T-Mobile added 1.8 million new customers in Q1 2015
Post: Deutsche Telekom CEO prefers T-Mobile/Sprint tie-up
Jun 9 2015, 09:33 ET | About: T-Mobile US, Inc. (TMUS) | By: Jason Aycock, SA News Editor
With merger talks ongoing between T-Mobile (NYSE:TMUS) and Dish Network (NASDAQISH), Timotheus Höttges, CEO of Deutsche Telekom (OTCQX
TEGY) -- T-Mobile's controlling shareholder -- is reportedly more interested in merging T-Mobile spectrum (TMUS -1.2%) with Sprint's (S +1.1%) than in the Dish combo, The New York Post reports.
The stance is centered in the idea of creating a valuable combination that would be more appealing for a sale to Comcast (NASDAQ:CMCSA), sources told the paper. Adding Dish Network to T-Mobile makes more sense in the future, but it would kill the chance of a sale to Comcast on regulatory concerns, the sources paraphrased Höttges as saying.
There's no word on how he feels about regulatory resistance to combining with Sprint (which reportedly killed such a merger last year).
He reportedly told investors at last week's RBC Capital Markets road show that the Sprint combination would create huge value in teaming up when the broadcast incentive spectrum auction begins in early 2016. Sprint and Dish Network both have swaths of spectrum that would help T-Mobile fill in gaps. http://seekingalpha.com/news/256930...ceo-prefers-t-mobile-sprint-tie-up#email_link If in wrong area please move and I apologize!![]()