The Blacklist

Must be nice, once again for the 2nd time in the last 2 weeks, our locals pre-empted primetime for 3.5 hrs of thunderstorm coverage :mad: and I'm sure there will be a post in the morning on their website saying go watch the show on or whatever network it is. Doesn't take much to figure out why people go to non legal means to view shows. Wait till tomorrow and put up with commercials on and watching on computer or go get it online via other means tonight without commercials and watch it in HD on my tv. hmm decisions decisions decisions.
That sucks, and yep, I can understand why some people will not hesitate in just using the friendly search engine and watch the shows without commercials in HD, being able to watch it on their big screen tv, just an hour after it has aired on the US east coast, and even before that for some shows.
Anyway, since the episode has now aired in all time zones, at least theoretically, I will make some comments, so if you still haven´t watched last night´s episode, don´t read unless you can handle spoilers.

It was a good episode overall IMO.
It was nice to see Mr Kaplan again, I´d also like to see more of Mr. Pee-Wee Vargas.:wink
I wasn´t expecting Red getting shot, dang ¡ now we have to wait 3 weeks to see what happens next.
I think NBC has really messed up big time, moving the show to Thursdays and making these breaks.
NBC has done the same thing to many of it's most popular programs and then ultimately killed them. Remember how Heroes and Revolution, both were once pretty good ,then they moved them from their regular nights and then took off months at a time to try other mid season replacement shows . Kills them every time. Mark my words , they will do the same thing with Blacklist.
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I just hate these long breaks in the series.

Last night I watched the promo for the next episode, and I saw Red with blood taken to an ambulance or something.

And I thought Dang ¡¡¡ How do they dare to show that spoiler for next episode.?

Then I remembered that 3 weeks ago, the last episode ended with Red being shot.

But I don´t think it´s my fault for not having a fresh memory, I think it is NBC´s fault for making these long breaks.

Shame on you NBC ¡ This show was a success its first season and it deserves some respect.
I sure needed to refresh my memory after 3 weeks, but I think it was a good episode.
It was nice to see Mr Kaplan again I miss Mr Vargas though.
I was glad the phone call that Liz forced was made before they killed Red.

Looking forward to tonight´s episode.

Was Liz the one in the photo ?
If my memory serves me right she took that photo with her ?
Because if she did, that was a stupid thing to do.
Dembe told her in no uncertain terms, Red must never find out that she was in that apartment.
I liked the interrogation technique used by Red and Samar in the last episode. That was brilliant :D

Next episode, also promises to be good.
That final scene with Red and Liz taking their ride, was really something.
When Liz tells Red that she now remembers she shot her father.

Red (trying to hold the tears) answering Liz that he failed as her sin eater and telling her, he didn´t want her to become like him.

And now Liz is on the FBI´s 10 most wanted list.

Wow¡¡ I wouldn´t have imagined Liz would make that top ten list by shooting the D.A:

Gonna have to wait a long summer to find out what happens next on season 3 :(
We started watching this show this past weekend on Netflix. Very good show and it keeps us wanting more!

We have watched the first 13 episodes now for season 1. I'm hoping netflix will add season 2 this summer since it just wrapped up on NBC.