execs and employees.....

THANK YOU for providing HD programming like it is supposed to be done.

Thanks for always trying to provide the 'new' HD channels when they are made available or soon afterwards.

Thanks for making frequent updates to software and being reactive to technical issues.

Thanks for the new HD content.

Thanks for the education about what is REALLY available in HD. If there is enough HD stuff out there for 21 channels then why can't the other providers stop filtering the delivery of content?

Thanks for showing me how much the others compressed there signals.

Thanks for giving us the ease of mind in knowing that if there was a HD channel out there, we probably had it.

Thank you Wilt. (you get your very own line)

Also, I would like to that Sean, Scott and Ilya. Keep your head up guys, I have a strange feeling that there is still some info out there that we don't know and that could be positive.

Until then...I will be reading this forum, lamenting over my Voom, and trying to think of a plan if/when the service is turned off.

It's been fun guys. I am going to miss all the excitement on this board. This has been my first really addictive experience with a forum and I want to thank Sean, Scott and all the other guys at SatGuys for all of their support and hard work. I'll keep my Voom box active for as long as it lasts. These things happen in life I have come to realize, the good guys don't always win. See you all around, and thanks for the laughs!
I kept my Dish Subscription on hold with the 5 dollar a month payment and I visit their info channel time to time just to see if the picture has improved, and guess what? It's as fuzzy now as it ever was.

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