The Blacklist

I didn't find last night's episode as amusing as those with the Post Office guy, Red's buddy from the DMV, or that episode with the art collector in Italy, or that episode with the circus guy and the elephants. :D

I've really enjoyed those episodes where Red's doing his best to re-build his empire.
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I watched the first 2 seasons but then the following seasons became politically "correct" so I stopped watching it. Otherwise, it was an interesting show.
That's right.

In my case, I just basically focus on Red, and his tricks and brilliant scams, playing almost anybody else as he pleases.

However, this last episode had at some point so much on the black guy justice, and cop issue, that I was getting fed up with it, I was wishing all that talk would stop and Red would just put an end to the discussion, eliminating whoever the problematic guy was with a quick draw of his gun.

I almost stopped watching the episode at that point.
I have stopped watching Black list and I may stop watching Blindspot soon if it doesn't start making more sense. Both shows have lost their luster to me this year.
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Red and Liz will return next year on January 3rd. Can't say the same thing for Tom though.

I was reading some comments emphasizing that he was a tough nut to crack, the columnist I read was saying that he survived many attacks, that he even survived the cancellation of his spin-off series Redemption LOL.

IMO he made a great mistake when he wanted to hold on to that suitcase instead of turning it over to Red, if he had done that, he wouldn't have get involved in that mess that had him killed, and that also had Liz killed.

Nonetheless he was a great character IMO and will be missed. R.I.P.

Should've said "Spoiler Alert!".
For the very few of us who still watch this:

Red and Liz will return January 3rd from their holiday vacation.

I'll try to enjoy it while it lasts, this could be the last season.
I heard that it would be, but that was before they cancelled Redemption.

I don't want to hope for a season 6 and then find out they won't renew it.

IMO is not a good sign that the producers killed Redemption, and now the writers have killed Tom.

Not sure where this will be headed now.

I think Tom was a great character, but sure he was playing with fire when he wanted to hide that suitcase from Red.

R.I.P. Tom Keen
Redemption was cancelled. I saw that on emails I get about shows cancelled. The next to go will be Blacklist since it is no longer popular. I only watched the first episode this season and I said I was through. But last season was good with Kate storyline.