Thanks / Dislikes

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Of the dislikes I rec'd, the majority came from the same person. It didn't take long to notice a pattern...
If dislikes/thanks are so unnecessary they can easily be ignored. It's not like they're out in the open anyway. There was even a setting to disable dislikes/thanks for yourself. Who would like receiving dislikes? It's better than people flaming each other. Kinda wish that Scott would chime in on this thread.

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I only got a couple of dislikes from a guy I disliked because of his use of graphic language describing homosexual acts. I think he had two posts I disliked, and he disliked two of my entirely innocuous posts. But I wanted to dislike many posts, not because of the messenger, but because of the message. Since "dislike" is ambiguous and apparently causes hard feelings, I never did that.

So... What's the official word Scott?
My guess is that it was just a simple matter of feature abuse by enough of the membership to warrant ending it...
How do you "abuse" thanks?

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"Thanks" was rarely used in comparison to "Like", so it likely wasn't removed due to abuse, but instead redundancy.
Generally, the people with more "thanks" would be the more helpful people, whereas the people with more "likes" tended to be people that said things that people liked/agreed with, rather than helpful.

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Liking a post and thanking a post are 2 separate things,at least they are for me.I can like a post because it's funny,makes a good point etc.I use the thanks when it's an informative post.
I'm well aware of the different meanings. If you ever looked at the statistics, "Like" was used 10x more often than "Thanks".

Does it really matter ? Personally, I think Scott's non-comment in this thread suggests that it's not open for discussion... ;)
I'm well aware of the different meanings. If you ever looked at the statistics, "Like" was used 10x more often than "Thanks".

Does it really matter ? Personally, I think Scott's non-comment in this thread suggests that it's not open for discussion... ;)

One could also surmise,that Scott isn't around and posting as much as usual.;) It's not that big of a deal to me either way.Would prefer to see thanks and dislikes remain,if they don't so be it.
I'm well aware of the different meanings. If you ever looked at the statistics, "Like" was used 10x more often than "Thanks".

Does it really matter ? Personally, I think Scott's non-comment in this thread suggests that it's not open for discussion... ;)

Seems to matter to you as much as anyone else... Perhaps Scott is just busy?

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I posted I would happy to see dislike gone, but to be fair I have to agree it did not seem to be abused much at all....
Sorry guys I have been sick in bed (Damn stomach bug), finally got out tonight to go to my cousins birthday dinner. As you might have noticed I haven't been online much. In fact I have really only been on to make sure things are still up and running.

The Thanks and Dislikes were disabled for a number of reasons and was done on purpose.

First we have had a number of "Dislike" attacks over the past few weeks. These attacks would be from new members and they would come in and dislike really old posts of specific users.

The we have had other members get into a Dislike War with another member and it turned into a contest between them to see how many dislikes they could get on the other person.

Finally the other reason is I am working to have the Likes Button work in the mobile apps. To do this we can only have one button, aka the Likes Button. That is why the Thanks Button Went away. I was going to turn the Likes button into a Like / Thanks Button, but I guess it needs to be Likes to work properly.

I will be honest we have a problem here at SatelliteGuys and I am not sure what to do about it. We have people coming here now just to start trouble, I have actually heard that in a few other forums users have been joking or are being asked to come here and cause issues.

I have never been one to censor, I never liked to censor and have always tried NOT censoring, but you can see with your own eyes that this is going on. Look at the DIRECTV guys who go an troll in our DISH forum yet never post in the DIRECTV Forum. (And vice versa) this "Thread Crapping" is getting annoying and some members have wrote me and let me know that it is turning them away from the site.

SatelliteGuys is here to help people, not make them not want to come back. I need to figure out a medium where we can get rid of these trolls and yet let people voice their point of views in a fair way.

I want SatelliteGuys to be the friendly Satellite Site. A place where people feel comfortable to come too. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. :)


(Now back to bed.)
Wish there was a thanks button for your post, lol :p .

Thank you for taking the time to tell us even while you're sick. Hope you get to feeling better really soon!

I agree, the trolls do seem to be out in full force lately. Didn't realize that they were abusing the "dislikes" to that extent. How immature! It's always the idiots that ruin the experience for everyone else. Oh well, I'll get used to having only likes.
Personally I am glad that the dislike button went away, I always felt it would only cause trouble with very little benefit. This is a pretty thoroughly modded web site, posters are pretty much kept in line when they want to cause trouble.
Wish there was a thanks button for your post, lol :p .

Thank you for taking the time to tell us even while you're sick. Hope you get to feeling better really soon!

I agree, the trolls do seem to be out in full force lately. Didn't realize that they were abusing the "dislikes" to that extent. How immature! It's always the idiots that ruin the experience for everyone else. Oh well, I'll get used to having only likes.

Maybe if they don't get fed, they'll go away.
Get well soon Scott!That stomach bug is miserable.Shame some abuse the dislike button,I could see the possibility of using it to at least hide the troll posts.Maybe we need a troll alert,or troll be gone button.;)
Get well soon Scott!That stomach bug is miserable.Shame some abuse the dislike button,I could see the possibility of using it to at least hide the troll posts.Maybe we need a troll alert,or troll be gone button.;)

We have one.. :D

Perhaps, if there's a way, ban new users from using likes/dislikes unless they have a certain amount of posts?

Get well soon Scott!That stomach bug is miserable.Shame some abuse the dislike button,I could see the possibility of using it to at least hide the troll posts.Maybe we need a troll alert,or troll be gone button.;)

Report Post button should do it.
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