JImDiamond Jim said:I wouldn't know hack talk from back talk, but I am learning.
read this thread from yesterday. I had a lesson on "spotting your hacker"

JImDiamond Jim said:I wouldn't know hack talk from back talk, but I am learning.
Iceberg said:
charper1 said:Now I do know the the internet was created around mid to late 60's after numerous years of development; however the world wide web (a separate deal folks) was around late 1989 and I was "online" in 1990; to 2005 = 15 years. It was no where near the current GUI we enjoy today, but it was there.
global0 said:Hey, ICE you may want to work on a more serious avatar for these people to understand that you are serious(just kiddin')
Bless your heartIceberg said:Like this one?
FTA boxes would be cheaper for us if there was not hacked firmware for them.
that could be said with almost anything though, dish would be cheaper if it wasnt for hackers, i think notIceberg said:Yep prices would be a little less if it was just the legals
Oh don't worry.I am new to this and afraid to ask the wrong questions.
Being new I hope that a stupid question dont get me banned but, the only time I have seen someone banned was through a private email that was not posted.
sling-blade said:ICEBERG BITE ME!!!.....................stop acusing peeps of stealing signals, I merely asked a question. "I may be mistaken , but I thought I read somewhere that Iceberg done a review of the CS 6000, does it exist or is my mind catching up with my eysight and old age"?DO you work for Charlie.....hmmmm. Ban me??? Fine........I've never had a problem on any other forums in the past 15 years. Oh yeah and you don't look anything like ICEBERG.......I know him........THE REAL ONE
The post in question is here
I think I liked the one you had a while back, before the current one.Iceberg said:Like this one?