Stop Acusing people of piracy just because they ask a question

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I've never seen Iceberg be "out of line" in any of his comments. I think the mods are right to ban hack talk and flaming. I used to read the DirecPC newsgroup on Usenet. I quit reading it because there was so much flaming and negativity. Mods are necessary to prevent a bunch of jerks from ruining a good thing. I'm not calling sling-blade a jerk, but I do think his thinking is off base on this issue.
I think Iceberg does a DAMN FINE JOB here!! Keep up the good work Ice!! Ban those jerks who think stealing is legit.

If we didn't take such a hard stance against hackers we would have been shut down long ago.
Iceberg said:
read this thread from yesterday. I had a lesson on "spotting your hacker" :)

:D :) :D ;)

update:: All right, you almost caused me an ER visit ;) (between reading this thread, laughing and drinking my soda, one of the functions, malfunctioned and sent the drink down the wrong tube;) this thread is hilarious. I showed it to my colleague and he is not even in this hobby and he was laughing his guts out ;D

Hey, ICE you may want to work on a more serious avatar for these people to understand that you are serious :D (just kiddin')
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charper1 said:
Now I do know the the internet was created around mid to late 60's after numerous years of development; however the world wide web (a separate deal folks) was around late 1989 and I was "online" in 1990; to 2005 = 15 years. It was no where near the current GUI we enjoy today, but it was there.

I thought Al Gore invented the Internet:D
Sling-blade obviously felt targeted for some odd reason and i am sure your guess about what he is doing or attempting to do is right on thus why protesting so much but you did not accuse of anything do not why he had fly of the handle but do not let it get to you jerks are everywhere and you find one when least expect.
Take it easy and do not let him get under your skin Icerberg.

RtpiFan :)
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global0 said:
Hey, ICE you may want to work on a more serious avatar for these people to understand that you are serious :D (just kiddin')

Like this one?


  • berg 4.jpg
    berg 4.jpg
    2 KB · Views: 149
All I know, I come here to learn and post problems and try to fix other problems...if you want to hack your dish, there are tons of sites...just google them...

by the way..Ice your doing a great job...
Iceberg said:
Like this one?
Bless your heart :D I am still laughing, LOL!
What I don't understand is how these people assume that the "mods" on a forum such as this one, can not see through the post and figure out what they are up to? I remember when I was a kid, my dad told me once that "whatever you are up to, 'done that, been there, seen it. So, no BS'ing' ".
Oh well, let's hope that they'll learn one day!
I watched this site for months before I took the FTA plunge.I joined this forum because of the no hack rule and the professional friendly way FTA questions were answered.This is easily the best FTA forum on the net and Iceberg & PSB do a fantastic job.Thanks Guys.
Iceberg does a great job of keeping Hack posts out.

I myself love it when some dumbass post a hack post and Iceberg breaks out the mighty Ban-Hammer.

I just wish when Iceberg busts someone for hack posts that we would leave the thread open so we can all call the dumbass a dumbass,.

FTA boxes would be cheaper for us if there was not hacked firmware for them.
FTA boxes would be cheaper for us if there was not hacked firmware for them.

its not that there is hack software in them...its the fact that hack sopftware CAN BE loaded into them. Yep prices would be a little less if it was just the legals
Iceberg said:
Yep prices would be a little less if it was just the legals
that could be said with almost anything though, dish would be cheaper if it wasnt for hackers, i think not
charlise( yes thats right charlie with no balls = charlise) pocket get fatter and our bills get bigger
yet dish continues to turn there head and not secure there cams.
i realize this is an fta section but i thought my post holds merit here as well
Not into Fta but Ice and Pete run a real neat and tidy ship
keep up the great work
This is the only legit FTA site I've found that is obviously very popular not to mention informative. I've yet to see Iceberg 'miss' a poster that was looking for hack info.

Ice is the true 'K-9' of this forum. The only thing I struggle with is admitting I like a guy from MN ;)
I am new to this and afraid to ask the wrong questions. I trust in this sight that I would not be lead astray because of the no Hack rule. Being new I hope that a stupid question dont get me banned but, the only time I have seen someone banned was through a private email that was not posted. By the way Ice, I am supposed to go remove a 10' dish tommorow. I have not seen it yet and know no details.:) Keep up the good work.
Iceberg Rules

One reason i joined this fourm is because of the no Hack talk rule been a BUD user
sense 1990 and with all the FREE to the air why hack. Oh BTW i alos Have a 4dtv
subscription thur NPS. Us Fta users do pay to view not Hack to view.

Iceberg does a great job that why hes sat guy of the year.:up :up
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I am new to this and afraid to ask the wrong questions.
Oh don't worry.

Being new I hope that a stupid question dont get me banned but, the only time I have seen someone banned was through a private email that was not posted.

There are no stupid questions, only questions we haven't answered. Some we have but unlike other sites, we aren't going to say "do a search". We just answer them no matter how many times it's been asked. We were all newbies once.

Don't worry about "if I ask a question is it a hack question". If you noticed, most hackers get nuked on their 1st or 2nd post. Once you're past 5-10 posts, we give someone the benefit of the doubt if they ask something like "how do I hook my Diseqc switch up to this 18" DirecTV dish" (when you want to get the free audio on Dish 119 or Gol TV on 110)
I think you are over-reacting. The type of things you asked turn out to be hack questions 99% of the time. If you are not hacking then back that up with some facts. Final piece of advice-attacking a moderator will get you nowhere.

sling-blade said:
ICEBERG BITE ME!!!.....................stop acusing peeps of stealing signals, I merely asked a question. "I may be mistaken , but I thought I read somewhere that Iceberg done a review of the CS 6000, does it exist or is my mind catching up with my eysight and old age"?DO you work for Charlie.....hmmmm. Ban me??? Fine........I've never had a problem on any other forums in the past 15 years. Oh yeah and you don't look anything like ICEBERG.......I know him........THE REAL ONE;)

The post in question is here
Iceberg said:
Like this one?
I think I liked the one you had a while back, before the current one.

Considering what you do to the hackers, maybe a pic of the Titanic hitting an Iceberg would be more appropriate.
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Switch for different dishes?

Multi satellite set up question

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