The Blacklist

Ok, I´ve changed my mind, now I think (but I may be wrong of course) that there is the possibility that Red will execute Mr Kaplan tonight.

I don't believe this situation can go on for much longer as it seriously affects Red's world and what he cherishes most, or at least in the way he understands it.
R.I.P. Mr Kaplan... Good riddance

But it was no longer possible for both Red and Mr Kaplan to co-exist in the same TV show, this is not like Batman co-exissting with Catwoman.

Mr Kaplan had really lost it and her blind desire for vengeance would't allow her to make a truce with Red.

Mr Kaplan had to die one way or another, even though I was really surprised on how that happened, I was expecting Red to execute her. I don't believe Mr Kaplan will come back from this one, metal plate and all.

I think it was a great season finale (I would be surprised if the show is not renewed), and I'm not talking about Aram kissing Samar.

I'm glad to see Liz made the right decision, IMO. and choose her father instead of staying in the car with Mr. Kaplan.

I hope Boss survived that gun shot, he didn´t deserve to die at the hands of Mr. Kaplan, I think Red was too soft, and should have instructed his men to kill Mr. Kaplan right there.

Now that Redemption has been cancelled, it's good to see Tom back home.

oh and Hitchin, R.I.P.
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R.I.P. Mr Kaplan... Good riddance

But it was no longer possible for both Red and Mr Kaplan to co-exist in the same TV show, this is not like Batman co-exissting with Catwoman.

Mr Kaplan had really lost it and her blind desire for vengeance would't allow her to make a truce with Red.

Mr Kaplan had to die one way or another, even though I was really surprised on how that happened, I was expecting Red to execute her. I don't believe Mr Kaplan will come back from this one, metal plate and all.

I think it was a great season finale (I would be surprised if the show is not renewed), and I'm not talking about Aram kissing Samar.

I'm glad to see Liz made the right decision, IMO. and choose her father instead of staying in the car with Mr. Kaplan.

I hope Boss survived that gun shot, he didn´t deserve to die at the hands of Mr. Kaplan, I think Red was too soft, and should have instructed his men to kill Mr. Kaplan right there.

Now that Redemption has been cancelled, it's good to see Tom back home.

oh and Hitchin, R.I.P.
It could have been a series finale if not for the suitcase. They are all dirty now. :(
It could have been a series finale if not for the suitcase. They are all dirty now. :(

Ouch, I didn't mention the suitcase on purpose, well yep,

You're right, what can I say, though, if I were a character on the show, I'd say:

Make that suitcase disappear, never mention it again.

And I guess with that we can forget about the possibility of a happy family reunion with Katerina, Masha and Red ;)
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My wish list for season 5:

Solomon to join Red,
Tom also back with Red,
Henry Prescott as Red's new fixer (he's good at his job) and also because the previous fixer Pee Wee Herman was out of the picture, I think killed long time ago.

Cleaner, Red needs a new cleaner, I don't know if Miko and Mika (or something like that) are still working for him,

If Boss was killed by Mr Kaplan, he would also have to be replaced.

Oh and last but not least, that noisy and crazy cop Gayle, out.
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Well they did get rid of her after all. I'm a bit apprehensive to see where this goes next season. I agree I'd rather not see Gale again but I'm afraid he will be back. Was glad to see the National Security Adviser get hers.

So what is next season, Red rebuilds his empire?
Starting season 5 Red will move to Wednesdays at 8 PM, before L&OSVU, and Chicago P.D.

Season 5 will be a 22 episode one.

Since the show has been losing ratings every year, since it launched as a hit on the Monday prime time slot, I don't have any high hopes for a season 6, not just yet.

I wonder what the writers have in store for next season.

I'd say Gayle has to be eliminated soon, he can play around trying to bring Red down, along with the task force, but that would be the end of the show.

I'd say Red has to get back on his feet, re-gain the trust of his colleagues, and continue to assist the task force in bringing more blacklisters to justice, or at least to face Red's justice.

Now that Tom is back after the total failure working for his mom in Redemption, I´d assume he'll join the family business, working for his father in law (Red).

As for that infamous suitcase and whatever Red did to Katerina, I'd say that's water under the bridge, hopefully Liz will never learn about that, but in any event, didn´t Liz say in the final scene, that no family is perfect?

Liz has accepted her dad, Red, just as he is, and then that would imply that if she were to find out that Red killed her mother, that shouldn´t change her feelings for her dad.

I´d like to find out who'll replace Laurel Hitchin, and I'd expect her successor to have a closer and more friendly relationship with Red, I remember the guy before Hitchin was the one that Red dropped off from 35,000 feet just in time for dinner, because he wasn't nice to Red.
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I think that the next season will be the last. They have pretty much wrapped up many of the mysteries of the past of Red and of Liz. Next season they will deal with Katarina's death and her skeleton in the suitcase and wrap up the RED story line and they are done. The cases of the week story lines get old and repetitive and many of Red's associates have died or been killed and he has no money now. I have suspected all along Red was Liz's father ,especially after his episode where he thought Liz was gone and he kept seeing Katarina's ghost at the beach house. You just don't get that attached to someone you don't know unless there is some connection. Either way I will give it one more season and then I'm done , whether they are or not.
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My prediction to finalize the series- Red is murdered by Liz or Tom when they discover the suitcase and they take over the empire for a new whole series, where they go into the life of crime a la Redington's style - Blacklist 2.0 Their kid is grown to a late teen and training to be a warrior in the underworld. It would be a fitting circle of irony
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My prediction to finalize the series- Red is murdered by Liz or Tom when they discover the suitcase and they take over the empire for a new whole series, where they go into the life of crime a la Redington's style - Blacklist 2.0 Their kid is grown to a late teen and training to be a warrior in the underworld. It would be a fitting circle of irony
Don you do have a dark since of irony .:idea
Looking back at this, I think it was a miracle it was renewed and already with a 22 episode season, because from what I see, it just didn´t have the numbers for that, the ratings really went south, and were bad, but not as bad as Redemption.

Anyway, having said that, yep, I anticipate season 5 will be the last one, and NBC will kill it with season 5 episode 22, if they´re smart.

Doesn´t look like the show, could have more surprises with Red and Liz´s personal relationship, so that's done, the suitcase won't be able to provide much plot material, IMO:

So Red could go back into business, Cooper and Ressler will have to continue working with Red like it or not, struggling with their moral issues.

But I don't see the possibility of a new ingredient in the show, that could raise the ratings, and that could extend the show into a season 6.

My suggestion, is that Red dies, (take your pick as to how), and then Liz will inherit his business, she'll quit the FBI, and promises to continue with Red´s legacy, decides to leave baby Agnes in the care of a nanny, then decides to leave her n the care of a criminal, but asks the criminal to keep silence regarding the truth of who her real mother is, sounds familiar?

roll the credits...... hopefully this one won´t be picked up by Netflix, let it die in peace.
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I watched again the finale, and something bothers me on the final scene.

I assumed Tom was very efficient to secure the suitcase, and was reporting to Red on that phone call.

But, how did Tom know about the suitcase? Ok, I assumed Red told him, but how would Red know where the suitcase was?
I assume Red found the suitcase missing by the tree, but how would he know where to find it?

So, I have to say Red didn´t know where the suitcase was.

Back to Tom, how did he know where to find the key for the locker, and where to find the suitcase?

Was he really calling Red and reporting to him?

The suitcase had a tag with Liz's name.
I´d assume Mr Kaplan left instructions to deliver the suitcase to Liz, but again, now that I think about it, I don´t see that Tom having the key for the locker and knowing its location, makes any sense.
Can't remember now, but I thought Kaplan told Red that he killed her, she left instructions for their "secret" to be revealed to Liz. I just assumed that Kaplan made arrangements with Tom and he was reporting to Gayle, since Kaplan was working with him.

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Still can't find the other alternate ending.

What´s worse, darn, I've come across some far out theories out there. and I'm goin' crazy....

One theory says that Red could actually be.... get this not Liz's real father, but actually Liz's real mother, yep, I'm going very deep into some theories, regarding the bones in the suitcase, :confused:

Where is the real Red Reddington?
I was wondering what could be new and interesting about this new season.

Well, I really enjoyed this start, with some interesting surprises IMO, still not sure what that end was, though.....:confused:
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Another great solid episode

Red's the man, Dembe was just great, Red and Liz now make a great couple.

I laughed, and really enjoyed this episode, looking forward for more of this.
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Yeah I'm not feeling this show this year. Elizabeth is now helping Raymond to rebuild his criminal empire? She's dancing with him at a motel by the poolside in the afternoon? Who the hell is watching Agnes-the baby, since she was the entire focus of last season? I will watch one more episode and if it doesn't make any sense I'm out for good.
I'm glad there's no more baby Agnes, in this show,

Kind of a ghost, she is supposed to exist, but for practical reasons, she's a no show.

But IMO, there's no room for a baby in this series.

So far I'm having fun watching Red rebuild his empire, yep, with Liz as her partner in crime.

What does Liz think about it?


And I'm lovin' it so far :D