Syracuse basketball aide placed on leave as police investigate sex abuse claims; Boeheim issues deni

If Boeheim knew about this in 2003, yet did nothing, does this make him JoePa-like?

ABSOLUTELY! AND should be fired immediately for not only pulling a Paterno...but LYING as well. He stated he has never had anything reported to him regarding Bernie Fine regarding this behavior. There is no history of this behavior and he called Davis a liar.

I know you are disappointed I did not support Boeheim with reckless abandon... but I do not like liars...especially with an accussation as serious as this. But IF the situation was different where Fine DID has a history and there was a history of multiple's a different story
Where do you jump from child molestation to point shaving?

Those were rumors started in a blog with nothing with truth...
..just another scandal waiting in the wings..When its time for jim boeheim to go.. all of a sudden it will be big news..(doesn't really matter if its true or not)
juan said:
..just another scandal waiting in the wings..When its time for jim boeheim to go.. all of a sudden it will be big news..(doesn't really matter if its true or not)

..."doesn't really matter if its true or not.."??!!

..."doesn't really matter if its true or not.."??!!

Syracuse has a habit of going all the way to #1(or close to it) in the polls and then suddenly lose to a "no name" opponent. It has happened multiple times in multiple seasons..all they need to do is find some "idiot" player (and they are out there) to claim they were paid to lose...They story would go viral and by the time the truth really comes out Boeheim will be long gone and Syracuse basketball will be tarnished for a loooong time. (p.s. I think the real truth is that Boeheim does not know how to teach his players to make "free throws" during critical times against much lesser opponents)
juan said:
Syracuse has a habit of going all the way to #1(or close to it) in the polls and then suddenly lose to a "no name" opponent. It has happened multiple times in multiple seasons..all they need to do is find some "idiot" player (and they are out there) to claim they were paid to lose...They story would go viral and by the time the truth really comes out Boeheim will be long gone and Syracuse basketball will be tarnished for a loooong time. (p.s. I think the real truth is that Boeheim does not know how to teach his players to make "free throws" during critical times against much lesser opponents)

Wow... Where to start on this post....?
well this is the school that recruited Dwayne "the pearl" Washington after 6 years of high school and getting a 650 on his SAT's..that in it self should be a scandal

He would have never been allowed on campus if he didn't have the 700 needed back then. You are allowed to take the SAT multiple times as long as you were a officially a junior in the late 70s early 80s. I have not lived in upstate NY since 1989...but that is how it was when I was in high school.

And Pearl will not be the 1st OR the last player to hit a 650 on the 1st try of his SAT.
He would have never been allowed on campus if he didn't have the 700 needed back then. You are allowed to take the SAT multiple times as long as you were a officially a junior in the late 70s early 80s. I have not lived in upstate NY since 1989...but that is how it was when I was in high school.

And Pearl will not be the 1st OR the last player to hit a 650 on the 1st try of his SAT.
he's the reason they have the minimum (lol) He played before the rule went into effect Stricter NCAA Grade and SAT Score Requirements Take Toll on New Athletes - Los Angeles Times

But they did TRY to recruit another after the rule who got a "600" on his SATs (Earl Duncan)

Jim Boeheim, the Syracuse coach, criticized the rule as harsh and unfair.

"The intent of the rule is good, but I don't think the SAT is always a good indication of how a student will do in college," he said. "Earl's a good student; he had about a 2.3 GPA. He just doesn't test well.

"Besides, everyone else has five years to play four, so I think they should too."

Duncan, who reportedly scored a 600 on the SAT, agreed with Boeheim.

"It's like double jeopardy," he said. "They tell you that you can't play and then they take away a year. Right away, you have two strikes against you.

"I love playing basketball. It's my life. But I never thought about going to a junior college. Syracuse is one of the most prestigious schools in the East and I'm not going to throw away a $14,000 scholarship.

"I just can't do that. I'll just bust my butt this year in the classroom and play for three years."

Duncan said he plans to work out to keep his skills sharp and will learn the Syracuse system from the stands.
Things have gotten even more bizarre in the case against Bernie Fine. Supposedly there is a audio tape on a conversation between Fine's wife and Davis. Then supposedly Fine's wife and Davis had a sexual relationship when he was 18. Then supposedly there is 3rd victim is up for sexual molestation charges himself of a 14 year old boy...yet the father of this accuser states his son is a pathelogical liar.

...and why is the secret service involved in the investigation?

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