When someone asks a question that the mods feel is "questionable", we have closed the thread and have asked the OP to PM us with what they want to pick up. Some posts are blatant hack questions and get closed and the user is banned
The post in question I closed…Did I ban him? Not that I was aware of (after all he did post after that)
Here are three examples of posts and how I judge them
-I have an old Dish 500 and want to hook it up to my Pansat 3500. What settings do I need in the recever?
This would be asked "what do you want to pick up"? Or an answer with the link to "what can I get with a 18" dish or Dish500?" or something of the nature
-I hooked my Dave Dish to Echo 7 and all I get is a couple channels. The rest are scrambled
This one would be closed and the OP asked in a PM what he plans to pick up. As I have mentioned in lots of threads before, some people who are up to no good use "Dave", "Beverly" and use the satellite name (Echo 6,8 Echo 9) instead of 110, 119
-I just downloaded Bin XYZ666091GWIOP. How come it won't auto roll? I have a DP500 at Echo 7 & 6,8. How come nothing works? HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLP. Any help would make me happy
This one is obvious hack talk and closed and user banned.
As I have also mentioned, most (probably 95%) of the hack posts are a posters 1st or 2nd post. So don't worry about thinking your question might be wrong or may be perceived as hack talk. We just take the precautionary route.