Stop Acusing people of piracy just because they ask a question

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Original poster
Feb 22, 2006
ICEBERG BITE ME!!!.....................stop acusing peeps of stealing signals, I merely asked a question. "I may be mistaken , but I thought I read somewhere that Iceberg done a review of the CS 6000, does it exist or is my mind catching up with my eysight and old age"?DO you work for Charlie.....hmmmm. Ban me??? Fine........I've never had a problem on any other forums in the past 15 years. Oh yeah and you don't look anything like ICEBERG.......I know him........THE REAL ONE;)

The post in question is here
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This is a question not an accusation!

Iceberg does a WONDERFUL job here, me thinks you protest too much!

"Oh yeah and you don't look anything like ICEBERG.......I know him........THE REAL ONE"

This is a serious forum, school yard comments are not needed here PLEASE!
Huh? What is your issue? Lets go back to the posts, shall we?

Your original post
I may be mistaken , but I thought I read somewhere that Iceberg done a review of the CS 6000, does it exist or is my mind catching up with my eysight and old age?

My response
negative. I only did a review on the 4000 and the 5000

Havent seen a 6000 but from reading reports, its a 5000 in a 4000 case with an EPG that goes out longer. Since in this side of the world, there really arent any FTA channels that use a guide (Europe is different..EPG is HUGE there) its irrelevant.

considering its not available until April, little hard to do a review on a product that isnt avaialble yet

Havent accused anybody yet. I made a fact. Since in this side of the world, there really arent any FTA channels that use a guide (Europe is different..EPG is HUGE there) its irrelevant

Your response
The review I was thinking about may have been on Captive Works 6000, anyway it said something about leaving the channel on channel 100 and leaving the receiver on during the night to allow the EPG to update.

And I responded
there has NEVER, I repeat NEVER been any review ever done here that has anything to do with a EPG. Since 99% of the chanenls up there have no EPG, its a moot point.

And why would you leave it on channel 100? UNLESS YOU ARE STEALING DISH NETWORK

we DO NOT condone hacking here........

if you read my reviews, I say there is an EPG but it's a moot point since 99% of the free to air channels don't have one. I have never said anything about "leaving it on channel ____" to download the guide. That is only in a hack world. That is why I said that we do not condone hacking here.

And please show me where I said you were a hacker….if you read the post carefully it clearly says

"And why would you leave it on channel 100? UNLESS YOU ARE STEALING DISH NETWORK"

Look buddy, if you legitimately asked a question on hacking, you would have been banned for asking a hack question. But you're not are you? So obviously I am assuming that you are legit.

I think its pretty funny that you think I accuse you of hacking when you asked
I merely asked a question. "I may be mistaken , but I thought I read somewhere that Iceberg done a review of the CS 6000, does it exist or is my mind catching up with my eysight and old age"?

Did I not answer your question politely? I said "negative. I only did a review on the 4000 and the 5000

Havent seen a 6000 but from reading reports, its a 5000 in a 4000 case with an EPG that goes out longer. Since in this side of the world, there really arent any FTA channels that use a guide (Europe is different..EPG is HUGE there) its irrelevant.

considering its not available until April, little hard to do a review on a product that isnt avaialble yet"

Where have I accused you of hacking? Answer me that question.

I've never had a problem on any other forums in the past 15 years
That's nice. I'm not staff at "other forums". I'm staff here and I feel I do a damn good job of it. If you don't like how myself & PSB run this area then you have every right to leave.
Rarely do I step on your toes but I would like to keep this open to see what our other members have to say :)
I edited the OP post...I left in his ramblings and all I did was delete the copy/paste of the original thread in question and made a link to it.
Like it or not, the no tolerance for hack talk is a necessity for this forum to stay around. This forum is great because enough of us that enjoy 'real' FTA have found a place to get together.

I've been to other FTA forums. They come in two flavors - nearly dead and hack.

I've sure Satelliteguys wants to end up as neither of these. With the recent crack down Dish has been doing on hack equipment on ebay, it probably won't be long before they start going after the hack sites.

I say keep it up mods, great job :up .
Thumbs-up IB...!

If only we can all get through life without having to manage all the noise!

IB- I have the highest respect for all you founders/staffers/mods, etc. I've learned a LOT in these forums and only hope I can contribute back in a positive way to help someone else. I certainly never want to distract or flame anyone - no place for that here! Wish others felt the same...
I have a sticker of Iceberg's avatar with the words "No Hack Box" placed on the top of my Dreambox.
Sling Blade,
15 years on forums? Considering the web did not become a reality for most people until late 1993/ early 1994 that statement is pure BS. As for the rest of your post, I did not see Iceberg accusing anyone of hacking. He merely stated a fact as regards the usage of EPG here in North America. If you had been accused of "hack talk" you would have been banned, which you are not. By the way, bashing the mods is also a bannable offence in every forum I have ever belonged to.
I like the no hack talk rule. This forum is dedicated to helping preserve this hobby of ours. I fully support Iceberg, Pete, and the other mods who run this forum. These guys have been very helpful since I began this hobby.

FTA is a lot like fishing: You never know what you'll catch, but having a fishing pole doesn't give a person the right to sneak onto some elses' private property to catch more fish.

By the way, Iceberg, did Sling-Blade ever try to PM you to discuss this issue? If anyone has a problem with someone in this forum, why don't you try to work out your issues through PMs? Keep the rest of us out of it, and help keep this forum the best one on the net.
By the way, Iceberg, did Sling-Blade ever try to PM you to discuss this issue? If anyone has a problem with someone in this forum, why don't you try to work out your issues through PMs? Keep the rest of us out of it, and help keep this forum the best one on the net

nope. No PM. I closed the original thread and hadn't heard a peep until this morning when I read a copy/paste of the original thread and then find this attack at me for some odd reason. Like I mentioned before, I never have accused him of hacking. All I stated was "why would you leave the box on channel 100 unless you are stealing Dish Network" which is a proven fact on the Coolsat 6000 with illegal software on it.

eh, I don't let little petty things like "bite me" bother me.
I agree on a few points in addition to the strict NO HACK TALK rule!

1. Pete/Shakespeare - "Me thinks you doth protest to much!"

2. Horn tooting (LOL) I know Iceberg and you are not him! LOL!

The earmarks of a 14 - 20 yr old up to no good.

Now I do know the the internet was created around mid to late 60's after numerous years of development; however the world wide web (a separate deal folks) was around late 1989 and I was "online" in 1990; to 2005 = 15 years. It was no where near the current GUI we enjoy today, but it was there.
I wouldn't know hack talk from back talk, but I am learning. With that said, lets move on to the fact that this guy's attitude is WAY WAY out of line here. We do not need that here. I can sum this up in two words: BAN 'IM!!!!
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Tony and Pete do a fine job here.

Tony visits other forums which is where I first saw his posts a couple of years ago when he was getting into satellite. He's nice on all the forums.

Pete has a good satellite business where I haven't had any problems with my purchases.

Sling-blade is perfect for satforums. That atiitude fits right in with the "moderators" there. Go visit there instead of here and ask questions with that 'tude.
Iceberg said:
That's nice. I'm not staff at "other forums". I'm staff here and I feel I do a damn good job of it. If you don't like how myself & PSB run this area then you have every right to leave.

Ice, I like to give credit where its due and you and Pete do a great job. But it's not just you guys, its the whole site. Almost everyone here seems to go out of their way to help people and be respectful at the same time. That seems to be a rare combination on the Internet, and I'd like to thank you guys for making this a very enjoyable place to spend a few minutes each day.

As for the OP. I'm with Jim, let him take his attitude elsewhere it doesn't belong here.
I'll second and third and fourth,etc. all they said !!! Ice and Pete have done a GREAT job with this forum ! Keep up the good work guys, Mike
If you notice I have said nothing about this until now.

As I type this I am sitting at my desk smiling, I gave PSB and Iceberg the keys to the forum and they have done and continue to do a great job on our Free to Air forums. There is not a thing I would change about their operation of the forums.

No Hack Talk means just that. And I am proud to have the two best watchdogs on patrol. :)

Good work guys!
This is a great site for serious information about this hobby, which could be very tricky many times. I like visiting this site and its a great source of knowledge for me and I have learned a great deal by reading the posts. Thanks guys, "ICEBERG" and "PSB"! Your posts are insightful. And for those who are looking for other type(s) of information, I think that it is "fair and square". this forum has certain rules and they are posted at the time that the user signs up. So, if someone does not like wht they see, then, please visit other sites.
Keep up the good work guys! :up :up
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