T-Mobile keeps fanning Dish partnership flames
Mar 6 2015, 20:07 ET | About: T-Mobile US, Inc. (TMUS) | By: Jason Aycock, SA News Editor
More merger hints -- or maybe more than just hints, as T-Mobile (NYSE:TMUS) CFO Braxton Carter essentially nominates his firm as Dish Network's (NASDAQ

ISH) wireless partner, among some very kind words for Dish CEO Charlie Ergen.
Ergen has done a "masterful job of creating a very differentiated mid-band spectrum position," Carter said.
"He's not interested in building his own network and we would be a very good partner for deploying his spectrum."
Ergen's had similar kind words for T-Mobile before -- in a summer 2013 earnings call, he said: "Certainly, T-Mobile ... you could put that together with Dish in a number of ways, including acquisition and merger, and that's probably not possible with the other wireless providers."
He added then that he didn't think their options had changed "unless you just look at a full-blown acquisition or a merger and really, that's probably only T-Mobile at this point in time."
Ergen's been more circumspect lately, but says video service will be "core" to any tie-up they engage in.