Any word on whether the SuperDMA maps are still rolling out to Los Angeles this week? The Dolan's little feud may have affected some of the Voom employees a little. I hope they still get my DMA super map working in the next day or so. 

gutter said:Sean...How can that be? Why would VOOM be spending money working on upgrading the DMA's? Didn't they word get out that they are closing shop and shutting down? lol
...Or they could just join us all on March 5th at the hanging!danielle_s said:I know that you are joking but this should just go to show every how much they "charles, tom, csrs and techs" care about VOOM.
Cablevision will probably have to yank them from their chairs in order to get them to leave.
It's time for voom employees to picket cablevision
Sean Mota said:five more cities released last night check the schedule
klen said:I see all of the other channels listed, but none of them have any "strength". What is the point of "super DMA"? Is it that I could possible get these channels if I had a rotor or a stronger antenna? Just wondering what it means to us.