Thanks / Dislikes

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I always had a fear that I would click on "Dislike" accidentally. I'm glad it's gone.

I had that concern while on my phone but I would just check my profile to see if I accidentally "disliked" anything by accident. Could always "undislike" to rectify.

I appreciate all likes/thanks I get. And I realize the dislikes were just from people who didn't have a clue. ;)

Couldn't agree more ;) .
Hard to thank a like when there is no post to thank, just the like. (wait, what?)

I appreciate all likes/thanks I get. .

I was thinking the exact same thing. You took the words right out of my mouth!:)
Most of the 'likes' I've gotten have been posts involving cats. So... here's my girlfriend's cat sitting in our philodendron.


Also, I had no idea there was ever a dislike button.
In the last....6? months, I think I gave two dislikes, and received two dislikes in retaliation.

On the other hand, I've stumbled across threads where I apparently posted a dislike, but it was to such an innocuous post, there is no way I could have.
That got me worrying the forum might be experiencing a bug.
(I'm pretty careful)

When someone gives a good answer, I try to click like, to tell the Original Poster (OP) that I fully agree.
Guess the thank button is just as good. :)

Wasn't aware there had been troll wars with the buttons.
Probably better to remove the buttons than the abusers.
Most of the 'likes' I've gotten have been posts involving cats. So... here's my girlfriend's cat sitting in our philodendron.
Too bad the dislike was taken away. :)

I hate cats...more precisely, I hate cat owners who think they own a raccoon or possum by leaving it outside all the time making them as much of a nuisance and health hazard as a raccoon or possum.
Too bad the dislike was taken away. :)

I hate cats...more precisely, I hate cat owners who think they own a raccoon or possum by leaving it outside all the time making them as much of a nuisance and health hazard as a raccoon or possum.

Same could be said for dogs and dog owners ;) . I had a neighbor that neglected their Scottish Terrier outside, he was always yapping. At least cats don't constantly yap.

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Too bad the dislike was taken away. :)

I hate cats...more precisely, I hate cat owners who think they own a raccoon or possum by leaving it outside all the time making them as much of a nuisance and health hazard as a raccoon or possum.

Growing up, our cats went in and out as they pleased.

As an adult, our cats have all been inside only.

Growing up in Louisiana, I am very familiar with coons, possums and possums on the half shell. ALL of which are FAR more troublesome than any feline.
At least dogs have leash laws, and anyone who owns a dog who lets it run loose will get fined at least, or sued, or worse.

As far as cats being less troublesome, tell that to my dog who was inside her fenced-in yard, got her ears batted by a rogue cat in our yard, and had recurring ear problems for the rest of her life, ending up going deaf.

Tell that to my daughter at age 4 who was traumatized at discovering a decapitated squirrel on our front doorstep, let alone the health hazards had she been curious enough to touch it.

There are laws about picking up dog droppings in other people's yards, but cats can crap to their hearts content in yards and flower gardens. And cat crap smells 10x worse.

Cats should be leashed or kept inside, just as dogs are.


...wait, it's not a rant. It's just plain common sense.
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Dogs in their backyard can still be yappy. Dogs on leashes too for that matter.

I could tell you horror stories of dogs too, an old friend had her upper lip ripped off by a Chow when she was four (it was stitched back on luckily.)

So easy to generalize either of the two species. I say let people have what they like. I have no hate for either.

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My point isn't the horror stories or generalization. I'm giving specific examples of my points. The dog situation you gave, could it have been avoided without negligence? Of course it could. Keep the dog leashed, or inside, or in a properly fenced yard. How can the situation where a dog or child gets attacked in their own properly secured yard be avoided? It can't, and there is no legal recourse.

Sorry all, for the thread derail.
She was at her friend's house and they thought the dog was normal. No way it could have been avoided. What was your point again?

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My point is negligence. You knew who's dog it was and it was in the owner's house. So there was recourse if wanted to be pursued. Leaving a cat run loose to do what it wants and then take off before it could be caught is more than negligence, it's gross willful negligence.
It wasn't negligence and so there was no recourse to be had.

I see your point about the cat thing but my counterpoint was that nobody can predict every time that an animal of any type goes crazy and just because something happens doesn't automatically make it negligence. Most cats don't bother people and other (domestic) animals when loose. Same cannot be said for dogs.

They're just different animals, as I said, why generalize?

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You're the one generalizing..."most cats this" and "most dogs that."

Here's my only generalization: pet laws should be applied equally to cats and dogs, and so should the consequences for breaking them.

One other problem with letting cats run loose I just thought of...feral cat problems. Two domestic cats mate and give birth to a whole litter, many times unbeknownst to the owner ("oh, she's been gone a few days, she'll be back"), which just exacerbates the problem.
It's not generalizing... It's fact. Otherwise, why would the rules be the way they are?

Cats domesticated themselves. They have no problems with going back to the wild.

Of course overpopulation is bad, which can be said for any animal.

Fact is, even overpopulated, cats don't usually become a nuisance. Hell there's entire cities full of thousands of feral cats, but the coexist with the humans. Same could not be said for a city overpopulated with dogs.

But yes folks, be sure to spay and neuter your pets!

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It is for just that reason that cats have no problem going back into the wild that there should be tighter restrictions on cats than there currently are.

Plus, what kind of owner doesn't care where their cat has been or what kind of diseases they bring back into their home from the latest squirrel kill?
Blah, anyway I think we both have strong opinions, and opinions are just opinions. Let's just agree to disagree, and get back to the (virtually dead) topic at hand before we get a spanking :) . It's why I don't like politics, lol.

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