jorgemelina said:
Just wanted to share - the solution to our channel surfing lock-ups (since the "update") was to switch back to component instead of DVI/HDMI cable. Hopefully they will fix the glitch since I can convince myself that there is enough of a difference to justify that pricey dvi/hdmi cable. By the way, service tech was here yesterday to do an antenna upgrade, and thought the lock-ups were because of a bad receiver so will be getting a new one next week!
jorgemelina, welcome to the forum!
If you are getting lock-ups all the time, replacing the receiver might not be a bad idea. (By lock-up I mean that STB stops responding completely.)
The DVI/HDMI synchronization loss when switching channels is indeed a software problem and it should be fixed soon, as I was told. Switching to component connections might be a temporary solution for those who are experiencing the problem. Note, that not all TVs respond to this with flickering or blue screens. I am running 7.0b and my Sony GWIII just blacks out for a second without any flickering, snow or blue screens. So, I don't bother switching to Component and I am using DVI in 1080i mode. I guess, some TV sets behave differently.
On a positive note, I like being able to see full program title on the Info screen, including the program name in double quotes (e.g. artist's name on Rave). This wasn't available until this version. I also like seeing three-line program description at the top of the PG screen. In the previous version only 2 lines were displayed. Some other minor bugs appear to be fixed, like those that were caused by pressing PgUp/PgDn while on the Info screen.
Again, the purpose of this version release was not so much to fix bugs or to add new features (which will be done later this year, as I was told), but to make some important internal changes, that are required
in order to enable future PPV functionality and for compatibility with the upcoming DVR! (sorry, I can't be more specific than that
