2004 SatelliteGuy of the Year

Way back in October of 2003 I was invited to the VOOM Launch in New York City, however because I already had plans I posted a message here at SatelliteGuys looking for a reporter to go and report on the VOOM launch.
I honestly expected a lot of folks would jump at the opportunity, but only one person responded who said he was Interested, and that person was Sean Mota. Sean was a quiet member who really didn't post much. But since Sean was the only interested in attending and because he was in New York City I chose him to attend the VOOM Launch party.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think Sean would do such a spectacular job covering the event, and never in my wildest dreams did I imagine how successful our VOOM forum would get.
After Sean's initial report I decided I needed him on our team and asked him to become a moderator here at SatelliteGuys, I even gave him his own forum. I told Sean the VOOM forum was his to do what he wanted with and Sean took the ball ran and scored a touchdown for SatelliteGuys!
Since the launch of VOOM Sean has become one of the voices of authority about VOOM. Seans hard work has not only earned him respect from our members but from the folks inside VOOM as well.
Over the past year Sean has worked hard to build the Internet's largest VOOM information forums, his VOOM forum has grown so large he now oversees five other staff member while still maintaining his excellence in bringing our members the most accurate VOOM news and information found anywhere.
And even though Sean is busy with his VOOM forum he has recently volunteered to oversee our HDTV forum expansion, and in the short time he has been part of our HDTV forum team we have already seen some amazing growth in in the HDTV forums.
So because of all his hard work, devotion and dedication I am proud to announce Sean Mota the 2004 SatelliteGuy of the Year!
Sean is being overnighted a package containing the gorgeous SatelliteGuy of the Year award shown above as well as a check for $500, plus the box is filled with some VOOM goodies which were sent over by his friends at VOOM including a card signed by many of the folks at VOOM.
Please help me congratulate Sean Mota, the 2004 SatelliteGuy of the Year!