!!!!! STB Software Update (7.0b) Being Released - Starting Oct. 6th !!!!!

Ok, I got the update last night and have a little info.

There are no noticable changes other than the software version number.

Also you do not have to put your stb into standby mode. I actually fell asleep in my chair last night and when I woke up at around 2 am, the box was downloading the software (said it was at 14%) and it also said that it will reboot itself when finished. So I went back to sleep and awakened at 4 am and it was done, so I then turned it off and went to bed.
Well crap! Maybe this is why my box has locked up on me twice tonight so far. Just when I convince myself to keep Voom another month this happens. I haven't had a PG all night.

i was targeted and HIT

the update ran last night, I think

the reason I cannot confirm if the update actually ran is the parental lock is engaged and the password is unknown.

I called getvoomed and the pleasant surprise was the call went through to an agent very quickly. The bad news is the guy knew there was a problem with the controls and thought it MAY be fixed in a day or so.

I think these guys get the software from some random source this is like a large scale beta.

The new update stinks. I am getting slower channel changing and more black screens upon channel changing than ever.
I haven't been targeted yet. Maybe they have heard the complaints and are fixing the newest bugs?
I have the new software and I final found a difference. In the guide the descriptions now are more complete. Some of the lengthy descriptions in the old software are cut off while now they seem to have added a line or two to complete descriptions. Also, I notice there is now the name of the program as in the title if the program has one alongside the name of the show on the identifiying program bar. In short, the guide changed subtlely.
yeah I got the new stuff and it broke my STB

yesterday i posted the comment that the new software left me locked out of the system.

tonight the prompt response was that the new software has some problems and the technician sent some codes to my STB.

NO help

then he had me reset the STB (up-plug the SAT cable then the power cord) when i rebooted the system he sent a "special" code to my box.

less than NO help, now the video output is gone completely!

NO picture what so ever on any output.

they will send a replacement STB next week.

still seems like this stuff is not tested.

I received the software upgrade 2 days ago.

Last night, my stb locked up twice while I was SLOWLY surfing through the channels.

Each time the video froze to black screen with the lower channel guide remaining on screen with audio.

Soft reboot was impossible each time as both remote and stb were frozen. I had o pull the plug each time.

I have not had to do more than 1 reboot for several months.
Now I do two within an hour.

LuRcH1080i said:
No update here yet. I have 3 STBs and none are targeted :confused:

sup VewDew!!!

That is funny, we live 2 blocks from each other and my stb got the software the first night. I have noticed no more lockups but the video flickers and sometimes goes to a blue screen before bringing in the channel after a channel change. That is for both sat and ota channels. I also noticed that I am getting some otas that I once received with the 6.0 software but lost after the 6.1 update. I picked up some San Jose channels this morning where before I got all Sac and some SF.
So we don't want the new update but the STB doesn't have to be in standby to get it? So that means we all will get it whether we want it or not.


Hopefully the new software will fix that.

What is the status of the 07b update...who has it, who has problems with it, etc.? I called VOOM to report my problem: channels 100-999 take a second longer to tune, audio drops twice for 1/4 second, and channels pixilate during channel change. Soft and hard reboots have not corrected the problem. The STB works and it hasn't locked-up...it's just a bit annoying.

Anyway, VOOM is going to hit my box and they asked me to plug in the phone line. CSR said the phone was for more than PPV. ???

EPG: 20.1.12
Otv: C014403
Nep: 70b
nater said:
NO picture what so ever on any output.

they will send a replacement STB next week.

still seems like this stuff is not tested.

Seems like comprehensive software audits are a thing of the past. at least with this Motorola bunch. My box has been perfectly stable since 6.2 a few months ago, so I hope they don't target me for new software until it works right.
I have the new s/w and decided to change channels with up/down (instead of going thru PG) to see if I noticed any lag. I got like 1 channel change and the box locked up and needed to hard reset. :( never had that w/ the old s/w
Lock-ups are the most annoying part of my Voom experience. I had 2 yesterday with 6.2 and I don't want more with 7.0. The time to recover from a lock-up, reboot and guide load, is horrendous. Hopefully they will do more debugging on 7.0 before the wide release.
Target update V00.01.20?


I just had Voom installed four days ago. After reading this post, I checked to see if my STB had updated. I'm still showing a Current Software Version of V00.05.68. However, I'm showing a Target Software Version of V00.01.20?

I called Voom, but the CSR wasn't even aware there was a Target Software Version field in the System Status, and she certainly didn't understand how it worked. She just told me to wait a few more days to see if the box updates.

Does anyone know why I'm showing V00.01.20 as a target?

Thanks in advance for any answers. :)

Vooming in Louisville, Kentucky on a Sony 50XS910

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