Huh? What is your issue? Lets go back to the posts, shall we?
Your original post
I may be mistaken , but I thought I read somewhere that Iceberg done a review of the CS 6000, does it exist or is my mind catching up with my eysight and old age?
My response
negative. I only did a review on the 4000 and the 5000
Havent seen a 6000 but from reading reports, its a 5000 in a 4000 case with an EPG that goes out longer. Since in this side of the world, there really arent any FTA channels that use a guide (Europe is different..EPG is HUGE there) its irrelevant.
considering its not available until April, little hard to do a review on a product that isnt avaialble yet
Havent accused anybody yet. I made a fact. Since in this side of the world, there really arent any FTA channels that use a guide (Europe is different..EPG is HUGE there) its irrelevant
Your response
The review I was thinking about may have been on Captive Works 6000, anyway it said something about leaving the channel on channel 100 and leaving the receiver on during the night to allow the EPG to update.
And I responded
there has NEVER, I repeat NEVER been any review ever done here that has anything to do with a EPG. Since 99% of the chanenls up there have no EPG, its a moot point.
And why would you leave it on channel 100? UNLESS YOU ARE STEALING DISH NETWORK
we DO NOT condone hacking here........
if you read my reviews, I say there is an EPG but it's a moot point since 99% of the free to air channels don't have one. I have never said anything about "leaving it on channel ____" to download the guide. That is only in a hack world. That is why I said that we do not condone hacking here.
And please show me where I said you were a hacker….if you read the post carefully it clearly says
"And why would you leave it on channel 100? UNLESS YOU ARE STEALING DISH NETWORK"
Look buddy, if you legitimately asked a question on hacking, you would have been banned for asking a hack question. But you're not are you? So obviously I am assuming that you are legit.
I think its pretty funny that you think I accuse you of hacking when you asked
I merely asked a question. "I may be mistaken , but I thought I read somewhere that Iceberg done a review of the CS 6000, does it exist or is my mind catching up with my eysight and old age"?
Did I not answer your question politely? I said "negative. I only did a review on the 4000 and the 5000
Havent seen a 6000 but from reading reports, its a 5000 in a 4000 case with an EPG that goes out longer. Since in this side of the world, there really arent any FTA channels that use a guide (Europe is different..EPG is HUGE there) its irrelevant.
considering its not available until April, little hard to do a review on a product that isnt avaialble yet"
Where have I accused you of hacking? Answer me that question.
I've never had a problem on any other forums in the past 15 years
That's nice. I'm not staff at "other forums". I'm staff here and I feel I do a damn good job of it. If you don't like how myself & PSB run this area then you have every right to leave.